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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by momof3armybrats

  1. My doctor told me that I am fine taking motrin as long as I take my nexium with it. I have serious menstrual pain and tylenol wasnt cutting it and he said he would rather me take the motrin for a day or two than be in pain. But as always this is something you need to discuss with your doctor. Only he/she can make the right call for you and your situation. Best of luck!!
  2. momof3armybrats

    I'm wearing...

    Awsome feeling isnt it?!?!?! I had to start wearing one a few months ago and I actually ran down the stairs and lifted my shirt to show my husband that I had been able to put a belt on. He looked at me like I was nuts ,but I was excited and on top the world the rest of the day. Anyhow, Congrats!!!! Keep up the good work!
  3. momof3armybrats


  4. momof3armybrats

    Sore Port Area

    I never really felt sore unless I did strong ab workouts. But this past weekend we went on a road trip and sitting in the car for several hours made my port sight very sore. After I got out and stretched everything was felt much better. Wasnt a good feeling.....
  5. momof3armybrats

    vomiting while asleep

    You should go into the ER. They can call your doctor in. At least that is how it works for me. I just go to the ER where I had my surgery and they call him in. I hope you get some relief soon. Good luck!
  6. Stepped on the scale for my Saturday weigh in and was very pleased to see my plateau (sp) has finally ended. I have lost 60lbs as of today!!! I almost want to cry because this is the most weight I have lost ever. I feel fantastic, I have been told I look fantastic and its only gonna get better! Hope everyone is having a great weekend, I know I am.

  7. Stepped on the scale for my Saturday weigh in and was very pleased to see my plateau (sp) has finally ended. I have lost 60lbs as of today!!! I almost want to cry because this is the most weight I have lost ever. I feel fantastic, I have been told I look fantastic and its only gonna get better! Hope everyone is having a great weekend, I know I am.

  8. momof3armybrats

    220 pounds lost, long plateau - want to lose 25 more

    I just wanted to say congrats on your weight loss!!! I am in Awww of you. You are truly an inspiration. Stories like this make me very excited in the prospect of my own weight loss. Keep up the good work!!!!
  9. momof3armybrats


    Thats awsome! Congrats! I got to experience that feeling when my husband and I took our 3 children to a carnival a few months ago. My daughter wanted mommy to ride with her and I was freaked out because I was sure I wouldnt fit on the ride. I sucked it up and went anyway and was shocked. Not only did I fit but was actually not tight. I was so happy and excited because I love rides but for years was too heavy. We rode every ride she was allowed on (she is 4). Again congrats, and keep up the good work!!
  10. momof3armybrats

    Band isn't working for me

    Are you tracking the calories you are eating every day? I know that has been the big thing that has helped me. I use myfitnesspal.com. According to my surgeon my calories need to be in a 1000-1200 range, with 60 grams of Protein. Another question. Do you do any kind of strength training? We need to build muscle in order to burn fat. I alternate days. I do 4 days of cardio and then the other 3 is strength training. I recommend talking with a personal trainer for advice on different exercises to help with the fat burn. I did that and she gave me lots of ideas for things to do at home, that way I dont have to find a sitter for 3 kids. I wish you lots of luck. Try not to get too discouraged this is a long and sometimes stressful journey. ps. have they checked your band to see if there is a possible leak?
  11. momof3armybrats


    Sounds like you might need a small unfill. When I get stuck I find that sipping luke warm Water and walking around helps ease it down. I would go ahead and call your doctor to see if they can help you, especially if you keep having issues with getting food down. Good Luck!
  12. momof3armybrats


    I had issues with bruising also. My legs looked like someone was beating me with a bat on a daily basis and I cant recall when I got them. I would just wake up with new ones. I was on a blood thinner for several weeks after surgery that contributed to mine. I am 4 months out now and it is improving. I was worried I was anemic because I have a history of anemia and platelet issues. I would call your surgeon and have some test run to see if they can figure it all out. Good luck!!
  13. Thanks for adding me as a friend!! Congrats on your surgery! Keep me posted on how it goes. :)

  14. Thanks for adding me as a friend. Congrats on your surgery and good luck on your recovery!!

  15. momof3armybrats

    What kind of birth control do you use?

    I have the Mirena IUD. I love it! Best birth control I have ever been on. After I had my son I got Depo and in 6 months packed on 100lbs. Then I switched to the pill. I have gotten preggo twice on the pill because I have a heck of a time trying to remember to take it. I decided after my 3rd baby I needed something that was more of a place and forget kinda thing. Doc recommended this and it has been great. I hardly bleed during my period anymore. I just spot and best of all no weight gain!!
  16. OMG!!! I just put on a pair of size 22 capri's. I have not been in a size 22 for almost 10 years. I am so excited and happy right now. For over 10 years I was pushing 28/30 and now im in a perfect fitting 22. Just gonna get smaller and I cant wait!!!!

  17. Just thought I would stop by and say hi and see how you are doing. I hope your recovery is going well. :)

  18. momof3armybrats

    I feel like an idiot!

    Hi! First off congrats on your band!! Next quit worrying so much! Everything seems fine. So you are probably fine. I am not gonna lie, I ate a few things post op when I was supposed to be on mushies that wasnt mushies. Was it the right thing? No, but I am fine. You are psyching yourself out. Right now you should have little if any fill so the band is pretty open. I would just do what you are doing. Go back to what you are suppose to do and talk with your doc. I am pretty sure you are fine. You will know when you get stuck and if you have had the hiccups all your life it is more than likely normal and nothing to worry about.
  19. No Problem! Another thing I remembered. If you rock him to sleep you may need to put a thick blanket on your belly. Kinda like a shelf to take pressure off the port site. That was a trick I figured out trying to rock my daughter. The pressure was so bad I couldnt breath. Hope this helps!! Have a great day!!

  20. It took about a week or 2. I had no choice at the 2 week mark but to start taking care of my then 9 month old. Hubby only had 2 weeks leave. The best advice I can give is def to remember to bend with your knees. The first time I forgot I paid for it. My abs hurt so bad where the port is. Good luck!! :)

  21. momof3armybrats

    HELLO- new here!! Army Wife in Kansas!

    Welcome and congrats on your surgery! I am an Army wife and in Kansas also. I had my band done in April. It has been the best thing I have ever done for myself and my children. I think it will be a wonderful surprise for your hubby when he returns. I would love to be able to surprise my hubby like that. But I am enjoying the fact that as I lose weight he is looking at himself a little closer and has dropped a few pounds too!! Good luck on your journey!
  22. momof3armybrats

    Hello Everyone

    Hi! Congrats on getting banded soon! The best advice I received and can pass on is...walk, walk, walk!!! Especially for the first week or so after. The gas pains can be horrible and walking is the best thing for it. GasX strips are also wonderful. And keep up with your protein shakes. I started getting kinda weak because I had no appetite, so I wasnt consuming anything but my water and chicken broth. Once I started forcing the shakes down I started feeling much better. Anyhow...Congrats and good luck!!
  23. momof3armybrats

    I met my first goal today!

    Congrats!! That is an awsome accomplishment!!! I know the day I got under 300 I jumped around like a crazy lady. It had been almost 10 yrs for me too!
  24. momof3armybrats

    Any Regrets after Lap Band Surgery ?

    I have no regrets!!! This was the best thing I have ever done for myself and my children. I have 3 kids and I was unhealthy. I want to be here for them as long as possible. If I had not gone through with the surgery I am pretty sure I would have died at a very young age like my mother, who was also obese. I refuse to do that to my family. I have so much energy now too. Just yesterday I was holding my 1yr old and dancing in the living room to music on the tv. A few moths ago I wouldnt have done that. I would have been too tired and my knees would hurt. It took me a while to get banded. Mostly because I didnt want to admit I needed help. When I was pregnant with my baby girl was when the light bulb went off and I was finally able to admit that this was something I couldnt do on my own. I started research then and havent looked back. Best decision ever!!! I hope you have the same good experiences when you are banded. I wish you lots of luck!!!
  25. momof3armybrats

    Exercising after lap band surgery

    My surgeon told me no ab exercises for 8 wks to allow your stomach muscles time to heal. But you may want to call and ask your surgeon as they may have different requirements. I know two weeks out my husband had to go back to work so I had to resume taking care of our then 9 month old daughter. Doctor told me limited lifting cuz she was 18lbs. But just leaning down to lay her in the crib used my abs and i sure felt were the port was. After a day or so my abs hurt so bad from the strain I was putting on them. Luckily I didnt tear my stitches by the port. Anyhoo, enough of my rambling. Congrats on your surgery and good luck!!!

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