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Status Updates posted by HetKF

  1. I was enlightened by a wonderful woman on the VSG group page on FB. For those of you who are going to have surgery with Dr. Zeni...They will tell you not to watch your carbs. I have lately learned otherwise and have been steadily losing weight now.

  2. 65 down....getting closer to being out of the 200's :)

  3. YES!!!! I am OFFICIALLY 60 lbs down as of TODAY!!!!!! 213 baby!!!

  4. My short term goal....when I hit 198-199 I am going to have Radiesse injected into my forehead and get rid of these wrinkles!!!! Plus, I now fit into one of my fav U2 t-shirts!!!!

  5. Was able to post some pictures into my gallery. It wouldn't let me at 1st. It's hard to look at my pics 59 lbs ago. I can't believe I did that to myself :(

  6. 1 more pound until I hit my 60 mark!!!!! Some days this is still hard to believe...

  7. AZ trip was FANTASTIC!!!! I went to Sedona and for the first time did not have a hard time walking up to the Chapel of the Holy Cross :) Back to the treadmill....

  8. Got my treadmill from HSN today....I freaking LOVE it!!! I didn't love the 3 hrs it took to put it together though..lol. Bless my Husband for all of his help.

  9. Anxiously awaiting my new treadmill. I waited because I never found one I liked until now. Plus, HSN had free shipping so it saved me something like $125. I'm hoping it gets here before I go on vacay.

  10. I'm glad it went well. He's such a nice guy and a great Surgeon!!! Lots of info in the class and they take ur before pic. They also give you your VSG bible. I ripped all of the bypass stuff out to keep it simple. Scope is easy..u won't remember a thing. It's getting closer and I'm excited for you!! Your going to love it :) I'm doing well. Starting to have skin issues so time to tone up!!!

  11. How did your appt. with Dr. Zeni go? When is your nutrition class?

  12. Went shopping for my AZ trip....and I bought size 18 everything ;) I haven't been an 18 since the mid 90's. I bI am soooooo excited!!!! Can't wait to start toning this flabby shit up!!!! MY, my, my how things change...LOVE MY SLEEVE!!!!!! Between 216-217...

  13. FINALLY made it out of the 220's!!!!!! YES!!!!!!

  14. IDK what happened to me?? I worked out twice today....AM I sick?? LOL

  15. it cut me off...I said I am so excited for you. I see a therapist who deals with eating disorders/food addiction. It has been a God send bcuz it is helping me learn why I turned to food and I am relearning how to cope in different ways. It's also good when I get to these stall points and get hard on myself and want to give in. She helps me stay on track.

  16. Dr. Zeni is awesome!!! He has a very high success rate. I just saw him last Thursday for my 3 month. The class your going to freaked me out and my food addicted mind had a slight panic attack when we went over the whole booklet. No lie...I went to McD's and got myself a big mac and Large diet coke...lol. Trust me.....if I can get through it so will you :) I am so excited f...

  17. Started Turbo Jam yesterday....kicked my ass. Letting my muscles chill and doing it again tomorrow. I am motivated to get out of the 220's!!!

  18. We live near each other and I am always available to help others through this process. My VSG was at SMMH in Livonia on 11/29/10. I don't regret a thing and I would do it all over again to feel what I feel today. Had a few unsupportive people but once they realized/saw the positive outcomes they have changed their tune. First month is the hardest. Food doesn't taste as good as being thin feels :)

  19. Also, as of the last 2 weeks my hair is starting to thin.... :( I am NOT happy.

  20. Found a new protein delight...Isopure Smoothies 32 gm of protein and the orange/peach tastes like Heaven!! You can get it from GNC.

  21. Goal 20...done. Goal 40...DONE!!!!!!!

  22. I can not stand these stalls!!!! UGH!!!!!!!

  23. Wow...your an inspiration Bob :)

  24. You look great!!!!! Nice new picture :)

  25. Still can't wrap my brain around my clothes being too big on me. I went to put these pj bottoms on tonight that were tight prior to surgery...and they are huge on me. I seriously think I am in shock.

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