Incesion staples out today and it didn't hurt even a little bit!
If you're having second thoughts, DON'T!
Here's how my journey is going so far:
February 28th
3:30AM- Arrive at Forrest Park Medical Center
4:30AM- Weigh in, put gown on, give urine sample
5:30AM- Met with Dr. Kim, Anesthesiologists, got hooked up to IV,and put on compression socks
5:45AM- received small shot for blood thinner, and something for nausea went in IV
6:00AM- got wheeled down the hall, then I don't remember anything else after that.
9:00AM(ish)- I remember feeling cold, nurses talking, then hearing "we're taking you upstairs to your room". (Surgery didn't take that long, I was probably just in recovery until I woke up)
I remember everybody at the hospital being very nice. I was in little pain, but very confused because I thought there was NO WAY they could be done already; I was just flirting with the guy about to give me my happy shot afterall!
I was a SURGERY WARRIOR! I made the best out of every situation. I made sure and get up to walk every couple of hours since you're woken up by nurses coming in and out anyway. (Seems to be a different person every time too! 1 nurse, 1 person checking your breathing, someone else taking your blood pressure and O2 levels, etc).
Only once did I have some gas pain that landed under my diaphram. It made it dificult to take a deep breath and scared me enough that I almost hyperventilated but they calmed me down quickly.
Later that first night I felt nauseous. It terrified me because I thought if I dry heave it's going to hurt! When I leaned into the barf bag just two REAL BIG belly burps came out! I never had gas pains again!
I'm the type of person that demands happiness all around me, so I made sure to stop and talk to just about every other patient, learn their names and hear their stories. Since I was feeling so great, the people pleaser in me was more worried how everyone else was feeling, and was hoping some of my positivity would rub off. It was a win-win though as it made ME feel better making new friends to share our journey together with in the months/years ahead. (I do have a personal favorite know who you are *wink, wink*)
I was "THAT GIRL" know the one....smiling all the time, laughing, trying to change the fashion up somewhat the best I could in a hospital gown...I even blew up a hospital glove and tied it to my IV pole!
Since I was feeling so GREAT, very little pain & minimal discomfort you could imagine my surprise when all my new friends passed their UGI swallow; and I DIDN'T! Only a minor mental setback though, I chose to stay positive. I had to stay another night because of my swelling from a hiatal hernia Dr. Kim had repaired during my surgery (which I was unaware I even had hernia).
As soon as they saw I didn't have a leak Wednesday morning and was able to sip liquids without any problems (and I'm talking a 1oz medicine cap size every 15 minutes). I then got my walk'n papers!
Every day gets better & better. I am SO GLAD I did this and have ZERO regrets.
Today I was told to EASE UP a lttle bit. (Apparantly I'm not suppose to get on a treadmill already). I was reminded STRONGLY that I am still a "surgical patient" and I will not "be released" for 6 weeks. (Aye, Aye Captain!)
Good Luck to you all and PLEASE don't be shy to ask any questions.