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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MCCLB

  1. MCCLB

    Waking Up In The O.r????

    Not to freak you out, but I woke up on the operating table with the tube still down my throat. So it definitely can happen. I had voiced my concerns with the anesthesiologist, because the only other surgery I had before lap band was my wisdom teeth, where they put me under general anesthesia. I woke up twice during my wisdom teeth surgery and it was very scary. When I woke up from my lap band surgery, I started freaking out-- they pulled the tube out of my throat which was AWFUL, and then I heard them count to 3 and then lifted me over to the stretcher to bring me to the recovery room. At the time, I thought that the surgery was still going on and I was apparently yelling at my surgeon and asking him why I was still awake during surgery (especially because it had been a huge concern of mine). I think most people wake up in the recovery room and already have some pain meds in them. I did not and I was in a LOT of pain. It finally subsided a bit when they got some meds in me. Again, I don't mean to freak you out, but it can happen. Good luck!
  2. I have some great scale news and want to Celebrate. So, my highest weight ever was 299 lbs. Today, 2 big things happened. I have lost 100 lbs and I have also entered into ONDERLAND!! Funny that the numbers work out that way, but they do! It feels really good to have a 1 as the first digit in my weight! I hope everyone else is doing great, too!!
  3. MCCLB

    Couch To 5K App?

    I recently completed the C25K and the app I used was "Get Running.". It keeps track of all your runs, tells you when to run and when to walk etc., and (at least I know on iPhone) you can listen to Pandora, iPod, etc while the app is running.. It will just lower the volume a little and tell you "one min left" or whatever else it tells you. It's great-- I highly recommend Get Running!
  4. MCCLB

    Getting Started?

    Also, I meant those were just the requirements for that particular hospital. Every hospital is different. But that webinar is great anyway.. I recommend you watch!
  5. MCCLB

    Getting Started?

    The first thing you should do is to contact your insurance company and see if they cover the surgery. If they do, then I would choose a primary care doctor and make an appointment. Actually, you should do that anyway, even if they don't cover the surgery because it sounds like you should get a physical. Talk to your doctor about the surgery and see what he says. Since he won't know you yet, he may ask to see you again before he will refer you to a surgeon. Mine did that because I had only been to her once about 2 years prior because I hurt my shoulder in a car accident. So she wanted to see me in 6 weeks, then 12 weeks, to see how I was doing and show that I was committed to life style changes (because you will be making a LOT of lifestyle changes with this surgery). The hospital my doc referred me to does seminars about the surgery and you must attend two before starting the process. You can watch the "webinar" that will count as one. There is some good info on it if you want to watch... www.bidmc.org/wls. Click on "webinar on weight loss surgery" on the left side bar. You should do as much research as you can before you decide this is the surgery for you. Good luck!
  6. MCCLB

    I Am Crying As I Write This...

    I'm sorry you are feeling down. I've been dealing with depression for over a year now and it's no fun. In November I finally sought counseling and in December I started taking anti-depressants. It might be something worth looking into for you. Maybe ask your doc for a referral or contact a counseling center that accepts your insurance. It sounds like you could use someone to talk to. Good luck!
  7. I think most ORs are pretty strict with what they allow and don't allow. For example, you can't wear any jewelry or makeup and they have you shower with a special kind of soap before-hand. Honestly, I know you are modest as are a lot of people, but I think it is just something you'll have to deal with (I mean this in the nicest way possible). They have seen it ALL. They will cover you up with sheets. Also, did you need to have an EKG done pre-op? I had to have one pre-op and post-op in the hospital and you need to remove your top for that, too. Just wanted to prepare you.
  8. I can totally relate! That was the thing I worried most about going into surgery. I'm very self-conscious and didn't want anyone seeing anything! You are, in fact, supposed to be naked under your gown. They are professionals and the OR team does a good job during surgery to maintain the dignity and privacy of patients and they cover up any areas that do not need to be exposed with sheets. They have seen it all. I also asked my surgeon about a catheter, because I did NOT want one. He said if I go to the bathroom before-hand, I would not need one. It worked out just fine. I understand your worry, but it is just something that has to be done. Trust me, after the surgery-- you won't give it a second thought. Good luck!!
  9. MCCLB

    Skinny Bucket List

    This may sound awful, but when I'm skinny I would love to be able to attract a sugar daddy who will pay for any and all the plastic surgery I want... 'cause I sure has hell can't afford it! Then, I would love to go to a nude beach and be comfortable!
  10. My understanding is that you should eat chewable, as opposed to gummy, because they will dissolve and not get stuck. A gummy vitamin can be like eating a gummy bear... may not go down easily. But everyone is different and it may also depend on your level of restriction. I personally use Flintstone vitamins. I like the taste and they go down just fine.
  11. The Couch to 5K is a 9-week running program designed to get anyone from being a couch potato to being able to run a 5K, or run 30 min straight. The website is C25K.com I downloaded the Get Running app on my iPhone, which is a c25k app, and I love it. It keeps track of your runs and tells you when to run and when to walk. It also lets you play Pandora (or other music) and then lowers the volume when it tells you things. This morning I did day 2 of Week 4. The schedule is as follows: Always start with a 5-min walk to warm up and end with a 5-min walk to cool down. Week 1: Runs 1, 2, 3 Total Running: 8 min 8X: Run 1 minute. Between runs, walk 1.5 min. Week 2: Runs 1, 2, 3 Total Running: 9 min 6X: Run 1.5 min. Between runs, walk 2 min. Week 3: Runs 1, 2, 3 Total Running: 9 min 2X: Run 1.5 min, then walk 1.5 min. Run 3 min, then walk 3 min. Week 4: Runs 1, 2, 3 Total Running: 16 min 2X: Run 3 min, then walk 1.5 min. Run 5 min, then walk 2.5 min. Week 5: Run 1 Total Running: 15 min 3X: Run 5 min. Between runs, walk 3 min. Week 5: Run 2 Total Running: 16 min Run 8 min, then walk 5 min. Run 8 min. Week 5: Run 3 Total Running: 20 min Run 20 min. with no walking Week 6: Run 1 Total Running: 18 min Run 5 min, then walk 3 min. Run 8 min, then walk 3 min. Run 5 min. Week 6: Run 2 Total Running: 20 min Run 10 min, then walk 3 min. Run 10 min. Week 6: Run 3 Total Running: 25 min. Run 25 min with no walking. Week 7: Runs 1, 2, 3 Total Running: 25 min Run 25 min with no walking. Week 8: Runs 1, 2, 3 Total Running: 28 min Run 28 min with no walking. Week 9: Runs 1, 2, 3 Total Running: 30 min Run 30 min with no walking. You can repeat weeks as necessary. I repeated week 1, but I've been smooth-sailing ever since. Hope this helps and good luck!
  12. Hi Dani bee, The first thing you should do is contact your insurance company to see if they cover weight loss surgery and if they do, ask about the requirements to have it. Then you should make an appointment with your primary care doctor to discuss it. Your doc may know of some great surgeons and can refer you. You should definitely go to a seminar. My surgeon also has a "webinar" if you want to check it out. It is pretty informative and you can check it out at www.bidmc.org/wls. Keep doing your research so you can be prepared and make a well-informed decision. Good luck!!
  13. Hi guys, I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to try Miracle Noodle tonight and let you know how it is! There are two types of these noodles-- the tofu kind and the regular kind. I'm going to try the angel hair style regular kind. They are made from the root of some plant and is soluble Fiber, so there are no calories and no carbs. There is a recipe for them on YouTube by "Imskinnyinside" and I'm going to try a modified version of that. From what I understand, when you open them there is a fishy smell, but all you have to do is rinse them thoroughly under running Water for about 5 minutes and pat them dry with paper towels and the fishy smell is gone. Also, I've read they are a little more chewy than Pasta and they're tasteless and will take on the taste of whatever sauce they are in. I'm doing a low-carb diet to speed up my weight loss for a while, so I bought some pasta sauce that is 5 carbs per serving, some ground steak, and some mozzarella cheese and am going to do a pasta bake. I'll let you know how it turns out later this evening!!
  14. Okay, so I just had them. And they're really not bad as a zero cal zero carb replacement for Pasta. So it's true that they are rather tasteless, but take on the taste of the sauce. I made a meat sauce, mixed in the pasta and put it in a casserole dish. Then I topped it with mozzarella cheese and put it in the oven on 350 for about 18 min. One thing I will say is that since I was really hungry and hadn't eaten that much earlier, I ate them a bit too fast and didn't chew enough.... so they came back up. But I'm not saying they're not band-friendly. I think if I chewed properly they would've stayed down. I might try them with Philly cooking cream soon.. Also, I was thinking about doing a Ramen noodle type dish with them. There are a lot of recipes out there, so I think I can have some good variety.
  15. MCCLB

    Good Shoes For Support?

    I agree with Brooks! I love mine and they really have helped with my plantar fasciitis. That's what my podiatrist at MGH in Boston recommended. I would go with a motion-control running shoe. Also, they tend to be a little deeper, so they're good if you need to fit in orthotics like I do. Good luck!
  16. Okay, so I'll try and briefly explain my journey so far. Since my surgery on May 16, 2011 I've basically been a complete failure. My highest weight was 299.5 and on surgery day I weighed 267. Well since then, my weight crept up to 285 or so. I know I have myself to blame, because I basically ate nothing but junk. I had my first fill in July and the doc put in 1 cc. I did feel a difference in how I ate. Since the fill, over the past several months if I ate too fast or took too big of a bite and didn't chew properly, I would regurgitate. And I wouldn't give my stomach a chance to recover and keep eating solids, so I would keep regurgitating. I know it sounds horrible, but I was still hungry and just wanted to eat. But other times, it felt like I could eat however much I wanted. I noticed I couldn't eat quite was much as I could pre-op, but still way too much for having the band. I was so embarrassed about doing so horribly and didn't want to be lectured at the surgeon's office again, that I canceled my September appointment I had for follow-up/fill and said I'd reschedule, but never did. Anyway, I have been depressed as well for about a year and I finally sought help for it in the beginning of November. I've been going to weekly therapy and started taking 2 antidepressants. I'm starting to feel a little better and have regained the motivation I once had to stick to my diet and really be committed to my weight loss. For the past 10 days I've been sticking to a low-carb diet and exercising and I'm back down to 276. I have an upcoming appointment with my surgeon and the nutritionist on Jan 18 and I am terrified. I know they're going to lecture me about not coming in, as well as not sticking to my diet and I'm afraid of what they'll say. I'm hoping to at least get down to my surgery weight by the appointment, so I won't look like a total failure. Also, I'm afraid they'll be mad that I wasn't completely truthful in the psych eval about my depression. So I have a few questions: Do you think they'll give me a fill? Do you think I need a fill? I had been regurgitating a lot, but not when I chew food properly and take my time. I feel like I can eat way more than I should. I really do want a fill because I think it will help me stay on track. Also, do you think I'll be able to swallow my antidepressant pills if I get a fill? I'm afraid because one of them is a suspended release and can't be crushed and the other is a capsule. I know some of you are probably thinking... Why did you even bother to get the surgery if you were just going to sabotage yourself? That's not how I started out, but somehow just lost my motivation and drive and just didn't care about myself anymore. I think it had a lot to do with my depression, which I'm working on. But I am totally motivated now, but I just don't think the surgeon will see it that way and look at me as a failure. Anyway, any thoughts or advice will be appreciated. I'm just so scared of my appointment next week. Sorry this was so long, I just needed to get it off my chest.
  17. I had my appointment today and it totally wasn't bad at all!!! I'm so relieved! I told my surgeon that I was scared of him and he laughed and said that wasn't the first time he heard that. I told him I fell off the wagon and he said the good thing about lap band is that if you fall off, you can fall right back on again. Ahhhh... so relieved. And I got my fill.. another 1.75cc. I'm not sure how much restriction I have yet because I'm supposed to do full liquids for 3 days and then mushies for 3 days, so I'll have to wait and see. Also, before my appointment in Boston today, I walked about 4.5 miles on the Charles river. It was cold and windy, but I did it. Thanks for all your support everybody!
  18. I know personally it is very hard not to weigh yourself every day. I don't have the will power to just say I'll weigh myself once a week. And with normal day to day weight fluctuations it is very easy to get discouraged! So do what I did... Give your scale to a friend or relative for them to keep at their house. That way, you can only weigh yourself when you go there. I gave mine to my cousin to hold, and I usually go over her house every 1-2 weeks or so, which is perfect! It is freeing to know the scale is not there waiting for me when I get up. I even once had my sister hide it for me, but then I searched the whole house for it! It's so much easier when it's not even there! Just thought I'd share. Good luck!!!!
  19. I agree with the advice that you should just say you are having a surgery of a personal nature that you would prefer not to discuss the details. For all they know, it could be about your woman parts. That also gives them some time to prepare for you not being there. If you say you're having an emergency appendectomy, then they won't have any notice that you'll be gone. I agree, it's none of their business, regardless of their profession. I definitely do not recommend lying, though. Good luck! Keep us updated.
  20. MCCLB

    Total failure - no weight loss

    Carol, I'm so glad to read your post! I just recently posted something very similar, see: "Fell of the Bandwagon, Scared to see Surgeon" thread. I'm so glad for you that things are on the up and up. I know personally depression is something that is very hard to go through. I have been clinically depressed for at least a year and I didn't have my first therapy appointment until November. It really does help. Like you, I didn't want to get out of bed, I didn't want to go out and exercise or eat right because I just didn't care anymore. I couldn't find the motivation. I started anti-depressants too and I think they're starting to help. For about a week a half I've been sticking to a low-carb diet and losing weight. I've started exercising again: even yesterday I went for 2 walks with my dog for a total of 6.5 miles. I know I need some fills and have an appt with my surgeon on Wednesday, so I'm really hoping it helps. I'm glad you found the courage to get a second opinion. I've read on here that the amount of fill people have in their bands varies for everyone, so your NP should not have said that you weren't doing your part, even when you couldn't even feel as though you had a band. That's why we got the band in the first place-- to give us restriction in the amount of food we can eat! I've only had 1 cc in my band because I was too embarrassed to go back to the doc because I hadn't been doing my part. I wish I had gone back sooner because I would probably be a lot further along in my journey than I am now. But one important thing that I'm trying to learn is that: you cannot change the past! No more woulda' shoulda' coulda's. If we keep dwelling on what could have been, then we can't move forward. Anyway, Sorry to ramble on, I'm just glad to know that someone going through the same thing as me is doing so well and is on the right path to success! I really wish you luck in your journey!
  21. Thank you all soooo much for your comments! They really made me feel a lot better. I'm glad to know there are people out there who understand what I'm going through and are here to help. Readytogoforit, thank you for the kind words. I will keep my appointment. Achambers, Crispaholic, and Ashues: good luck getting back on track, too! I know we can all do it! And Cazzy, B-52, Nurse, and Humming Bird, thank you for the words of encouragement! I needed to hear it! I really appreciate you all taking the time to read my post and help me. I really believe I can get back on track. I'll be honest with the doc and nutritionist and if they have negative opinions of me, screw them! They should try going through what we have to go through! Anyway, I really do feel so much better after reading all your comments. Thank you and good luck on your journeys!
  22. Hey JJ, I just got my surgery at Beth Israel on May 16th by Dr. Jones. Which surgeon did you have? What did you think of your experience there? -Mary
  23. Hi Guys! I just wanted to share that yesterday I turned the big 2-6, lol and tomorrow I am finally getting my band! I'm having it done by Dr. Daniel Jones at the Beth Israel in Boston. I'm very happy it's finally here-- the time really flew by. I was doing laundry and folding clothes today and was thinking how hopefully by next year (or even a few months) none of this stuff will fit me. I can't wait to get rid of all my fat clothes and enjoy going shopping! Anyway, just wanted to say hi and wish everybody in the process well and good luck! Mary

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