People are just that "PEOPLE". They will never understand our reasonsfor choosing this option. Some of them may, but because of fear, negativity, or jealousy that they didn't think to make the change first, they allow what I call "hateration" to step in. I began my journey 2 years ag and I finally have a date (May 5)! I am so happy and I refuse to allow them to steal my joy. When I got my date Monday, the first thing I thought about were "People'. What will they say when I come back to work? Should I even tell anyone in my famly (because I opt out of sharing my personal business with friends and co workers)? I told my husband that I was not going to tell anyone...not even my family or my kids. I had even planned that I would say I was having gall bladder surgery and had even began my own little rumer around the office. LOL .....I began to think about it and the more I thought about it, I decided that I would tell my immediate family, which I did with emphasis that I did not wnat anyone else to know. I think we put to much into what people think. And that has alot to do with self esteem issues. My reasons for choosing the sleeve are: I want to be able to enjoy my children more, I am tired of being tired.... tired of my back, knees and stomach hurting, tired of coming home and sitting on the couch for 2 hours before I get the wind to climb the stairs to go to my bedroom. I want to get off the BP meds...The diabetic meds and I hate sticking myself! For once I would like to love me. We can never expect others to except what we are choosing or understand our rationale for doing so. So I say, forget them! Its all about ME! and only I know what is best for me! Once you accept that in your head, you won't even care what they say, I know I don't. I know that I can not wait until May gets here because if they think they are hating now! WHEW! just wait and see!