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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FitatFifty

  1. FitatFifty

    September sleevers wanted!

    My surgery is scheduled for Sept. 16!
  2. FitatFifty

    approval process?

    Have you called your insurance company and asked about coverage?? With the CPT code for your procedure, they should be able to tell you whether or not you'll be covered. Your doctor's office should also be able to address some questions for you. Good Luck!
  3. Hi there and welcome. I cannot give you my results yet, but I can tell you why I chose the sleeve. Based on current medical research the sleeve provides almost comparable results to gastric-bypass and in many cases, surpasses that of the lap band. I prefer the sleeve because there is less tinkering with the small intestine, and I have an autoimmune disease that impacts my small intestine. Tiffy's response provides great information on moving forward once you've had the surgery. I know I'll listen to her...she's been so successful with her journey and generous with her knowledge. To our good health! Fit
  4. Congratulations!! What a NSV to wear your ring once again. Keep up the good work!
  5. FitatFifty

    Starting to look into WLS

    Congraulations on considering weight loss surgery and welcome to the forum. The members are great at sharing information, so I'm sure you'll find answers to your questions. I have thyroid issues too (on full replacement with levoxyl) adn will have the sleeve sometime before the end of the year. I too am curious what others with thyroid issues may have experienced. To our good health-- Fit
  6. CONGRATULATIONS to you all with your success!! A big WOOO HOOO from Washington!
  7. FitatFifty


    I thnk lurking is a prerequisite to posting! Welcome and I hope you receive your approval quickly! Sounds like you're ready to go. I"m in that process too, I'm approved but likely won't have the surgery until December because of work comittments. Fit
  8. Britt Big thank you for posting your letter on your blog. I used your format with my appeal letter (5 pages of argument and research as to why SG is not investigational) and was successful getting the denial overturned. My surgeon also wrote a letter stating sleeve was medically necessary because I have celiac sprue. It was a one-two punch! Thanks again, and I wish you success in your efforts! Fit
  9. FitatFifty

    I won my appeal--Premera BCBS

    Thanks Mini We Northwest gals have to stick together. I'll know more on Friday about my surgery date. Exciting times! I hope all is well with you and your journey! Fit
  10. FitatFifty

    I won my appeal--Premera BCBS

    Thank you all for heartfelt congratulations! I meet Friday with my surgeon to discuss dates...likely late November for me because of my work committments. Thanks everyone!! Fit
  11. FitatFifty

    I won my appeal--Premera BCBS

    Thanks so much! I've been working on this since February 2010 and it is great to finally have the insurance resolved
  12. Hang in there Carrie! I'd be worried about you if you weren't nervous about the surgery. I can't speak from my own experience, but a friend of mine was sleeved about 8 months ago and it was a pretty straightforward experience for her. Good news too--I won my appeal with Premera BCBS--based on medical necessity. A revision would seem to fit that ticket. Good luck and I'll send good thoughts your way- Fit
  13. FitatFifty

    Insurance costs more than cash?

    You can also contact your state insurance commissioner's office for assitance if you still have difficulties with your provider. Good luck!
  14. Greetings all- I submitted my first level appeal with Premera BCBS recently. My appeal adventure resulted in a change of surgeons for me. My initial surgeon, who I was referred to and is well-known in our locale for skills, according to the office staff, would not participate in my appeal. This included an unwillingness to read my letter to simply ensure I was not overstating conclusions found in medical journal articles. I found this attitude unsettling...was I just $$$ in the door--what about after my surgery?? Long story short, with a little research, I located another surgeon closer to my home--and just as highly skilled. Without revealing my story to his office staff, I asked the staff what support if any, they provided for insurance appeals, and she reeled of a list of assitance, including a letter from the surgeon. Since you've been patient and read to the end of my story, the moral of the story is that it pays to switch doctors. My new surgeon wrote a killer letter on the medical necessity of the sleeve for me, I am so much happier dealing with this office, and my husband prefers the new surgeon to the old.:scared0: And for those of you just getting started...be sure to ask what type of assistance the doctor and her or his staff will provide should you need to appeal. Stay tuned, I'll let you know how this turns out! Finally, I'd like to thank all of you who have generously posted thier appeal letters on this site. If I am successful with mine, I too will post it. Maybe you'll recognize a little of yourself in my letter!! To our good health-- Fit
  15. FitatFifty

    Premera BCBS Appeal--Change of Surgeons

    Carrie I'll keep you posted on how my appeal proceeds. Both my doctor and I wrote persuasive letters based on sound research--especially his! Hopefully, not only Premera, but the other insurers out there will see the light soon. Cheers! Fit
  16. FitatFifty

    2 days post op

    Hope you're feeling better soon. Fit
  17. FitatFifty

    Premera BCBS Appeal--Change of Surgeons

    Thanks Mila-- I'm glad I moved on too! I'm trying not get my hopes up, but Premera has not yet issued a denial letter (the last one was quicker than lightening!!), so I know they are at least reviewing my case. Fit
  18. Tom I too am with Premera BC and was initially told they would cover the VSG. However, like others who posted replies, Premera denied my request while approving me for gastric bypass. I am in the process of my level one appeal and have found numerous studies supporting VSG. Go to pubmed.gov and search for lap band revisions or sleeve gastrectomy. You will find numerous studies released since Premera revised its medical policy in November 2009. You didn't state the reason for the denial, but focus on that reason and show them with studies why teh denial should be overturned. Also, I noticed that Premera has revised it policy several times in November, so we may receive an update soon. If Medicare makes the leap, then other insurers are soon to follow. Hang in there! We can work together to solve this issue. Feel free to contact me by email. Catherine (aka FitatFifty (ok I'm trying!))
  19. FitatFifty

    Success FINALLY Whey Optimum

    Once again Tiff thanks for the great information!!:001_rolleyes: Catherine
  20. FitatFifty

    CPAP question

    Hi Looking Up I have sleep apnea and have been on a CPAP for 5 years. I have never experienced the terrible symptoms you have from using my machine--in fact my ears and sinuses hurt when I don't use my machine. My setting is 8 for my machine (Remstar with humidifier). You may want to consider getting a copy of your test and seek a second opinion. The key to resolving sleep apnea is using the machine--and that isn't going to happen if your doc doesn't adjust your machine. Good luck- Catherine
  21. FitatFifty

    Celiac Disease and the Sleeve

    Thanks Lee. Did your doctor recommend the sleeve for you because of the possiblity of Celiac? Catherine (aka FitatFifty)
  22. Thanks for posting all this information. My biggest question is what will life be like 2-3 years out! It's helpful to read how other's are doing and what it takes for maintenance. I'm getting closer to making it happen!
  23. FitatFifty

    Newbie - Made my decision

    :biggrin0:Congratulations! I am in the process of making my decision and have also been lurking the forums for information!! This site has been so helpful. Everyone's honesty about the process has helped me to make and informed decision. My husband is supportive, as are the friends that I've told. I will have my nutrition and psych evaluation over the next 10 days...then we'll see how I fare with the insurance folks. Great to hear from the folks who went to Mexico for thier surgery--sounds like a good experience.
  24. I agree with JeepChick and Tiffykins. I am contemplating VSG for myself and when I asked my surgeon how many sleeves he'd done--the answer was 15. But he's also done over 700 bypasses, which demonstrates to me he has the expertise with the stapler.
  25. FitatFifty

    Working towards being Fit at Fifty

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
