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Everything posted by Douceur72

  1. Douceur72

    When does the gurgling stop?

    Just found this old post and have to respond….I am 7 months out and this is by far my least favorite side effect. It’s not belching, just a loud gurgling in my throat that I have no control over. Mostly occurs after I eat but sometimes liquids cause it too. I HATE it!!! Seems to happen at the most inopportune times such as during an important meeting, and I am positive the entire room can hear it. It was my choice not to share the fact that I had surgery with anyone at work, and I feel so unprofessional when it happens there. Overall I’m very happy I had the surgery, but really hoping this embarrassing side effect stops eventually!
  2. Douceur72

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    Feel free to add me too! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/bonliv72
  3. Douceur72

    What's For Breakfast

    My favorite Breakfast these days is a lox bagel. I use half of a Thomas' whole wheat bagel thin, toast it up and spread with reduced fat cream cheese, and top with about 1 oz. of smoked salmon and a slice of cheddar. My Fitness Pal configues it to be 177 calories, 15g Protein and 14 carbs (less if you subtract Fiber grams like I do). I find it very satisfying and the half bagel is the perfect amount of bread for my sleeve.
  4. Douceur72

    Crab And Shrimp Stuffed Musroom Caps

    I love stuffed mushrooms and find you can stuff them with about anything! One of my favorite combinations is cream cheese + pepperoni and black olives chopped up really small. I top with a little mozz cheese. Yum!
  5. My sleeve loves steak, but hates ground beef. My sleeve loves toast, but hates bread. My sleeve loves potato chips. My sleeve loves milk. My sleeve does not like more than 2-3 bites of ice cream. My sleeve does not like fried food, even though I keep trying (hopefully I will begin to listen to her one of these days)
  6. Douceur72

    Gastric Sleeved With Pcos.

    I have PCOS and my weight loss has been slow. I have not exercised as much as I should though, which is part of it I'm sure. I haven't had my hormones checked but am curious if my LH:FSH ratio is improved...guessing it is.
  7. Douceur72

    Why not Try a Tri?

    How cool is that! I've committed to my first tri in July 2012, will join my best friend who did her first one this year. I am already nervous but even more EXCITED that this is even possible for me. This site has a great search for beginner tris, and you can search by state: http://www.trifind.com/gs_beginner/BeginnerTriathlons.html
  8. I am 7 weeks out and despite following my surgeon/nut’s guidelines almost perfectly, have spent much of the time stalled. I lost the majority of my weight by day 9 post-op, then nothing for a month. Lost a few more, then nothing for 2 weeks, etc. I didn’t get too discouraged though…yeah, it was frustrating during those weeks when the scale wasn’t moving, but my clothes were getting looser. So today I got solid proof that although the scale isn’t moving much – I am making progress! I measured 5 areas and have lost a total of 12 inches!!!!! Inches lost: Neck 1” Waist 4” Hips 4” Ankle 1” Bicep 2” It’s hard, but I’m learning to not get hung up on what the scale reads, as that is only one method of measurement. Yes I want the scale to reflect my progress too, but there are other measurements of success that are just as important – clothes fitting better, the overall feeling of improved health, for me today it was inches. Hail the NSVs! Cheers and wishing everyone the best on their journey!!
  9. Douceur72

    When oh when?????

    Tracy, I never had to crush pills, have taken them as normal since surgery with no problems. I just ran out of gummy Vitamins about 6 weeks post-op and just went to regular, my surgeon said this was fine. I am 7 weeks and can physically eat enough to get the Protein from food, however it would be at the risk of getting too many calories. I could eat meat, cheese, eggs etc all day but instead eat those in moderation and use Protein shakes to keep my calories down. I’m not crazy about them but they really are helpful for getting in those grams of protein without all of the fat and cholesterol.
  10. Douceur72

    Counting protein?

    I use MyFitnessPal online, it's a quick way to track protein, calories, etc. I have it on my PC & phone, although my phone is kind of slow so don't use it often there. it has a huge database with about everything. Even if you are eating something without a label (like deli meat) you can find it. You can add your own favorite foods or recipes too. Another plus is you can choose which components to track, mine are calories, protein, carbs, calcuim, and sodium. It's been great since surgery...I log each time I eat, usually takes less than a minute, then by the end of the day I know if I got enough protein and if not, I make a quick shake. There are lots of apps like this out there, take a look around. Good luck
  11. Douceur72

    Acid Reflux

    I'm 39 years old and had never had heartburn in my life until after I was sleeved...it started about 1-2 weeks out. I immediately began Prilosec and will stay on for 6 months. Hoping I won't need it forever.
  12. The first few weeks I had been learning to eat with my new sleeve in the comfort of my home/work environment where everything is within my control. But…traveling is different. The first morning in the hotel I looked over the continental Breakfast table and noticed it was nothing but a carb fest. Muffins, bagels, and granola bars. Usually this hotel chain has eggs so I was bummed. I grabbed a mini muffin. Mistake! Soon after eating I felt nauseated and hot, and just extremely uncomfortable for about a half hour. From that day forward I skipped the hotel breakfast and picked up a muscle milk which I discovered were available at the business office I was visiting all week. Also on this trip I learned what full is for the first time. It is NOT comfortable and I definitely do not want to go there again. I was eating an appropriate item (chicken) but due to the company & conversation I wasn’t paying attention and simply ate too fast. I got that tightness in my chest and felt like I was going to burst. YUCK! and the oddest thing is I noticed the saliva was building up in my mouth, almost like it had no where to go b/c my stomach was too full. I actually had to discreetly spit some of the saliva into a napkin. It took about an hour for me to begin feeling normal. Eating in restaurants all week wasn’t as bad as I feared. I was with other folks and decisions about where to eat were spontaneous & I didn’t get a chance to view the menu online. But I think I did okay - opted for chicken or fish items and would focus on that, and if there was room would nibble on some veggies. I was ecstatic to learn that I no longer crave and desire sweets and other carbs. I ate a small oatmeal cookie one afternoon in the meeting. It went down fine but it was only….okay. It’s not that my taste buds have changed because it tasted normal…it just isn’t as satisfying or something. Just a waste of calories really. This is something I was really hoping to gain from surgery. In my pre-sleeve life I would have had one cookie, then continued to think about the Cookies on the table and get another, etc. No more. Back home now. Glad to be back in my environment where I can be aware of exactly what I am eating. But the trip really gave me some good challenges & helped me learn more about eating with the sleeve which I’ll be doing forever!
  13. My sleeve experience so far has been quite good. Pain: I haven’t needed any oral pain meds, my last analgesic was IV morphine that was discontinued 20 hours after surgery. Initially I had some mild soreness when switching from sit to stand, that is mostly gone but now I get an occasional deep pulling sensation if I sneeze, laugh, bend over or stand up quickly. It’s barely worth mentioning and does not even warrant a Tylenol. Nausea: zero. zilch. nada. Incisions: My four incisions are still covered with steri strips. I’m getting really sick of ‘em because they itch like crazy, but really trying to be patient and let them come of naturally. Diet: I had Clear liquids for 2 days, then full liquids for 5 more. At one week I progressed to mushies and it was great, no problems with transitions. Right now am in love with eggs, hummus, and fish (grilled ahi tuna never tasted so good). Body functions: The first week I belched with every sip and swallow. That has subsided but I now get the ‘gurgles’ in my throat after I drink. Bowels were rather loose the first week, but as soon as I started more solid food that subsided. I pee so much less, I am not sure why but others have posted the same so I’m not worried. Also I get plenty of Fluid in and my urine is light in color. I have literally never in my life had heartburn, until last week. My surgeon does not prescribe or recommend a ppi, but thanks to the education on this board I started taking one on my own, and will continue for about 6 months. My period came about 10 days early, which is very normal after surgery. Work: I was more than ready to return to work after one week but couldn’t get an appt with the surgeon for a f/u until day 10, by which time it was going into the long weekend so I thought meh, Tuesday is just as good. So today was my first day back at work. I have a desk job and my only issue was sitting for long periods of time, then when standing up I’d get that pull in my abdomen, annoying but it went away quickly. I believe this is because I’ve been at home, up and about at my own leisure, and not having to sit still (or even upright) for long periods of time like I do at the office. Tomorrow I will make a point to walk more and see if that helps. Eating at work went well and I felt inconspicuous (as I'd hoped). I had a Protein shake for Breakfast and greek yogurt around 10am. lunch around 12:30 was palak panner that I had added some shredded chicken to - I brought 4 ounces but only ate about half before becoming disinterested….not really full, but just needed to be done. Around 3pm I wasn’t hungry but knew I needed to eat, so had a laughing cow. That was my day. No hunger, no cravings, no constantly thinking about my next meal like I used to. I really hope this lasts forever!!
  14. Scrambled, with a sprinkle of cheddar cheese. Yum. It took me about a half hour to finish it…something was telling me that eating faster would have made me uncomfortable. Afterward I felt full, at least what I think is my new full. It’s a very different feeling that the full I used to feel after eating 2 or 3 eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, juice, etc. This is more of a gentle, satisfied feeling. Relieved that I still like eggs, after reading several posts over the months where people mentioned they don't like them after surgery. Interesting, learning to eat this way. Hardest part I find, is not drinking during a meal.
  15. Douceur72

    The incredible edible egg

    Jackie, I think you're right about the more solid food. For me it was an egg that made me feel full-ish for the first time...I never got even close to that feeling eating yogurt and cream of wheat. Hopefully you will have the same experience when you advance your diet. Best of luck
  16. Douceur72

    A Ladder

    Loved this NSV - one of many more to come. Congrats!
  17. Thanks for taking the time to post these, I really appreciate it. I saw the Swanson Pea Protein one when shopping online yesterday, in fact almost ordered it, but ended up ordering a vegetable and hemp protein powder…should be getting it tomorrow and God I hope its tolerable because I’m getting tired of cheese as my main source of protein. The hard part has been learning what is a corn derivative… xantham, starch, guar, maltodexrin, etc. are some of the common ones and are even in a few you found that said free of corn on the label, crazy huh. Pretty much everything in my fridge and pantry had these in them. Eating has been completely turned upside down for me, first by the sleeve (expected and welcomed), and a week later by newfound allergies (neither expected or welcomed). But I’m optimistic that I’m going to be healthier than ever thanks to both of these events.
  18. I’m down 16#! (half was pre-op) Started soft foods and have no problems keeping anything down (so far have had deli turkey & cheese, and refried Beans & cheese). Only ate 2-3 oz so probably not enough to experience the ‘full’ feeling….but the best part is that the tiny amount has been more than satisfying and I have to remind myself to eat again later. My challenge will lie in finding things with enough Protein, since Protein shakes are permanently OUT due to a newly found corn and soy allergy (they all have it as an additive) Love my sleeve!:Banane35:
  19. Douceur72

    New To The Site and Newly Sleeved

    Hi Renee, congrats on your new sleeve and your amazing weight loss before surgery too! Discomfort in the left side is common. I’m 10 days out and the only lingering soreness I have is sort of a tugging sensation there when I stand up. Before surgery I remember reading somewhere the left-most incision is where the retractor goes in, so a lot of manipulation in that area. Makes sense that it would take longer to heal. Of course if it’s something really sharp or a new pain, I would call the surgeon. Good luck & keep us posted on your continued progress.
  20. Excellent! Thank you for the inspiration…I cannot wait to join you in onederland!
  21. This coming Monday won't be a typical one. I am a willingly driving myself to a hospital and paying someone thousands of dollars to staple off and remove 85% of my stomach. How did I get to this place? What made me so unable to control what I put in my mouth that I have to take such drastic measures? Don’t get me wrong. I’m not unsure about my decision. Not even scared, really. Just perplexed by how I became a person who needs to go this far to fix myself. I’m not an emotional eater. I’m not a bored eater. I just like to eat. I eat the wrong things and too much of them. I love fried food and pizza and ice cream more than I like carrots and rice cakes. I can modify my diet for a while…3 months or 1 year or 4 years. But I ALWAYS go back. No more. It ends in 36 hours. I may not understand it and probably never will…but the step I’m taking in 36 hours will help alter my behavior forever. I have high hopes that it will, anyway. Best case scenario would be that I lose my craving for those old favorites that got me to 300#, and/or have repercussions for eating them. Even if I don’t, having a restrictive tool which forces me to eat smaller amounts will be a blessing. Cause I’ve proved time and again that the solution is beyond me. I'm excited! Ready! Next time I blog I’ll be on the other side
  22. I just found out today I am allergic to corn and soy (not at all related to the surgery, just something I got tested today that has been bothering me for several months) Just wondering if anyone else deals with this, and if you have any good tips on how to eat post-sleeve? It seems everything I planned to eat for my liquid & soft stage contains corn and/or soy and the more I am learning, the more I am beginning to freak out.
  23. Douceur72

    Been sleeved 6 days...

    Hey fellow 6/20 sleever, sounds like overall you are doing well. Hope your pain is gone soon. If your itching is generalized try some gentle oil without perfumes like olive oil, instead of lotion. I am only itchy right around the steri strips.... am going to trim the loose endss & get some of the gummy stuff off my skin to see if that helps.
  24. Douceur72

    How many calories?

    Does the nut normally work with WLS patients? I'm not at that stage yet but thought during the losing phase most folks are told to keep it around 800 calories. And 180g of carbs seems really high!
  25. Douceur72


    How much Protein are you getting? Calories? Water? Vitamins? Are you getting any exercise?

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