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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ShrinkyDinkyDoo

  1. ShrinkyDinkyDoo

    Feeling too good??

    I felt the same way, It was so easy that I had a fear that I wasnt even banded......silly right? I never took the meds they sent home with me, only gas-x and childrens tylanol and motrin. My weight loss has been slow but very steady! I have never vomited, and I have never been stuck. I have had a little pain after eating too fast, and it not wanting to go down, but I got up an walked around, and learned from it, and have never had that happen again. I have also never PB'd (maybe im jinxing myself now ) I would just say that you are lucky, and have a great pain tolerance, and are gonna work this band thing like a rock star!! Good luck!!
  2. Ok, so I had my second fill about amonth ago (I now have 4CC's in my 11CC band) and finally, the scale is moving in the right direction! Albeit slowly, but thats ok. My quesions, is: I can get full on 1/2 to 3/4 of food, and Im eating the right things, chewy meats, and fiberous fruits and veggies, but im only full for 3 hrs or so. Then my tummy starts to growl. My surgeons guidlines say that I should only have 3 meals a day with NO snacking. So if I am hungry every three hours, then im not at my right fill level right? I am losing weight. But im using a lot of will power. How long should I stay full between meals?
  3. ShrinkyDinkyDoo

    Two things about weighing yourself

    For you to step on the scale 3 different times and get three different numbers is normal. In fact, in the Army, when they do an official height and weight, they weigh you 3 times, then take the average of the 3, and that is the "official" weight you are given. As long as the 3 separate numbers aren't 20lbs apart, only a few ounces to a lb, then your scale is just fine!
  4. Way to go girl!! Way to inspire the rest of us too!!
  5. ShrinkyDinkyDoo

    Wii Zumba

    So much fun, and man did I sweat. I can just picture myself on Dancing with the Stars next If you are looking for a fun way to work out indoors (if you live in Texas you can feel my 107 degree pain) or something that is fun enough that you will want to keep doing it, then I suggest this game. I had a blast! My warning though, its like any other work out video that you do at home, you choose how much effort to put it. I was happy I was alone because I am a CLASSIC white girl with NO rhythm, shaking my salsa bootie! It has tons of different things to choose from, like a work out dance mode that is 20 min long in 5 min incriments (with 5 sec of Water break in between each dance) or you can choose to just dance one type of dance, about 5 min a piece and there are alot to choose from like salsa, hip hop, swing and so on...and then there are beginner, intermediate and pro modes. Like I said, totally recommended!!
  6. I was banded in April, and my weight loss has beel slow and steady, and Im ok with that, as long as the scale goes down, not up, every ounce is a celebration here, but a few weeks ago i decided to up the pace a little and started working out, and I have loved it, and its made a huge difference. Until this past couple of days. I didnt want to work out yesterday but I made myself, and usually I feel great afterwords, but yesterday I didnt. I was sore, but in a bad way, like sore joints, and the sweaty clothes made me feel itchy and gross, and the shower was too hot afterwords. It just felt awful. I turned on my video that I love, and before I even hit the 5 min mark, I turned it back off. I want to sit on my rear and be pitiful. I am gonna attempt to MAKE myself go for a long walk tonight without my kiddos, and hopefully that will put an end to my slump. Any one else have any great ideas?
  7. ShrinkyDinkyDoo

    Random Question about the Girly Parts...

    I have the SAME problem. I never had this problem when I was a normal weight. Its only after I gained all of my weight that it all started, and im hoping that losing all the weight will help. I have two kids, but I cant blame it on child birth because both were born via C-Section. I swear, it started with being overweight. Its caused a lot of saddness for me, because I dont feel what my DH and I do, and I know that he doesnt either, and he doenst climax with me. We have to do that part of it for ourselves. Love making has become just that, being intimate for the sake of being intimate, not for pleasure. Im a lucky girl, in that my hubby thinks im beautiful no matter what I weigh, and he still wants to be with me, but it totally breaks my heart. He is a really beautiful man, and gets hit on alot, sometimes in front of me, so to know inside my head, that im not pleasing him sexually is the worst feeling ever! All I can do is keep focusing on the weight loss, and hope it gets better. Im not sex crazed, but seriously, the biggest reason I want to lose weight, is so that I can enjoy this beautiful man and have him enjoy me too, and when im having a hard time with diet, I just think of him, and what it could be like, and it keeps me focused! I hope the best for you too!
  8. ShrinkyDinkyDoo

    Numerology anyone?!

    First of all, CONGRATS on the 30lbs!! You go girl!! I dont really follow numerology, but my baby has an interesting number pattern....He was born on may 8th 2008 at 8:18am he weighed 8lbs 8oz. My little number 8 boy
  9. ShrinkyDinkyDoo

    2nd fill

    I have to say that Im a bit envious. 48lbs, holy crow. I was banded in April, and I have yet to lose 20. I went in for my first fill already, and barely noticed a difference, and when I went in for my second fill, he said I didnt need it. I felt a little let down. I go in again this coming wed (the 22nd) and have only lost 3lbs in the last 3 weeks. I am one of those who celebrates 3 lbs, but im discouraged too. I want to have lost 70lbs by now (haha) I have been will powering it alot, and I too, ate a bunch of pizza at Chuck E Cheeses the other day....oops. I say, go get that fill, and feel good about yourself, you are doing amazing!!
  10. Hi, Im Tri-Care prime, and live in TX, and I know for us, you have to be 100lbs overweight (BMI doesnt count) with co-morbitidies, or be 200lbs overweight without them. With the place I went, the doctor wouldnt even see you unless you qualified. I rarely saw the actual surgeon. Only once before the surgery, the surgery day itself, and now when I have fills. His staff did everything else. If you dont like them, dont go there, because they are your support group. They are the ones who are supposed to help you through everything, from the first day you walk in the door, to the surgery, to all the post op care for years to come, so please dont go to someone you are not comfortable with. Its wierd that Tri-Care has different standards for different regions, but you should go to their web page, then type in your zip code, and see what their standards are. The website is www.tricare.mil and it walks you through it. Like I said, I have tricare prime, and I had to be 100lbs overweight according to my height on the Met Life scale, and my surgeon said that Tricare requires them to use the "medium" body frame for everyone. If you google the "met life weight chart" you will find it. After all that is said and done, find a surgeons office that you like, and go to them with the knowledge that you DO qualify. Tricare requires a visit with a psychologist, and most surgeons offices require a visit with a nutritionist and once all that is done, it takes about 4 days to get an approval from tricare. They are the fastest insurance. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask. This process is so much easier when you know someone who has had to deal with the crap first, and can guide you through it!! Good luck
  11. ShrinkyDinkyDoo

    July 4 Challenge 2011

    I am in for 14. That would put me at a nice rounded number before my hubby comes home from Afghanistan!!
  12. ShrinkyDinkyDoo

    Hiding it for the holiday

    Hi there, my sons 9th bday party is today, and I just left the grocery store from picking up the cupcakes! Im sorry that family can be such a pain sometimes. I havent told any of my extended family, just my mom, sisters and of course my hubby. I dont think that either of these parties are gonna be as bad as you think. The kids party today is all about the kid. It seems like you are gonna be spotlighted because of your eating habits, because to you, thats all that really matters right now because you are working so hard, but Im 99% sure that no one will notice if you just pick at your food, and if anyone does, just say that you had a big dinner last night or a huge Breakfast and just aren't hungry yet. And if you do have a small slice of cake or a cup cake, dont beat yourself up over it. Enjoy it, and move on. As for the famly picnic, if it really is a food-fest, then everyone is gonna be so consumed with their own grub, that no one will notice that you arent pigging out too! Same goes with the good food for tomorrow, eat until you are satisfied, maybe enjoy a small bite or your favorite things and then throw it away. Keep drinking Water and tea, and other diet drinks, and that will keep you from eating too much! I promise you, this is a bigger deal to you, because you are keeping the secret, than it is to anyone else, Remember, those who matter dont mind, and those who mind dont matter. As for the judgemental gossip, you dont have to tell anyone anything you dont want to!! If they ask how you did so wonderful and dropped so much weight, simply tell them diet and exercise...its true right? Your just leaving out the help. People judge over everything, especially family. Its always gonna be something. Just enjoy these next few days, and hang in there, you are gonna be so skinny soon, that they will have to gossip, because they will all be envious!
  13. ShrinkyDinkyDoo

    Am I the only one....

    You're not the only one with these problems. I cheated on my Post op diet too.....not quite a binge, but I ate an apple with peanut butter on it. Im not quite sure what I was thinking, In my brain I felt like I was making such a healthy choice, and then after I ate it and the pain started, reality clicked back in place and I remembered that I was still in mushy phase, and my innocent apple could have just ruined everything. I had awful hearburn and a tummy ache for days. Luckily a few days after this was my nutrition appt. And she told me that the band, and your body are both very strong, and the surgeons take a lot of steps to provent the band from slipping. What most likely happened is that you just made an already sore spot on your body, very angry, and now its swollen, and irritated, and painful. I was supposed to take it easy for a few days, and then jump right back in to introducing new foods. That was weeks ago, and after following her advice, Im happy to say, everything turned out great. This band isn't what I expected......YET. I still have excellent hopes that great things are going to come of this. I just started to work out again, and I have found that, that makes me feel fuller longer. I dont know if its because Im all hot and sweaty and food doesnt sound as good, or because im otherwise entertained so im not sitting there bored, and tempted to eat, or because after working out for 30 min,, indulging in a cup cake just doesnt seem worth it. I have a lot of weight to lose, and no support system other than this forum, so Im fighting an up hill battle, but I want it so bad. Your journey has just started. I know your hungry, and resentful, because dang it, you're still HUNGRY, (after my first fill, i am still hungry too) but this band works, we have seen it on countless success pages, so I have faith that if I screw up one day, I wake up the next, and start fresh, and soon I will be a skinny hot momma too! And YOU will TOO!!! Hang in there, it gets better!!
  14. ShrinkyDinkyDoo

    5 more days......

    I agree about taking a pillow for the hospital stay, and the ride home, to help get over bumps. Gas pain was the worst part for me, and they make gas-x strips, that are just like the breath freshener ones, and those worked great. I had really bad shoulder and neck pain, and the pain meds weren't helping at all, but as soon as I took the gas-x, totally better! I also bought some childrens tylanol and motrin (liquid) for when I was done taking the hard stuff, but still wasnt totally comfortable. I only took the prescribed pain meds for 24hrs, then I moved on to the kiddie stuff. If you enjoy taking long baths or showers, take a good one the night before, because you can take showers afterwords, just not long ones, and baths are out of the question for a while until your incisions heal. Most importantly....... GOOD LUCK!! Its such a wonderful new start to life!!!
  15. I had my band done on Apr 12th and it seems like my port was sore forever. When I went to my nutrition appt, she said when you can lay flat on your stomach without any pain, then you are ready for full excercise. Everyone else in the room was ready, except me. It took over a month for it to be fully comfortable. Even still, sometimes if im carrying my little boy, or something presses against it too hard, it smarts. But, the fill didnt hurt at all. Even the needle stick. He went really quick, and I literally didnt feel a thing. The bad part was that he put a huge band aide over the little needle stick area, and the band aide irritated my skin, and left a huge red patch, that itched like crazy. But that had nothing to do with the fill itself! As for Bra's, I had the same issue. For a while I was putting a band aide over that incision because it would sting when I would sweat, and it rubbed raw when I wear a bra. I bought some really nice supporting ones from Stein Mart, that are pretty, and the center area is arched, and it doesnt touch that incision. That gave it time to finally heal, and now it doesnt bother me any more.
  16. Hi, I had my band on April 12th, and have had my first fill. As of my first post op visit (a week after surgery) I have lost a grand total of 8lbs. I know thats GREAT. But the thing is, since that visit, and starting solid foods, and even with the fill, that darn scale just hasnt budged. I am here to say, its totally my fault. I have no restriction, I can eat what I want, when I want, and I know that doesnt mean that I have to do that, but it just seems that I do. When I met with the nutritionist, she said the first few weeks of solid food were not about losing weight, but healing, and discovering how your band works. So thats what I did, and I think I did great. But when I went in for that first fill, and my surgeon saw that I hadnt lost weight, he flipped out on me, and asked me if I was even trying to lose weight, and if I wasnt going to try, why did I get the band in the first place? I felt like a kid being yelled at by a mean teacher. Now its 2 weeks later, and one week before I go back for another adjustment, and I still have yet to lose one single pound. Im miserable and scared of this guys judgement. Im a lover, not a fighter. Im also a conflict avoider, I like to make everyone happy. I want to tell him that if he would look at what these two weeks have been like for me, he would give me a break. My hubby re-deployed to Afghanistan. My oldest son is an emotional wreck, my 3 year old has spontaniously stopped sleeping through the night, and im exhausted, and we are in the process of moving out of our apartment, and im doing it alone. Im pooped! and Stressed! I know that these are all excuses, and I want to lose weight so badly, I just I just need some motivation from you guys to help keep me going.....this gets easier right?
  17. ShrinkyDinkyDoo


    :rolleyes:Brooks are one of my favorites. If shin splints are a problem and you want to do things like running then I suggest the Vibram Five Finger toe shoes. I happen to think they look rediculous (even though I own a pair) but I get compliments on them all of the time (I know, thats not the point) My hubby is a running instructor for the army and teaches a method called the "pose run" (google it ). Since soldiers run so much, they are always looking for a better way to do things, and this method just makes so much sense. If you watch a child run around a park, they land on the balls of their feet, and then push off with their toes, their heels never hit the ground. Since they are not striking the ground with force, but absorbing it, there is no sudden impact, therefore, there is no pain in the shins, and knees. The Vibrams allow your toes to spread as you propel yourself, and have more cushion on the balls of the feet, and barely any in the heels. Everyone who owns them, swears by them. They make them for walking, hiking, running, and indoor sports like martial arts. I love mine! Now, if you do a job where you stand all day, or if you are going to an amusement park or touring a city, I wouldnt recommend them, they are more for the sports, and not so much for every day wear! (even though you should wear them to walk in for a while before you start running in them so you are used to them) Because the Army doesnt allow the Vibrams yet durring group Physical Training, my hubby wears Saucony. He buys his shoes by how many ounces they weigh, and those feel the best for him, and take the most wear and tear! I hope this helps! Good luck!
  18. ShrinkyDinkyDoo

    drinking and eating timing

    Hi, I had my band about 2 months ago, and at first, this was so hard for me. I am one of those gals that go through 4 or 5 iced teas at meal time, or coffee with my Breakfast. The way it was explained to me is that the way the band works, is that your food fills up your pouch, and makes you feel full, and if you drink liquids at the same time, it loosens the food, and helps it pass through the band quicker. We dont want that, since the point of the band, is to help you feel full with as little food as possible, for as long a time as possibe. When I was first banded with no restriction, this was almost impossible for me! I even asked others on the post op board if it ever gets easier! One of those reply posts that I got said that she literally cant eat and drink at the same time. She gets sick, and after getting my first fill, that is how it has worked out for me too. I can take very small sips, just to cool my mouth off (I love spicey food) or to wash the after dinner taste out of my mouth, but I cant drink a whole glass of anything. Its like having a stopped up potty, and then flushing..... the extra Water just has no where to go but up. I have learned this lesson the hard way (a couple of times now, because im hard headed) I have never thrown up, but the pressure on my chest felt like heart burn times a million! Its just easier to wait for at LEAST 15 min before deciding to drink any significiant volume! I hope this helps!!
  19. ShrinkyDinkyDoo


    Hi, I live about an hour away from where I had mine done too, and had planned on going back home that day, but I had a terrible headache after I woke up from the sedation. I dont think that is very common, but It did happen to me, so I just wanted you to be prepared. Also, while he was doing the Endoscopy, he did a couple of tissue biopsies, no big deal, but I really felt them burn when I had a diet coke the next day, it felt like heart burn. But food and all that was fine. Its really a quick, easy procedure! Good luck!
  20. Hi, I am an Army wife, and I live 90 miles from the closest base (Ft. Sam Houston, San Antonio, TX) My hubby is in Afghanistan, so I moved home to live by family. I used "True Results" and they can tell you exactly where to find a surgeon that takes TriCare. I went to my seminar in January, and had my band on Apr. 12th. TriCare wasnt the reason it took so long, I had issues with the referal lady at my PCM's office who didnt know the TriCare system and kept submiting my referal wrong. But I actually had my first meeting with my surgeon at the begining of March, and like I said, was banded in April, so its a quick process. Right now, TriCare requires that you weigh at least 100lbs over the medium frame build (they use medium frame for everyone, unless you are really short, then maybe you can ask them to go off of the small frame)(underneath my weight, im a big person, 5'10", so I was worried I woulnt make the weight, but my surgeon said that Tricare uses the "medium frame" for everybody) on the Met Life scale, and have at least one co-morbidity, I have high blood pressure, but it wasnt documented anywhere in my medical charts as being a problem, my PCM just went back through them and verfied that it is usually high (145/90 usually) I also have high cholesterol) If you have no co-morbidities, then you have to be 200lbs over weight. I think the thing that really helped me was a good referal from my PCM. If he hadnt looked back through my charts and noticed that I do have these co morbidities, I never would have qualified. I had a big problem with on base care. My base PCM was a very large woman (bigger than me) and when I asked her if I could qualify for something like the Lap Band, she didnt even hesitate to tell me NO!! She didnt look at my records, she just told me I didnt qualify, and needed to lose the weight on my own. How Rude!! I did qualify! Going off of the base was a really good experience for me. My surgeon was kind of a male Diva, who doesnt do his own follow ups, and never checked in with me, but his office made up for that. I have been pampered and spoiled by everyone there, and I feel like part of the family. When I asked them if they could rush this so I would be healed by the time my hubby came home for R&R, they did. My surgeon even scheduled me at 7 at night, and stayed late, and put me on the end of his long day, just to help me out! AWESOMENESS!! I was approved on Monday April 11th at noon, and had the surgery Tuesday Apr 12th. This has been a great experience for me. Its a total learning process, and something new everyday, but its the best decision I have ever made and would make it again in a heart beat!!
  21. I would call your insurance, or check on their website. I have Tri-Care, and they dont care about BMI. You have to be 100lbs overweight, and have co-morbidities, or 200lbs overweight without them. Some insurances require you go to 6 months of nurtition first, Some require 6 months of dieting. Everyone is different. The surgens office you have chosen to go to your seminar at, should know what your insurance requires too. The way my surgeons office did it, if you told them you were going to use insurance, then they made sure you qualified the same day as your seminar, and if you didnt qualify, then you could choose to self pay, or that was the end of your journey, you didnt even meet the surgeon. Good luck. Hope this helps!
  22. Hi, my band is empty. I havent hit the month point yet, so no fills for me until then. But it is definetly NOT like NOT having the band. I consider myself pretty lucky, because I have been introducing foods for a few days now, and have had no stuck problems. I also have taken pills with no stuck issues, and my multi Vitamin is kinda a horse pill. I still find that I get hungry, and want to snack, but I get full really fast too. And when Im full, im FULL! You also cant eat very much before that fullness hits, even though my not very much is more than they said I would want. They said between 1/4 of a cup to 1/2 a cup, and I can eat about a whole cup, but I am satisfied for 5 or so hours afterwords, depending on what it is I eat. Like high Protein things like scrambled eggs with cheese....full for hours. Crap foods like pop tarts, hungry again in two hours. I can see why they say its a "tool" because no one is making me choose the eggs over the pop tarts, it just has to be my choice. In fact today i chose the poptarts, and I have had a miserable day, because it set me up to make poor choices all day. Tomorrow is a new day! But, I have seen posts on here where people cant tollerate pills, or breads, or a whole list of other stuff, so I think its really up to your body. I know that doesnt help much, but you will know what is right for you!!! Good luck!~!
  23. Hi Becky, As Im sure you have read from this forum, everyone gets different rules from their surgeon. My band was done on Apr. 12th and I only had to do liquids for 5 days, then I could start "mushies." As of today, I eat creamy Soup, and had some avacado in it the other day, I have also had oatmeal, and cream of wheat. As well as my Protein shakes (slim fast). Today I had scrambled eggs for lunch. While you are still doing the liquid diet it is TOTALLY normal not to have a bowel movement. Nothing solid going in, nothing solid going out, especially if you did a liquid diet pre op. I have to say, that I seemed to be less hungry on the shakes, than I am now on mushies. I dont know what to say about how little you are consuming, but I think you should bring it up with your doctor at the next visit, just so you dont start having nutrient defencies. We dont want any hair loss, or breakable nails. Good luck with your weight loss!
  24. ShrinkyDinkyDoo

    All those banded 4/12...check in!

    Im an April 12th band-it! Im doing great. Actually I kinda "forgot" I had it, because I never feel restriction, or over fullness, and I still get hungry alot. I took a bite of my kids sandwich (a very small one) to prove to him it was yummy, and I think it got stuck, because it did NOT feel good. (what do you know, the band is in there!! ) I just walked up and down the sidewalk until the feeling passed, and then waited another 30 min before I had my "lunch" I had to wait 5 days until I could do mushies, so now I have been eating alot of oatmeal (with non flavored Protein powder) and a lot of creamy soup. I have lost about 6lbs since surgery day. They weigh you at the hospital, but I hadn't eaten for 12 hours or had anything to drink at that point, so im sure I weighed less than I really do, so Im not totally sure what the accurate number of poundage is for me. The book the nurtitionist gave us said that we were supposed to start working our way to our "three meals a day" but I just can to that yet. I eat my oatmeal at 6:30, have a Protein shake at 10, lunch at noon-ish, another protein shake around 3-ish, and then dinner between 5 and 6. Technically I can have another protein shake after that around 8 if I "need" it, but thats when I make sure to catch up on my liquids if I havent had enough during the day, so I usually feel a little sloshy around then I went to my Post-Op appt, and he said everything looked good, except I need to have my gall bladder removed (crap) so im not terribly excited about that, but he also said he expects me to be eating steak and chicken by the next time I see him (May 11) so I have that to look forward to!! My hubby comes home from Afghanistan on May 3rd, so maybe a romantic dinner will be possible! Hooray! I will just have to share his dinner with him! Lets keep up the awesome work April Bandsters, and keep encouraging the people who are still waiting!
  25. ShrinkyDinkyDoo


    You know what I keep forgetting, and what I think is gonna be one of the hardest things for me? Not drinking anything while I eat, and then not for another 30 min afterwords. I am such a sothern girl in my NEED for some Ice tea while im having a meal....even just now, after telling myself to have my last few sips before I started dinner, I caught myself with a half empty glass sitting next to me.....its a mindless habbit!! Does anyone else have this problem? How do you make youself remember not to drink?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
