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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by momof3armybrats

  1. Awsome feeling isnt it?!?!?! I had to start wearing one a few months ago and I actually ran down the stairs and lifted my shirt to show my husband that I had been able to put a belt on. He looked at me like I was nuts ,but I was excited and on top the world the rest of the day. Anyhow, Congrats!!!! Keep up the good work! :rolleyes:

  2. You should go into the ER. They can call your doctor in. At least that is how it works for me. I just go to the ER where I had my surgery and they call him in. I hope you get some relief soon. Good luck!

    I have an emergency and is sunday can somebody help me please

    i Had a fill 2 days ago for the passed 2 nights i throw up in my sleep every 5 10 min i havent had any sleep my throat hurts i am very sick . what should i take or not take? i have to fo to work tomorrow

    where did i do wrong? I only vomit when i am sound asleep can somebody help me please. I know i probably have to take some Fluid out but at this time there is no one around i need this to stop

  3. Thats awsome! Congrats! I got to experience that feeling when my husband and I took our 3 children to a carnival a few months ago. My daughter wanted mommy to ride with her and I was freaked out because I was sure I wouldnt fit on the ride. I sucked it up and went anyway and was shocked. Not only did I fit but was actually not tight. I was so happy and excited because I love rides but for years was too heavy. We rode every ride she was allowed on (she is 4). Again congrats, and keep up the good work!! :rolleyes:

    So went to Knott's berry Farm last Thursday...

    I have not been to an amusement park in such a long time. The embarrassment of not fitting on rides is a little to much to take sometimes....but this time it was different.

    I was able to go on every single rollercoaster and thrill ride. I had an amazing time and logged in about 7 miles of walking with no real tiredness. It was great to have so much energy and feel so NORMAL!

    3 months in and it has already changed my life.

  4. Are you tracking the calories you are eating every day? I know that has been the big thing that has helped me. I use myfitnesspal.com. According to my surgeon my calories need to be in a 1000-1200 range, with 60 grams of Protein. Another question. Do you do any kind of strength training? We need to build muscle in order to burn fat. I alternate days. I do 4 days of cardio and then the other 3 is strength training. I recommend talking with a personal trainer for advice on different exercises to help with the fat burn. I did that and she gave me lots of ideas for things to do at home, that way I dont have to find a sitter for 3 kids. I wish you lots of luck. Try not to get too discouraged this is a long and sometimes stressful journey.

    ps. have they checked your band to see if there is a possible leak?

    Ok i was banded Feb.7, 2011.

    Since day of surgery I lost a total of 9 stinking pounds.

    I am at 6.5 cc's as of today.

    I eat right and excerise.

    I walk or bike ride approx 3-4 days a week.

    I eat lots and lots of Protein and i am not eating as much as i used to.

    i don't eat junk food and i don't eat fast food.< /p>

    i want to cry right now.

    went to my fill apt today and they are no help.

    Nurse gave me 0.5cc today and i still dont feel a thing.

    How is this even possible?????

    they say this is not a "DIET" well...i have to treat it like it is cause if i went on with my life and let the band take over, i'd be gaining by now

  5. Sounds like you might need a small unfill. When I get stuck I find that sipping luke warm Water and walking around helps ease it down. I would go ahead and call your doctor to see if they can help you, especially if you keep having issues with getting food down. Good Luck!

    I had a fill last Saturday and somedays I can't even eat I just ate sm eggsalad and cracker and it got stuck what do I do for relieve????? WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU ARE STUCK WITH THAT LUMP IN YOUR THROAT ????

  6. I had issues with bruising also. My legs looked like someone was beating me with a bat on a daily basis and I cant recall when I got them. I would just wake up with new ones. I was on a blood thinner for several weeks after surgery that contributed to mine. I am 4 months out now and it is improving. I was worried I was anemic because I have a history of anemia and platelet issues. I would call your surgeon and have some test run to see if they can figure it all out. Good luck!!

    Has anyone had increased bruising since being banded? My legs and arms are full of bruising that I have no idea where they come from. I have been prone to bruising in the past but not like this. Also what can I take, if anything, to prevent or reduce the bruises. Thanks ahead of time.


  7. I have the Mirena IUD. I love it! Best birth control I have ever been on. After I had my son I got Depo and in 6 months packed on 100lbs. Then I switched to the pill. I have gotten preggo twice on the pill because I have a heck of a time trying to remember to take it. I decided after my 3rd baby I needed something that was more of a place and forget kinda thing. Doc recommended this and it has been great. I hardly bleed during my period anymore. I just spot and best of all no weight gain!! :lol:

  8. Hi! First off congrats on your band!! Next quit worrying so much! Everything seems fine. So you are probably fine. I am not gonna lie, I ate a few things post op when I was supposed to be on mushies that wasnt mushies. Was it the right thing? No, but I am fine. You are psyching yourself out. Right now you should have little if any fill so the band is pretty open. I would just do what you are doing. Go back to what you are suppose to do and talk with your doc. I am pretty sure you are fine. You will know when you get stuck and if you have had the hiccups all your life it is more than likely normal and nothing to worry about. :)

    So i was banded on July 18th and have done extremely well with healing. My lap cuts are healed over perfectly now, I haven't thrown up or felt sick once since surgery, I haven't had any problems.

    Well...some friends came to visit this weekend and insisted on going out to dinner. I picked a place I knew serves Protein shakes so i ordered one of those and a side dish (no one except my husband knows about the band). I drank about 4 oz of Protein shake and made sure I talked a lot to avoid anyone noticing my lack of eating. The next day they insisted on lunch. Didn't take no for an answer! So we went out and somehow I talked myself into thinking it was ok to eat a kids size tuna sub from Subway. It felt fine. I didn't get a sick or stuck feeling at all. But then I started to feel bad emotionally. Now I can't shake the worried feeling that I permanently messed my band up and that it is going to slip. I keep getting hiccups (which ive had my whole life) and keep thinking I messed up my fundoplication! I have a pit in my stomach from anxiety.

    Of course I won't make the mistake again and am back to Protein Shakes until the doctor clears me. I have my post op appointment on Tuesday where I will talk to him about what I did.

    Has anyone else made this mistake and paid the price? Or did it turn out ok? Thanks for any help. There's no one I can talk to until I go in to see the doc and it is really weighing on my mind.

  9. Welcome and congrats on your surgery! I am an Army wife and in Kansas also. I had my band done in April. It has been the best thing I have ever done for myself and my children. I think it will be a wonderful surprise for your hubby when he returns. I would love to be able to surprise my hubby like that. But I am enjoying the fact that as I lose weight he is looking at himself a little closer and has dropped a few pounds too!! Good luck on your journey! :rolleyes:

  10. Hi! Congrats on getting banded soon! The best advice I received and can pass on is...walk, walk, walk!!! Especially for the first week or so after. The gas pains can be horrible and walking is the best thing for it. GasX strips are also wonderful. And keep up with your Protein Shakes. I started getting kinda weak because I had no appetite, so I wasnt consuming anything but my Water and chicken broth. Once I started forcing the shakes down I started feeling much better. Anyhow...Congrats and good luck!!

  11. I have no regrets!!! This was the best thing I have ever done for myself and my children. I have 3 kids and I was unhealthy. I want to be here for them as long as possible. If I had not gone through with the surgery I am pretty sure I would have died at a very young age like my mother, who was also obese. I refuse to do that to my family. I have so much energy now too. Just yesterday I was holding my 1yr old and dancing in the living room to music on the tv. A few moths ago I wouldnt have done that. I would have been too tired and my knees would hurt. It took me a while to get banded. Mostly because I didnt want to admit I needed help. When I was pregnant with my baby girl was when the light bulb went off and I was finally able to admit that this was something I couldnt do on my own. I started research then and havent looked back. Best decision ever!!! I hope you have the same good experiences when you are banded. I wish you lots of luck!!!

    Just wondering, for those of you that are already on the journey (or have completed it), what are some of the regrets (if any) you have? Do you regret getting banded? Something you could have done, but didn't? Something you did do and shouldn't have? Any advice for those of us starting out in how we can avoid these same pitfalls?

    Thanks in advance for sharing!! :rolleyes:

  12. My surgeon told me no ab exercises for 8 wks to allow your stomach muscles time to heal. But you may want to call and ask your surgeon as they may have different requirements. I know two weeks out my husband had to go back to work so I had to resume taking care of our then 9 month old daughter. Doctor told me limited lifting cuz she was 18lbs. But just leaning down to lay her in the crib used my abs and i sure felt were the port was. After a day or so my abs hurt so bad from the strain I was putting on them. Luckily I didnt tear my stitches by the port. Anyhoo, enough of my rambling. Congrats on your surgery and good luck!!!

  13. Hello! Welcome! I am also in Kansas. I was just recently banded on April 5th. This is the best thing I have ever done for myself. I have tricare also and it was a pretty simple process to get approved. I wish you well with your approval and then your surgery!! Congrats on the decision to work on a new you!! Good Luck!!

  14. Welcome!! I was banded back on April 5, 2011. So far I am down 50lbs. And I have to say this was the best decision I have ever made in my life. I have no regrets, so far. I chose the band verses any other bariatric surgery because it is one with the least complications and it is removable! Plus you lose the weight at a more healthy pace than lets say gastric bypass. I also have 3 children and they are my world. My mother died at 48 from complications from obesity. When I hit 30 I realized I was very close to ending up like my mother. I was pre diabetic and hypertensive. I refuse to die at a young age. I did not want to leave my family that young. My mothers death tore apart our family. I am now at a healthy blood sugar level and have good blood pressure again. I am now 31 and have a better prospect for my life than I did a year ago. I still have about 120lbs to go before I hit my goal weight but I have no doubt I will make it. Good luck on your research! This is a fantastic forum to get any info you need. I have been addicted since I first found it. Great support system here!


    Hello, I am new here and today is the first day I am starting to research having lap band surgery. I have not made any decisions, but I want to see what the safety and effectiveness statistics are for the procedure.

    I'm a mom of 3, including a disabled child (autism), married almost 20 years, full-time grad school student, 45 years old and severely overweight/obese. I need to lose around 120 pounds, and like lots of others, I have tried a lot of the diets and other options out there but nothing has worked. Now that I am getting older my health is declining rapidly (high blood pressure, etc.) and frankly I am tired of feeling like crap all the time-sore, exhausted, no energy. I'm too heavy to do much exercise, and I am tired of that too. I want to be able to be active with my kids and feel good while I do it.

    Thanks for reading. :) I look forward to being here.


  15. Hello! I have not really dealt with the jealousy aspect but I do have one friend who constantly tries to discourage me and has even quit hanging out as much. She is suppose to be a very close friend and the moment I told her that I was having the surgery the comments started. Most of them were along the lines of you can do it on your own, you dont need to take the easy way out. I got really upset with her and told her how it was. I told her either she support me like a real friend is suppose to or walk away. This is my life, not hers. Plus I have become a pro at losing weight but I always manage to put it back on. I am tired of the yo-yo and this seemed to be the best way out of it for me. To this day she still calls me and shoves all these fad diets at me, saying if you had just done this and this you wouldnt have needed surgery. Her latest is some green tea diet. LOL I was like whatever in a year or two when I am at my goal weight and your still b*tching cuz your fat, I dont wanna hear it. I have kinda put up a wall between her and I. I know that is probably not the right thing to do but I am done listening to it. I wish you well with your family and friends. She is the only one who has been negative about it. Most everybody has been very supportive. Good luck on your journey!! It is going to be a wild and crazy ride with a wonderful outcome!!! :)

    Hello Everyone!

    I posted a comment on my page about how happy I've been and how much it's starting to get on people's nerves.. all the more because most of them don't know why I'm happy. One of the lovely young women on here commented on my status and said (and I'm paraphrasing here) how her friends get jealous and tell her she's losing too much weight.. too skinny, etc. I have not been banded just yet, but I found this interesting because I've been receiving so much support, I haven't thought about anyone being (or possibly being) jealous of me.

    I was just curious as to some of the things you guys and gals have encountered, after having been banded, where people are jealous of you or have tried to discourage you? Some of the best ways you deal w/it? ..especially if it comes from family/friends.. I'm very close to mine and I don't know what I would do if they were jealous of me or tried to discourage me from going after this.

    Any thoughts? :rolleyes:

  16. Hi Darlene!! It all depends on your insurance and your doctor's office. I have Tricare and they cover everything. My surgeon does my fills. He said he prefers to do it verses letting the nurse do it. Congrats on your decision. I was banded on April 5th, 2011 and have not looked back since. Best decision I have ever made. Good Luck!!!! :)

    hi darlene....i was not charged for fills for the first 90 days after surgery...i now pay $30 for a fill. my surgeon did my first fill, but now they are done by the nurse practitioner. hope that helps!

  17. I had to do the same thing. Only I had to do it for 14 days. I tried to give them to myself and couldnt. Luckily my husband was willing to jab me in the stomach with a tiny sharp needle. Actually I think he enjoyed it...lol The only problem I had is that I bruised really easily. Actually I am still bruising easily, and I had my surgery April 5th. My doctor said when I go in for my next fill if I am still bruising he wants to run tests to see why. He said it shouldnt last longer than 8 wks. Congrats on your surgery!! :)

    I was just curious...I had to give myself 7 days of Lovenox injections into my tummy after surgery. (Yes I had to give myself a shot for 7 days!:blink:) The surgeons at my office require all patients to get Lovenox after surgery to prevent blood clots. Of course they didn't tell us about it until a week before the surgery!

    Did anyone else do this?

    By the way...it was really easy and didnt hurt. Just kind of freaky sticking a needle in your stomach and injecting the Fluid. Luckily I had a lot of extra padding!:P

  18. OMG!!! This is why I cant stand some people!!! If these yahoo's would just do some research or take a minute to talk to a bandster they would realize that this is not something for lazy ppl. Sometimes I feel we have to work harder than those who do not have a band. We watch every bite of food, exercise our butts off and go through the same ups and downs and a person doing it "the hard way" as they put it. My best friend told me she didnt know why I was doing this because I could just do it the "hard way". Boy she sure changed her tune after she saw that it is just as hard if not harder to have the band. I dont hesitate to educate ignorant people!!! I would love to meet this jacka** and teach them a thing or two about the band. Life for us is hard enough without all this ignorant crap to deal with. I am proud of what I have accomplished and everyone else who had the courage to seek help in bettering themselves. Ok I am done ranting now......this just really pissed me off.


    Because you know... we're ALL SO LAZY!

  19. I had the same issue. My doc said it was because the stomach is very tender because of the surgery. As you heal they should diminish. I know mine did, now I just have the normal ol hunger pangs instead of pains. Did your doc give you any type of heartburn meds to take daily? Those help quite a bit, but it could also be gas pains making you feel like you have indigestion. GasX strips were wonderful after my surgery, it helped make things much more bearable. Best of luck to you and congrats on your surgery!!

    I had my banding on the 5th of July and now I am hungry every 4 hrs. And the hunger pains are horrible..I have to eat like right now or else it gets worse...the hunger pains wake me out my sleep. Is this normal..does it eventually go away? Also having bad back pains, docrtor says its gas, but the pain is so unbearable at times. One last thing is i keep having indigestion..but im thinking they are more like spasms...anyone have this problem?


  20. I had the same issue. My doc said it was because the stomach is very tender because of the surgery. As you heal they should diminish. I know mine did, now I just have the normal ol hunger pangs instead of pains. Did your doc give you any type of heartburn meds to take daily? Those help quite a bit, but it could also be gas pains making you feel like you have indigestion. GasX strips were wonderful after my surgery, it helped make things much more bearable. Best of luck to you and congrats on your surgery!!

    I had my banding on the 5th of July and now I am hungry every 4 hrs. And the hunger pains are horrible..I have to eat like right now or else it gets worse...the hunger pains wake me out my sleep. Is this normal..does it eventually go away? Also having bad back pains, docrtor says its gas, but the pain is so unbearable at times. One last thing is i keep having indigestion..but im thinking they are more like spasms...anyone have this problem?


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