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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by HetKF

  1. I can not stand these stalls!!!! UGH!!!!!!!

  2. I have decided to surrender my obsession with numbers on the scale. I am only going to weigh myself once a week. Going to focus on working out and going down in clothing size. It seems to be how my body is doing things now. I have finally accepted it. Also, found out I have hypothyroid and have had it most of my life. I am now on meds for that. I am what they call symptomatic. My labs never tell the tale but the rest of me does. Since I have been on the Synthroid, my fluid retention...

  3. Thank you!!!! Yes, it did. I appreciate your vast knowledge :)

  4. How did your surgery go? I hope all is well :)

  5. Back on my Unjury. V8 Fusion came out with a blackberry/cranberry light version that mixes really well with the unflavored powder. I was a bad girl over the holidays and my hair is paying the price :(

  6. Finally lost another pound!!! It's about time this scale moved again.....

  7. Saw Dr. Zeni today. He said I have done very well at a total 73% weight loss. He said normal for VSG is 60-65% and I have surpassed his goal. He also noted he only expects me to be able to lose another 10 lbs. I see him in another year for a check up. Though I am a slow loser, I hope to surpass his expectations again ;)

  8. I contacted my Dietitian last week regarding my plateau. She sent me a 5 day kick start to re-start my weight loss. I started Monday and my weight has stabilized and have lost almost 4-5 lbs. no lie. I am beyond thrilled. She said my body fell out of fat burning mode or ketosis and into a glucose burning metabolism. If anyone is interested I can email it to you :)

  9. Here's my goal....I am a HUGE U2 fan. I flew to AZ 10/2009 to see them. They will be in my neck of the woods June 2010. The goal is to not have my thighs touch the seat like it did at the last one. I was so uncomfortable....I knew at that point something had to change. Let's not even talk about the seat on the airplane...UGH!!!

  10. Also, mixing my Unjury (unflavored) with V8 Fusion is Realllllly good. Very tolerable and easy to get down.

  11. Plastic Surgeons office finally mailed in my documents. Crossing my fingers they approve my arms. I am PRAYING HARD!!!

  12. 197 BABY!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. We live near each other and I am always available to help others through this process. My VSG was at SMMH in Livonia on 11/29/10. I don't regret a thing and I would do it all over again to feel what I feel today. Had a few unsupportive people but once they realized/saw the positive outcomes they have changed their tune. First month is the hardest. Food doesn't taste as good as being thin feels :)

  14. Start my 1,000 calorie tomorrow. Was supposed to today but working nightshift isn't conducive to a restriction like that.

  15. 65 down....getting closer to being out of the 200's :)

  16. Finally hit 190....50 more pounds to go until I hit 140. For my shorty height I am supposed to be 125-135. I will be happy with a comfy 140 though. Sad thing is it's going to still qualify me as being overweight :/

  17. Anyone notice people treat you differently since you lost a significant amount of weight?

  18. Day 4 and this is the first day I do not feel like I am running on empty. This kick start is no picnic but I am doing it anyway. Weird thing is I have not heard my stomach make those weird gurgling sounds in months and as of Tuesday it has come back. Go figure??

  19. Scale said 200.5 and then 201 yesterday!!!! HOLY ****!!!! AM I REALLY ALMOST OUT OF THE 200'S!!!!!!???? WOOOOOOHOOOOOO :)

  20. Dr. Zeni is awesome!!! He has a very high success rate. I just saw him last Thursday for my 3 month. The class your going to freaked me out and my food addicted mind had a slight panic attack when we went over the whole booklet. No lie...I went to McD's and got myself a big mac and Large diet coke...lol. Trust me.....if I can get through it so will you :) I am so excited f...

  21. I have been neglecting my treadmill.....I seem to have lost my motivation!!! Have to find a way to get it back with my surgiversary fast approaching.

  22. it cut me off...I said I am so excited for you. I see a therapist who deals with eating disorders/food addiction. It has been a God send bcuz it is helping me learn why I turned to food and I am relearning how to cope in different ways. It's also good when I get to these stall points and get hard on myself and want to give in. She helps me stay on track.

  23. Goal 20...done. Goal 40...DONE!!!!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
