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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by missjanab

  1. missjanab

    50lbs down, and loving it!

    congrats! i jus hit the 50lb mark last week and i was sleeved about a week after you! congrats to us both!
  2. missjanab

    Hate to Cook

    i'm 11 weeks out and live a life very similar to yours, work full time, work part time and i live alone, and i've got the same question. i live on a budget so it would be an even bigger help if the meals were fairly cheap. i hope we get some answers!
  3. so yesterday i finally hit the 50lbs lost mark! so excited!

  4. had my 6wk post-op yesterday, went ok, nurse says i'm 2lbs ahead in my loss, i thought i was behind so dat's good. 38lbs gone forever.

  5. mine came 3days after also and lasted 5days...was supposed to be here last sun but all i've gotten was a lil spotting the last 3days, sometimes if i stress to much it won't come at all & i have been stressing dearly over this whole slow weightloss situation i'm knee deep in right now.
  6. yes i was! but a lot of the people i was looking at were bypasser's and i now kno they lose different from us sleevers.
  7. missjanab


    i feeling the same thing right now, it goes on all day even into the night and if i let it go to long without eating it will really start to hurt. i take two ppi's a day.
  8. lol bcuz it can! the scale can take a lovely day attitude and turn it into stank real quick! it's like another bf/husband in the bathroom!
  9. it sounds like both of our minds are on the same page in the same book. my loss has been much slower than i expected, i've only lost 22lb since surgery and i was expecting more like 60lbs by now. i don't kno wat i'm doing wrong or wat's going on but this is not wat i was expecting at all. i haven't voiced my feelings of regret out loud but they are def in my head. your not alone hun! i'm right here standing right next to you.
  10. you are doing great girly!

  11. i feel the same way. my surg was on 8/11 and i was 260 and here we are 9/17 and i'm 241 (gained a lb since yesterday) and that's only 19lbs since surg! i get discouraged everytime i think of it bcuz i feel like i really could've done that w/o the surg if i really got my butt in gear. i was expecting to lose so much more, more quickly. i'm doing everything i'm supposed to do and i'm sure i could workout more but even with that lil downfall i still haven't lost much at all. there are some people on here that have lost 50-60lbs in the first month and it's been over a month for me and i've only lost 19! it truly gives me a sad face at times.
  12. missjanab

    these early stalls

    i feel the exact same way! i had surg 8/11 and have only lost 14lbs since surgery & didn't lose any of those last week. i eat fairly good and by failry i don't mean any cheating i mean some days i miss a meal or two but i'm still eating on plan, no slip-ups. i've excersied some not that much, jus walking, i'm re-joining the gym this evening with hopes of breaking this stall. i kno slow lost has it's upsides but i ready to see the fruits of my labor. i've put a lot of work into having this surgery and i'm ready for results. it is nice to kno i'm not alone.
  13. hey girle! i'm so glad your doing okay! welcome to the sleevers side!

  14. feeling so much better, i've been in and out of more stores in the last 2days than i have in the last 6mths, i've only lost 28lbs & i'm showing it off, watch out world cuz i'm only gonna get smaller!

  15. i have a womens multi vitamin i take that does not come in a chewable or gummy form, can i just crush them after surgery and swallow the bits? or do i have to find a chewable/gummy vitamin?
  16. been in hospital since yesterday afternoon, got xrays today, xray dr says there is severe reflux, hadn't seen dr yet, jus developed the squirts, DBF had to go back on location so now i'm here alone, nurses are great though.

  17. 10 days post-op and nothing is helping the nausea, this sucks.

  18. missjanab

    When did you feel good post op

    i feel the same way! i so did not expect any of this! it's nice to kno i'm not alone!
  19. i know exactly how u feel. my right shoulder was KILLING me on day 6, i'm still have pain when drinking and eating, it's like as soon as it hits my sleeve i feel a dull sense of pain, it only lasts a few seconds but it sucks! they say it gets better, i sure hope sonner than later!
  20. missjanab

    Regretting surgery

    i wish i could help you but i am 8 days out and i feel EXACTLY how u feel! i'm really starting to have some serious feelings of regret!
  21. finally got out of the house today & came into the office, feeling a lil better, i just wish the upset stomach would go away! i can handle everything else, down 21lbs

  22. 6 days post-op and feeling a little down, i've only lost 4lbs & i'm still feeling pain, today is the first day i've been able to walk straight up without holding my tummy up, haven't got a single workout in & not eating no where near what i'm supposed to, i still have a lil pain when i swallow, the pain in the right side of neck is killing me & everytime i take a pain pill it upsets my stomach, this was not what i expected and i so hope it's worth it.

  23. i was sleeved 4 days ago on aug 11th, i woke up in recovery and was in a tremendous amount of pain from the gas. friday while i was in the hospital i had a mild/pain/panic attack the gas pain was really kicking my butt. back to the point, i'm home and a had a few baby spoonfuls of mashed potatos yesterday and it seemed as if they were pushing the gas out but the pain is so much i can't tell wat's going on. whenever i drink something if it's too much of a sip then it hurts right in my chest area. fyi, my dr puts us on mushies for the first two weeks and then regular food after that. and yes i've been walking and taking gas-x. one of my incision sites is still really painful, i've got pain in my shoulders and in my neck. i called the dr to see if i could get some stronger meds bcuz the tramadol is not working at all, he should return my call this morning. my question is 'is there still gas there or is this actually pain from the trauma of having my first major surgery?' i'm a lil concerned bcuz the pain is really stopping me from eating anything and sipping as much as i'm supposed to.
  24. missjanab

    Post-Op Pain

    thank you guys for all your advice!

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