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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FitatFifty

  1. FitatFifty

    Stomach Burnning

    Did he put you on any antacids like ompreazole (Prevacid?). I've only experienced burning when I tried a glass of red wine.
  2. Wow! Congratulations on your success. You are looking great!

  3. FitatFifty

    Just Joined - VSG on 11/02

    Welcome! You will love the support, encouragment, and honesty the members provide!! Good luck on your surgery--we'll see you on the other side! Fit
  4. FitatFifty

    Any Fast Eaters?

    My nickname is "Hoover." I took Mini's suggestion and bought demitasse spoons and cocktail forks--keeps those bites small. Like Fleur, I also eat in front of the TV, and use the clock on the VCR to time my eating. Same process, take a bite, PUT THE FORK DOWN, chew 20 times (remember to count), and repeat. Practice, practice, practice, before your surgery. Eating too fast is PAINFUL and its likely you'll not get your protein in because you just have to stop. Good Luck Fit
  5. FitatFifty

    18 months post op today!

    Oregon congratulations to you!! What an inspriational story. Being only 5 weeks out, it's great to hear you're maintaing and have a strategy THAT WORKS!! when you have a small gain. Hooray for You!! Fit
  6. My stall is broken! Hurray!

  7. Mix in with sf pudding-one scoop for every cup of milk. Mix and dissolve protein powder first, then pudding mix. It's great. I also sprinkle a 1/2 scoop on food and stir in. Mini is right about temoerature you don't want to go above 130 degrees or else yuck! Fit
  8. FitatFifty

    way too much advertising...

    this is awesome!!! THANK YOU!!!
  9. FitatFifty

    OMG I can't breath.. I won my appeal!

    Congratulations! The fight is worth it! Hooray! Fit
  10. Pants are falling off...time for a smaller size!

  11. FitatFifty

    Good News About Chat!

    Thanks so much Oregon Daisy!! I really miss the old chat room. I just seem to get lost in the new one...and when I get there...no one is there. Fit
  12. Hi Teacup.

    I had to appeal and was successful. First, look at your benefit booklet and see what directions it provides about appealing. Check with your doc, will they help you with your appeal? My doc wrote a letter stating sleeve was medically neccessary for me because I have Celiac Sprue (which is an autoimmune disease that affects the small intestine). Will send my letter if interested

  13. FitatFifty


    Congratulations! I'm happy for you!
  14. KKB I am sorry you had this turn of events- it sounds like you're on the road to recovery though. I can not provide you any advice, but I wish you well. Welcome back and I'm sure someone with more experience than I will respond. Feel better soon. Hugs Fit
  15. Love feeling joyful and excited!

  16. FitatFifty

    3 Week Stall

    Mick...This too will pass. I'm not sure you can prevent stalls, you're body is adjusting. My three week stall came and went rather quickly, and truly was a non event. Enjoy the ride!! Fit.
  17. FitatFifty

    My Appeal worked!!!!!!!

    Congratulations!!! that's great news. Soon you'll be on the losers bench and watching yourself disappear! best of luck Fit
  18. FitatFifty

    Recover time after surgery

    I took two weeks on the advice of my support group, doctor, and nutritionist and was glad I did. it's not just time for recovery, but to learn the eating/sipping routine. I felt ready to go back to work about day 12. When I returned to work the fatigue the first day was bad, but has gotten better. I am now 4 weeks out. I stayed 2 nights in the hospital and was glad to. It is really important to walk and do so regularily after your procedure. Good Luck Fit
  19. Enjoying my four-week surgiversary and not missing the 32 pounds missing from my body!

  20. FitatFifty

    Monday Morning Weigh In

    Ok I'm in! I weigh 259 today!! Down 30.2 lbs since 9/2, and 17 lbs since surgery on 9/16 (25 days ago). WOW!
  21. I used the U.S.National Library of Medicine's website when researching my appeal and found it quite useful: www.ncbi.nim.nih.gov/sites/pubmed If you have difficutly, go to pubmed.gov The site provides articles in abstract form -- great for your letter. Good luck Fit
  22. I love toread the studiea too! The research is helpful when talking with your doc.

  23. Good luck with the PubMed site. I searched on vertical sleeve and hit numerous studies since last year and use that fact in my appeal letter. It worked great!

  24. Greetings! I am a little over three weeks out and can finally wear a belt and tuck in my shirts!!!! This is a whoo hoo moment for me. Also, I took all my smaller sized blouses, sweaters, and skirts to the cleaners this week, and it's like I have a new wardrobe. Plus my hubby told me I'm looking sexy!! Wow! Love my sleeve. I will be fit before I turn fifty. To our good health- Fit
  25. FitatFifty

    To Alex re: chat

    I agree with Oregon Daisy. I can't even find the chat room. Fit

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