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Everything posted by Douceur72

  1. Douceur72

    Discouraged and disappointed

    47 lbs~ you are doing amazing! If you can’t quite see it in the mirror yet, just think of all the visceral fat that’s probably disappearing from the inside…off your heart, kidneys, etc. Your health has already improved drastically, the hot bod will soon follow!
  2. Douceur72


    Lol... I could hear little orphan annie singing when I read your post.... Valentina, you will do so great! Sending lots of positive thoughts your way!
  3. Douceur72

    Much happier this week

    the erasing thing happened to me also....it happens on discussion board too. If you're typing along and the system 'refreshes' or whatever it doesn't auto save what you are typing. My solution is to type into Word first, then copy & paste...no trouble since
  4. Amazing how fast the last few months have gone. I am finishing up grad school this week (last test is Tuesday woot woot!) and soon thereafter I will be embarking on another huge undertaking – getting sleeved. I’ve complained about this on the boards a couple of times but will say it one more time…the pre-op classes are simply ridiculous. I can honestly say I got nothing out of them. The only semi-interesting class was a one-year post-op RNY patient who talked about the challenges and victories he had experienced. The rest were beyond lame. But, it’s over now Once I completed my last class, the surgeon’s nurse navigator got my paperwork submitted to Aetna and exactly 7 days later called to say I was approved! I was really expecting it to be more difficult than that. I met with the Surgeon 6/1 (before this, had only seen him at the seminar in December 2010) and had a good conversation in which he answered all of my questions and made me feel 100% comfortable with my decision to move forward. After we were done he had me talk with his scheduler, who got me on the roster for June 20. Sweet! I probably still won’t believe it until I’m driving to the hospital that morning. Since I don’t have a PCP the surgeon will just do my H&P the morning of surgery. He doesn’t do any type of pre-op testing. Interesting because here on the boards some people need sleep apnea studies, testing for hernias or h-pylori, etc. He does not require any of that. Which is cool because I am pretty sure all of those are negative for me and I hate when unnecessary testing is done. I have to go to one more nutrition class on June 9, which revolves around how to eat pre- and post-op. I actually start the pre-op diet June 10…the first few days will be challenging because I have visitors in town that I rarely get to see, and usually we eat out and drink wine, etc. But I will manage. The good news is that from the literature the surgeon’s office has given me, I think it’s pretty good as pre-op diets go. It’s only 10 days and I get mushy stuff, am not restricted to liquids like others sometimes are. Emotionally, I feel great. I feel ready to kick fat in the ass. I am not nervous at all. This may change as the date approaches, but as of now I feel at peace with my decision. The main issue on my mind right now about two weeks out is, whether or not to tell anyone. I do have a great family but truly just want to keep this private. Maybe I still have a little shame, I don’t know. My mom is a true supporter of me, however she has been through a lot the last few years (cancer, heart failure) and has developed a pretty significant amount of anxiety. I rarely see my siblings due to distance and they are great people however…skinny people. And I don’t think they would understand. Co-workers, I absolutely do NOT want to know because I feel they will forever scrutinize what I eat. That leaves friends. There are a few close ones I have considered telling. Despite the fact that they are thin I think they’d be on board with my decision because they have seen me fluctuate so much over the years. Anyway, still not sure. As surgery approaches I’ll decide what to do.
  5. Incredible difference, congratulations to you! Agree with Kathy, you may need to add a few calories, I'm still pre-op but from what I have read that seems to work for a lot of people.
  6. Douceur72

    I did the Shimmy Shimmy Shake!!!

    Love it!!!! I'm still pre-op but one thing I've been looking forward to so much is purging the closet. I can visualize it - holding up jeans and sweaters and with a big smile saying "goodbye size 2X blue sweater....goodbye bootcut jeans size 22....goodbye leather belt that would comfortably fit Santa..." while I throw them into the Goodwill pile.
  7. Douceur72

    Hair Loss

    That is how my nutritionist explained it too, that it's the body's response to what it perceives as a trauma. The body simply stops putting energy into growing hair. The 3-6 month delay is the time it takes the hair to fall out of the follicle. I'm being sleeved 6/20 and started Biotin yesterday.... whether it helps or not who knows...I have great hair but bring on the sleeve!! even if I'm temporarily bald it will be worth it
  8. At the beginning, 6 months of pre-op classes seemed like forever. Although I must say it did go pretty fast and was totally worth the wait, cause now I have insurance approval and met with surgeon today, got all my questions answered, and walked out with my date. I am so pumped and ready to kick obesity in the butt for once and for all! :Banane35: Pre-op diet starts 6/10 and isn’t too bad… I can have cream Soups, cottage cheese etc.
  9. Douceur72

    Advice on selecting a sugrgeon!

    Once you've met them both, your gut will guide you. Take all of your questions and see how each one answers. It's such a personal choice...for instance I know people who could care less about bedside manner i.e. don't mind being rushed, or a disorganized office, if they know the doctor is the best of the best. Other folks would rather have a very personable doctor who will show genuine interest in them as a person, even if they have less experience. I am not sure about the insurance part, but I've had surgery 7 times and have never had an issue with an anesthesiologist not being in network. Since most hospitals or surgical suites have several in the ORs each day I'm not sure how difficult it would be to find out ahead of time who will be in your procedure, or if it's billed as a hospital charge or what...good question really, maybe someone on this site knows something about insurance/hospital billing and can answer that question.
  10. Douceur72

    pre op liquid diet

    I know what you're going through. I had a health issue (problem with an old surgical wound) pop up right when I got insurance approval for the sleeve...I spent 10 days not knowing when or if I would get to have surgery. This last Wednesday I met with the sleeve surgeon...went in thinking he'd want to delay everything, but he assured me it wouldn't be an issue at all. Praying your outcome is the same. I'm right behind you with a sleeve date of 6/20. Best of luck!
  11. Douceur72

    increase the dose???

    Cheryl is 100% right...let your doc do it. How else will they know you are getting a therapeutic level? Changing the dose of any prescription is unsafe and you may have unwanted side effects....not sure what they all are for metformin but do know it can cause diarrhea, and can affect the liver. I also don't understand what you mean by needing it below 200 by Tuesday. Have you already been sleeved? If so, you'll probably eventually come off the metformin...just be patient and let your doc take you off when your body is ready.
  12. Douceur72

    Hair Loss

    Glad you decided to go for it! By the way how much Biotin are you taking, and are you starting it pre-op?
  13. Douceur72

    The best thing I ever bought!!!

    Cool!!! I'm getting one too
  14. Douceur72

    What size bougie did they use?

    My surgeon will be using a 36 on me. I told him 32 seems common from what I've read here, he explained the 36 has been proven to have same weight loss result as a 32, with slightly fewer complications such as stricture but the differences are essentially negligible. He said like others posted, it's also dependent on the technique & how tight the stomach is pulled at time of stapling. Also he is going to a conference 6/13 (the week before my surgery) and if he hears any new research pointing to another size we'd discuss it pre-op.
  15. Great response, mnbsleeve! I hadn't thought of it like that before.
  16. Aetna has approved me and I'm meeting with the surgeon tomorrow If all goes well I will have surgery in June. I'm not nervous, just really excited!! My list of questions for the surgeon is below. Am I missing any? Are there questions you wish you had asked, but didn't? What bougie size do you use? Do you suture over the staple line? In your experience does biotin/zinc/protein help curb hair loss? Do your patients usually use a PPI? Do you do pre-op testing for H-pylori? And a few other questions specific to my health concerns
  17. Douceur72

    Who knew???

    Hilarious! "flintstones" - lmao. I was thinking about getting a pedi before surgery next month....now I will make it a point to! Also great advice to drink before taking on any feats, which immediately postop can be just about anything
  18. I'm no expert but I do know that hair loss is temporary, and it will grow back Some people say Biotin helps, have you tried that? Also be sure you're getting all of your Protein in. I am having surgery next month and am considering starting biotin pre-op....no idea if it helps but it probably can't hurt. Congrats on your incredible weight loss!!
  19. Douceur72

    NSV pants size

    Way to go!:cheer2: I cannot WAIT for that nsv.
  20. Douceur72


    Hoping to be a Jewel of June, I'm all approved and ready..... just waiting for my surgeon appointment on June 1 to determine the date. eek! so exicted
  21. Douceur72


    Maggie, congrats on your sleeve Soda is the only never, per my surgeon's guidelines. Of course low carb/protein first are recommended for life, however as far as absolute no-no, soda is it. Anything can technically be eaten in moderation. I just know from my own history that if I begin eating carbs, the floodgates open and I overdo it, so will need to really watch those. Interesting yours mentioned gum, I've heard that once before and am curious of the reasoning.
  22. Douceur72


    Exactly one week.
  23. I agree that you will be fine....don't stress too much. Best of luck with rest of pre-op!
  24. Douceur72

    What is it like having WLS

    Suzanne, thanks for sharing your journey. I meet with my surgeon June 1 and will walk out of his office with a date I had never considered WLS seriously because I had always been able to lose on my own...of course gaining back every time...but always felt it was a matter of will that I could conquer. Til last year when I started to have s&s of diabetes. Luckily the blood tests were negative but it was a true wake up call that if I didn't do something NOW I was going to be a diabetic like my dad and a few others in the family who suffered amputations, blindness etc. At the WLS seminar I first heard the word 'sleeve.' I had gone with intentions (and fear) of getting banded. In the end, I think it was all meant to be... that I went to the seminar when I did, that the sleeve had just been an approved procedure by my insurance, etc. Now that I've 6 months to think about it due to the silly pre-op classes required by insurance, I am 100% sure this is the right thing to do. So excited to begin losing, with confidence that it can truly be a forever thing.
  25. Thank you so much for sharing those pics - I'm so inspired by you. And have learned so much from your posts since I"ve been on the board. Congrats, you deserve the best!

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