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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by HetKF

  1. So...my size 24 jeans are hanging on me. Went to LB to get some new pants......I FIT IN A SIZE 20!!!!! Holy Crap!!!! I was soooooo excited!!! I haven't been a size 20 since 2001. I'm lovin' it :)

  2. 35 lbs. down!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! HELL YEAH!!!!!!

  3. Bad couple of days....ate too fast and ended up feeling like something was stuck. I threw it up....and same thing happened to me today except it finally passed. Have to take it slower and make sure I chew the hell out of everything before I swallow it.

  4. Thanks again!!

  5. Tif, you are the sleeve guru :) That being said...I am 35 days out today and is there a certain guideline you followed to continue your weight loss? I am told still 60-70 gms of protein, <10gm of fat per meal, and <12gms of sugar per 8 oz. serving. Mind you, our servings are never 8 oz..... Any suggestions?

  6. I am officially 35 days out and can eat regular food. Craziness......I am somewhat normal again...LOL.


  8. Also, mixing my Unjury (unflavored) with V8 Fusion is Realllllly good. Very tolerable and easy to get down.

  9. Here's my goal....I am a HUGE U2 fan. I flew to AZ 10/2009 to see them. They will be in my neck of the woods June 2010. The goal is to not have my thighs touch the seat like it did at the last one. I was so uncomfortable....I knew at that point something had to change. Let's not even talk about the seat on the airplane...UGH!!!

  10. Finally lost another pound!!! It's about time this scale moved again.....

  11. These incisions are itching like crazy!!!!!!! Almost healed and driving me nuts...time for some cortisone.

  12. How did your surgery go? I hope all is well :)

  13. Thank you!!!! Yes, it did. I appreciate your vast knowledge :)

  14. My unflavored Unjury came via UPS this morning. Made a smoothie with 4 frozen strawberries, 5 0z of milk, and a scoop of powder, plus a half packet of Truvia. 1 oz of it wa foam but I Love it!!!!! I'm sold....and will never buy any other powder. Dissolves well, not clumpy, no after "yuck" taste.

  15. Hey Tif, when are you allowed to start exercising post sleeve? What can you and can you not do???

  16. I made that mistake where you start feeling really good and you think your Wonder Woman again. Well, I was wrong. I over did it and my abdominal muscles were sore as hell. Then I got a sharp pain in my side where they took my drain out last week. Not good....had to take my pain meds again to calm it down. Need to start riding the couch a bit more. I've learned my lesson.

  17. Feeling better everyday....and I have lost 25 lbs so far. I am EXTREMELY happy. Can't wait to see more drop off.....

  18. OK.....so I have this ticker. Can anyone tell me how to change the weight on it? I;ve kept going back on the website and I can't figure it out! Frustrating :(

  19. 9 days out and I have lost 20 lbs!!!! I am beyond thrilled :) I had a really rough start but I woke up a few days ago and my pain was pretty much gone. Here I was taking meds every 3.5-4 hours to nothing!!! What a trip.... I get my drain taken out on Thursday. It will be nice to have it off me. Started my full liquid portion 2 days ago and I gotta be honest...it's wearing on me a bit. I can do this though...my taste buds and my nose don't agree with ...

  20. Had surgery yesterday......rough night first night. Today has been a little better. Had my flouoscopy done and NO LEAKS!!!!! WOOO HOOO.....remember to sip your drinks and soup etc.. If you do it too fast it feels overwhelming. As far as pain meds go.....I had to talk to the RN bout making sure they keep my pain meds on a pretty constant basis. I have a pretty low pain tolerance and I need it to be that way or I am screwed....doubled over in pain. My drain seems to b...

  21. 12 hours from now and I am sleeved. It's been a rough past 3 days on this liquid diet but I did it. I will let u all know how it went tomorrow night :) Keep those prayers going ladies!!

  22. Start my 1,000 calorie tomorrow. Was supposed to today but working nightshift isn't conducive to a restriction like that.

  23. 2 more weeks until it's my turn!!! Shaking in my crocs....lol.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
