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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by turtlebutt825

  1. I'm sorry hun!! I know it's incredibly frustrating when they leave, but you can use that time to focus on yourself and get used to your new tummy. My hubby went for training (it was only 30days) but in the time he was gone I lost 23lbs and 3 pant sizes, so needless to say he was incredibly shocked when he saw me when he got back. I used that time to myself to work on my fitness, and not to mention my grocery bill was only about 150 for the entire month. Idk if you guys have kids, but it was just me here, so we were able to save a little money Sending hugs your way!!!
  2. turtlebutt825

    Introduce Yourselves!!

    Hey ladies!! Sorry I've been MIA we're getting orders and heading off to Fort Bliss come January!!! I'm glad that we are finally starting to get more members in here How is everyone's progress coming along??
  3. turtlebutt825

    Glad I'm Not Alone!

    I'm doing pretty good I would have to say, down 56lbs in 92 days. Although the entire month of Nov. I have only lost 6lbs :/
  4. Thanks soo much for your encouragement!! I have just been soooo incredibly emotional the week (i feel soo bad for my husband lol) I was just feeling so down on myself. I'm going to try kicking it up a notch and exercising more. Like I said my hubby just got back at the beginning of the month so I have been soaking up my time with him, and neglecting the gym. I do have to admit that I love the fact that Thanksgiving came and went and I didn't have to deal with the typical post-feast food coma lol. I do love my sleeve but sometimes I have this irrational fear that I'm going to mess up my tool, despite my best efforts.
  5. K so I was sleeved on the 26th of August, and for about the last week or so I have this feeling like I have a ton of hair in the back of my throat, I have looked in the mirror and I don't see anything. My hubby said he cant see any hair, but I FEEL it in there. No matter how much I sip and sip and sip I can't get the feeling to go away. It makes me gag if I think about it too long. Does anyone else have this? I thought maybe it was something to do with just me, but I have heard of weird things happening after the surgery so just wondering if anyone else experiences it. I know it's weird, but thanks in advance for the input!! Sarah
  6. Making General Tso's Chicken in my crockpot.... It smelllsssss soooooo gooooooddddd!!!!!! XD

  7. Here's my monthly update!! I'm down a total of 27lbs, from 299 to 272, and I have lost a total of 8 1/4" mostly from my thighs and hips!!!!!!! I'm feeling better, been back and forth to the doctors this week for dehydration and a kidney infection, but I got some antibiotics now, so I'm feeling much better!

  8. Does anyone else have a tablet? I'm thinking about getting some before Darrell goes back to AIT so we can skype easily. Just wondering are they worth it?

  9. Back to work today! That was the fastest 2 days everr!!!

  10. I got them moves like Jagger ;)

  11. Off to work!!! It's almost my Friday yay!!!!

  12. You can try the nectar line, it's at super supplements. I don't like the clear ones though. So I use the syntrax nectar sweets, vanilla bean torte flavor. That one's the best!
  13. turtlebutt825

    Glad I'm Not Alone!

    I know right? I can't wait to see what I'm going to look like in 6 months!!
  14. First day at work, sooooo many powerpoints lol, this is going to be a long 8 weeks of training.... But we did play some pretty fun ice breaker games :P

  15. I was sleeved on the 26th of August, I was just wondering how soon everyone started exercising. My surgeon encourages light cardio like walking and the stationary bike. I've been doing the stationary bike for 30 min a day on level one for the past couple of days, but it is sooooo boring! Anywhoo.. Thanks in advance for answers! Sarah
  16. Got our orders.... Fort Bliss, TX, not sure what to think lol

  17. turtlebutt825

    How Soon Out Did You Start Exercising?

    Emily you and me are the same age!!! I'll be 21 on the 18th of November!!
  18. turtlebutt825

    How Soon Out Did You Start Exercising?

    Thanks everyone, I was thinking of starting the couch 2 5k thing, on the treadmill, so 9 weeks from now I can run for 30 min continuously. I can't wait to be the athlete I have always wanted to be!!
  19. turtlebutt825

    Introduce Yourselves!!

    Elisa: I'm sure you will do great!! I will keep you in my thoughts Nikki: That's strange! Maybe it's an east coast tricare thing, bc they covered it completely here in WA. But I had it done at Madigan (our on post hospital) I know that Bremerton Naval Hospital also does the sleeve and its covered by tricare. Are you prime or standard? Cheryl: Of course you are welcome Congrats on the retirement! I've never been to Canada, but I am super close to the Washington/Canada border lol, we wanted to try to visit there before we move.
  20. Ok so the Giveaway is up and running now!! A big thank you to my vendors Crafty Kelli's Baby Accessories, and Risa's Crafty Pieces. The contest will run through Sunday 9/18. Visit Survival Bracelets by Sarah for details on how to enter!!!

  21. turtlebutt825

    September 10th check in/weigh in

    Hey everyone I was sleeved on the 26th! My pre surgery weight was 299, I lost 17lbs my first week bringing me down to 282, and this last week I lost another 5 lbs bringing me down to 277 I was bummed I didn't loose AS much weight as the first week, but I can't complain too much I did loose 22lbs so far I start work on Tuesday, I'm super excited!! Has anyone gone back to work yet?
  22. PLEASE KEEP THIS TRUCK MOVING AND SHOW OUR SUPPORT!!! ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ β–„ β–Œ ▐ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–Œ ─ ─ ─ β–„ β–„ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–Œ β–ˆ β–‘ β™₯ β–‘ 9/11 VICTIMS & THEIR FAMILIES β–‘ β™₯β–‘ ░▐ β–„ β–„ β–„ β–Œ ▐ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–Œ β–ˆ β–‘ β™₯ β–‘ β–‘β–‘ WE WILL NEVER FORGETβ–‘β–‘β–‘ β–‘ β™₯β–‘ ░▐ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–ˆ β–Œ β–ˆ β–„ β–„ β–„ β–„ β–„ β–„ β–„ β–„ β–„ β–„ β–„ β–„ β–„ β–„ β–„ β–„ β–„ β–„ β–„ β–„ β–„ β–„ β–Œβ–€ (@) β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ (@)(@) β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ β–€ (@) β–€ β–˜ TO ALL WHO LOST LOVED ONES AND TO THE HERO'S...WE WILL NEVER FORGET

  23. I had the same thing happen to me! I had an allergic reaction to the dermabond they used to close my incisions. My doc peeled off all the glue, and gave me a scrip for some benadryl. It still seems to be hanging around though. It's definitely not as red as it was, but it's still really itchy
  24. turtlebutt825

    Is It True???

    That once sleeved you can never have soda ever again? Not even the diet kind?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
