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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Douceur72

  1. It'll be so great to mark all those things off your list! I posted a similar list when I joined the board a few weeks ago, went something like this: 1. ability to hike/walk/swim on vacations without limitation 2. doctor will take me off meds for polycystic ovaries if I get below 200# 3. save money on fast food 4. shopping & clothes...feeling good about my size & how I look in them 5. to bike like I used to with friends I cannot wait to look back on this list and check-check-check them all off!
  2. Douceur72


    That is so cool! I cannot wait to do those things again after I'm sleeved! Thanks for sharing.
  3. Dawn, thanks for sharing. I'd bet almost everyone here has a story like yours of the amusement park, a moment which sticks in our mind as to why we HATE being fat. Mine was on a recent trip to San Francisco...it's a place I've always wanted to go, and overall I had a great time but was frequently annoyed with how tired I got while walking around and how my feet/ankles/back hurt. I am pretty sure my thin friend was a bit annoyed too, although she didn't let on. Best of luck to you!
  4. Douceur72

    Deevah's Diatribe

    Deevah, sorry about your mom. Congrats on taking the reigns, and what better way to honor her memory than by making yourself healthier and happier, isn't that ultimately what moms want for their children. Best of luck.
  5. Douceur72

    Band vs Sleeve

    Hi Stacy, I am going thru the pre-surg process right now and have been reseraching like crazy to help me decide as well. When I went to the first seminar in November I was pretty sure I wanted the band, but now I am 99% sure I will choose the sleeve. Even though it's permenant it seems to be tolerated better than the band. So many people who are banded need to have it removed or revised. Plus it would be difficult for me to do the follow-up required for the band. At the seminar the surgeon mentioned that many patients come from hundreds of miles away and it would be impossible to come for adjustments/fills etc, so they opt for the "sleeve 'em and leave 'em." The more I read about sleeves the more confident I am that my WLS will be a success. Best of luck in making your decision!
  6. Your doctor should tell you at your next follow-up. At my nut class last week a post-RNY said he was at the gym 4 days after his surgery...he also ended up with a leak...not sure if it's related, but I'd be cautious of pushing too hard too fast.
  7. Douceur72


    Bone finding - lmao! I'm looking forward to that...and to seeing muscles again! I used to have muscular thighs from biking all the time but the fat kept them mostly covered up. Good job on your success!
  8. Douceur72

    Holly from Australia

    Holly, Wishing you the best for your upcoming surgery! Your 'date' analogy was cute...in a way it is like a date...there may be lots of anxiety going in, and some unknowns, and ultimtely that single date can change your life Keep us posted on how things are going. I am at least 4 months pre-op and already getting anxious for my date!
  9. Hi Joe, thanks so much for sharing. I just found this site last week and have so inspired by hearing the journeys everyone is going through. I am at least 4 months out from surgery, and pretty convinced sleeving is the way to go. Like you, I originally thought lap-band because it's reversible...but the more I read, the more comfortable I become that this is safer and more effective. Keep us posted on your success!
  10. I'm coming along for the ride - Let's GO!! I know what you mean about pictures...I just had a fantastic vacation in December but HATE looking at the pictures with me in them!
  11. So the doctor is telling you to lose the 15#? I also went to my first visit and was measured as BMI 40 & like you have no co-morbidities. I wasn’t told to lose weight, and was told I'd have to be 40 on my last visit prior to surgery (5 months down the road) for insurance to cover. I want to start exercising in preparation for post-op workouts but am afraid to lose anything.
  12. Hi Tracy, I am about a minute away from getting diabetes myself. In fact having a scare last year is what helped me make the decision to have surgery (anticipated this spring). I hope your procedure will eliminate all symptoms for you and you can come off your meds. Good luck
  13. Douceur72

    New to site - Intro

    Yes please do keep me posted on your insurance approval, I'll be curious. I have about the same amount of weight to lose as you as well...wishing you the best. Beth
  14. Hello all, My name is Beth and I’m 38. I’m in the early stages of the process, just 2 months into the 6-month pre-op dance. I went to the initial seminar w/ the surgeon in November thinking that I wanted to be banded…but after hearing him talk about the sleeve & reading quite a bit, have come to the conclusion that it may be a better choice for me. I am still not 100% sure, and my doctor doesn’t need a decision until a month prior to surgery so I’ll probably obsess about it until then . I’ve got to admit I’m a little nervous about having so much of an organ permanently removed…but the more I read, am beginning to accept that this is a safe and effective procedure. I grew up a chubby kid, despite being incredibly active and involved in every possible sport from age 7 on. My dad was severely obese, was diagnosed with diabetes in his 50’s, and lost his left foot and much of his vision before dying at 65 (I was 23 when he died). Despite his horrible outcome I have spent most of my adult life on the weight rollercoaster, having lost significant amounts of weight (40, 70, and 90 pounds) and kept it off for 2-3 years each time, only to ALWAYS regain. I’ve never been able to understand why I do this…like I’m going along living a healthy life and ‘click’ a switch goes off and I begin to overeat and become a couch potato. Although most people/readings would tell you this is depression, I can honestly say I’ve never felt depressed in the classical sense. In fact I feel pretty happy. But I know without a doubt, that if I don’t do something now, diabetes is right around the bend. In fact 3-4 months ago I was having some symptoms. I had myself checked and thankfully my fasting glucose and A1C were normal…but I know I got lucky! It’s really hard to admit that I can’t get a handle on my weight, especially since I’ve lost on my own before. I know that this surgery is merely a tool, and it makes me a bit anxious to know that success depends on my mental ability to overcome my desire for unhealthy food. To help get myself pumped up about it, I made a list of the best things this surgery can do for me: ability to hike/walk/swim on vacations without limitations or becoming tired keep diabetes away! better sex life if I get below 200#, my doctor will take me off meds for polycystic ovaries no more fast food – oh the money I will save! clothes – love 'em when I’m thinner, hate 'em when I’m fat to bike and jog like I did just 2 years ago – a lot of my social activities revolved around biking with friends Anyway, thanks for listening. Looking forward to getting some great advice on this site, I’ve been checking it out for the last few nights and finally decided to jump in! One question I have: I am 5’10” 280# and borderline for eligibility (BMI 40) and I don’t have any co-morbidities. It sounds ridiculous...but if I understand correctly from the surgeon’s nurse, I have to have the 40 BMI at my last weigh-in (one month before surgery) or I may be deemed ineligible for insurance coverage. If that is correct, I need to go to the required classes for 6 months with no intention to really change my weight? Seems silly. Can anyone enlighten me otherwise? Just as an FYI, my weight has been as high as 308 (BMI 44). I feel my most awesome around 180-190.
  15. Gosh, that's harsh. I'm glad you have decided to do what's best for you, despite his foundless objection. Best of luck for next, keep us posted.
  16. Douceur72

    New to site - Intro

    Mini - thank you for sharing. I am having the exact same thought process as you regarding band and bypass. Although the band is 'inert' it would still concern me. And losing the sphincter doesn't seem right either. Although I'm sure others have their reasons for rejecting the sleeve. It's truly an individual decision, isn't it? Congratulations to you....I am hoping to have as much success!
  17. Douceur72

    New to site - Intro

    Thanks Nikki! Well, I guess I will play whatever game I need to I'm sure the nurse wouldn't mind...when she weighed me the first time she asked for my height, I replied 'somewhere between 5'10" and 5'11"...to which she replied in a whisper "I'll just enter 5'10" so your BMI is higher."
  18. Douceur72

    New to site - Intro

    Thank you Jane! I really appreciate your input. You're quite an inspiration, judging by your ticker. Way to go! Looks like I'll need to maintain status quo in order to keep that 40. I really do want to start exercising now though, so I don't have to start from square one post-op.
  19. Douceur72

    New to site - Intro

    Thanks for the wecome Diva, and I love your quote 'nothing tastes as good as health feels.' Congrats on your success!

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