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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by buggy22_us

  1. I am here in Colorado Springs and looking for a buddy to talk to and maybe work with! Six months ago I made the step to get some help and so far I am down 35lbs and 20 inches,,, but somewhere along the line I have lost my motivation... I still have the heart and the want for it but the motivation seemed to have slipped! Is there anyone here to seems to have the same problem? If so, lets solve this problem together!! I am an engaged mother of 2 boys looking for anyone who seems to have the same issues I am dealing with!
  2. buggy22_us

    TOM weight gain...

    WOW.. I completely forgot about that "small" thing! I had a partial hystrectomy about 3 yrs ago and haven't had one of those since! Talk bout feelin stupid...LOL!! Thanks for the reminder!!
  3. buggy22_us

    TOM weight gain...

    I have a REALLY stupid question... but what is TOM?
  4. buggy22_us

    Me & my kids!

  5. buggy22_us

    101 0595

    From the album: Me & my kids!

  6. buggy22_us

    101 0362

    From the album: Me & my kids!

  7. buggy22_us

    101 0153

    From the album: Me & my kids!

    My wonderful boys! My reason for continuing this journy in life!
  8. From the album: Me & my kids!

    When I bought this it was tight and two months after surgery it fit with wiggle room! My wedding dress for May 2012!
  9. buggy22_us

    last June haircut

    From the album: Me & my kids!

    Last summer before surgery!
  10. THings went well and since surgery I am down 10.75 inches and 26.8 lbs in 3 months... They say I am doing good but I still feel like I should be further along!!

  11. I get my measurements tomorrow and update the psych and nutritionist as well!! Should get good news, but am terrified to find out that my inches might be less than the weight loss....ugh!

  12. buggy22_us

    negative feedback

    You should be proud of the decision you have made for your health and not let some muscle head give you a hard time for it! If we were all meant to look like them, the doctors would be out of business and so would they! You are doing it for all of the right reasons... you & your life!! When you decided to look for a trainer they, I'm sure, were all too happy to want to "help" you out, but look at the amount of $$ you were giving them! When in reality we can do just as good a job on our own and save the money instead of giving it to someone else (or someone we think we want to look like)! I say talk to a manager and remember the routines you have done with him! If you can do them on your own at home... then kudos to you! And congrats on the decision!!
  13. I had my surgery in January of 2011 with Dr. Metz (and I drove up there from the Springs) and it was the best decision I could have ever made in my life! He is accepting, understanding and considerate! The office staff is just as wonderful as well and I will be eternally grateful to him for the help he has given me! Talk about a God send at the right time!!
  14. Your Dr. will automatically give you a RX for nausea but you can also ask for a patch that they will put just behind your ear, and will last for up to 3 days. I didn't have too many problems with that, except for when I get things stuck (I am still learning what I can and can't eat that won't cause problems) but the patch works wonders! Just ask them about it when you are getting set up and checked in at surgery and you should be fine! It's a nausea patch but I can't remember the exact name! Good Luck!!
  15. buggy22_us

    May Challenge

    Im game! Name, real or screen~ Shannon Age~ 33 Weight on May1st~ 266.2 Goal Weight for May 29th~ 257.7 Exercise Goal for May~ walk one mile every day Dietary Goal for May~ Drink more water; eat more fruits & veggies Personal Goal for May~ Lose 10 lbs by memorial day Date Banded~ 1-11-11 Total Weight Loss Since Banding~27.8
  16. 1.5lbs down and 8.5ore to go...woohoo!!

  17. Tried the milk of magnesia and nothing so far... still stuck!

  18. buggy22_us

    Bathroom Problems

    I am so thankful that this subject was brought up! I have had the most horrible time trying to go and it's just not happening. Bleeding and crying should not be part of that routine. I have gotten several ideas and like others fiber pills and mixes just dont seem to cut it for me. I have also started looking into colon hydrotherapy, but no decisions at the moment. From reading all the comments I have other solutions to try before I shell out money for someone else to help me... Thanks everyone!
  19. buggy22_us

    Any banded folks do the 'couch to 5k' program?

    Just like a baby... you have to stand before u walk and walk before you can run! Take it one step at a time and you will succeed! Good Luck and keep us posted!
  20. buggy22_us

    Stuck & Frustrated

    HELP!! My weight is stuck and I'm frustrated! I have my fourth fill appointment in a few days and I'm guessing for another .25 cc's to go in as I'm sitting at 8.25 right now. Exercise is difficult as my son is disabled so I spend 65% of my time on him, 15% with my 15 yr old and 10% with my fiance and 10% on chores, errands, and appointments. Finding time for myself is hard and with summer coming it's gonna get harder. One difference is that my fiance will be gone for the summer for work (freeing up some time but not much). I started, in January, at 294.2 and woke up this morning at 267.7 and have been at this number for about 3 weeks! Does any one have any suggestions for me to get past this bump in the road? Shannon
  21. buggy22_us

    Stuck & Frustrated

    Thank You all for the advice and I will look into the pouch diet and see what it involves! I am trying to increase my movements as well... tomorrow is a trip to the zoo for my youngest and his class at school... a trip out of the house would be nice and am hoping the walking and fresh air will help!
  22. buggy22_us

    Need support to get through pre-op diet!!

    I struggled with my pre & post of as well. By the end of my first week I was bitter and jealous of my boys and fiance, as they were able to eat... more specifically CHEW! I was the one doing most of the cooking and it smelled so good, but my desire to follow through with DR.S ORDERS was stronger! I didn't want to let him down or my family for agreeing to what I finally wanted but even more than letting them down, I wanted to prove I could stick to something. As it is, i have had a few slip ups, and the guilt eats at me when I do! My Dr.s told me not to look at is as a diet but as a change. You have already decided to make the change, now you just have to decide if your will power is strong enough to want to stick with it to get the results you want! Good Luck!! Shannon
  23. buggy22_us

    Stuck & Frustrated

    It's not that I didn't expect to reach a plateau, but I'm curious as to how i might be able to get through this to lose another 5 lbs. Even that small of a loss makes a big difference! i have a positive outlook on this, about as positive as anyone else, and any advice on how to push past would be great!
  24. Try this instead... don't look for a liquid diet, as you will find yourself feeling more starved than anything! Look for ways to incorporate more Protein and less sodium & less sugar. The diet you will be put on just before and after surgery will be the hardest and will be mostly of Protein drinks, Soups, mashed potatoes & LOTS of Water. Keep moving such as walking, dancing, stairs... just as long as you move you will be doing domething positive! Remember to cut back the calories and increase your output and you won't feel like you are constantly gaining! Good Luck!!
  25. buggy22_us

    Surgery Tomorrow and scared!

    You have nothing to worry about sweety! The only pain you will feel is from the incisions! I had mine done this last January and I walked out of the hospital that same day. Bloating is expected and tenderness as well. You may feel some restrictions but you won't feel it sitting, standing, walking or moving. You will be slow as you are recovering from major surgery... but just keep in mind that then end result is COMPLETELY worth it! Just relax and Breath!!!! Shannon

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
