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Status Updates posted by HetKF

  1. How did your appt. with Dr. Zeni go? When is your nutrition class?

  2. Starting a new thyroid med called Tirosint tomorrow. Fluid retention is up again so they started me on a low dose of Lasix. Hope it works!!

  3. These incisions are itching like crazy!!!!!!! Almost healed and driving me nuts...time for some cortisone.

  4. I have realized t/o this journey that I just want to be proportioned and healthy. I don't care if I ever reach the exact weight for my height. I am happy just to be able to blend in with the crowd and not feel like everyone is staring at me. I am happy to finally be close to what i was meant to be.

  5. Titan chocolate chip cookies rock!!! 20 gms for 2 and they really taste good. Plus, those Oh Yeah bars are pretty damn fabulous.

  6. My 6 mth appt with Dr. Zeni went well. He was happy with my 20 lb loss. He says he still wants my cals between 8-900. I told him I can eat a bit more than b4 and he said it's normal. Phew...

  7. I am really starting to see definition in my arms etc... from the weight training. The scale is still stuck but I am losing inches. Screw the scale right now. I can "SEE" the difference and that is all that matters right now.

  8. Going to have the lab vampires draw blood tomorrow.My hormones feel out of whack and it's time to check them out to see if I'm crazy or not...lol. Cross your fingers!!!

  9. Excess Skin After Major Weight Loss? Mar 19, 2012 ... Loose skin isn't always just loose skin, but also stubborn body fat. Here are a few strategies for dealing with stubborn body fat and loose skin. www.marksdailyapple.com/how-to-get-rid-of-excess-skin-after-major-weight -loss/

  10. Dear Body, If your going to lose inches do you think you can make the scale go down too?? THAT WOULD BE GREAT!!! Thx....

  11. I'm glad it went well. He's such a nice guy and a great Surgeon!!! Lots of info in the class and they take ur before pic. They also give you your VSG bible. I ripped all of the bypass stuff out to keep it simple. Scope is easy..u won't remember a thing. It's getting closer and I'm excited for you!! Your going to love it :) I'm doing well. Starting to have skin issues so time to tone up!!!

  12. Still can't wrap my brain around my clothes being too big on me. I went to put these pj bottoms on tonight that were tight prior to surgery...and they are huge on me. I seriously think I am in shock.

  13. Anxiously awaiting my new treadmill. I waited because I never found one I liked until now. Plus, HSN had free shipping so it saved me something like $125. I'm hoping it gets here before I go on vacay.

  14. I am not digging this new format. Gives me a headache. Otherwise, my 1 yr surgiversary is coming up and i am down 97 lbs...woo hoo!! I am hoping to drop a few more ibefore Dec. 1st when i see my Surgeon. Cross your fingers!!!

  15. I LOVE BEING A LOSER......LMAO!!!!!!!

  16. So....there I was at 200 lbs. Then the curse came and went ant I am up and down between that and 203. SERIOUSLY??? I just told another sleever my body must not be ready to "let go" yet!!!

  17. You look great!!!!! Nice new picture :)

  18. Wow...your an inspiration Bob :)

  19. Hey Tif, when are you allowed to start exercising post sleeve? What can you and can you not do???

  20. Was able to post some pictures into my gallery. It wouldn't let me at 1st. It's hard to look at my pics 59 lbs ago. I can't believe I did that to myself :(

  21. Hello Tiffykins!!! I have a question....I will be a year out at the end of November. I have lost 80 lbs. but still have roughly 53 to go. However, I feel like I can eat a lot more than I feel I am supposed to. Mind you...it's not all of the time but most of the time. Is this normal this far out? I was considering doing that 5 day pouch test. Would love your feedback. Thanks a bunch :)

  22. Stalled again and I see Dr. Zeni next week for my 6 mth follow up. BUT I am now in a comfy size 16 :) I only have 5-6 more lbs until I hit 200. Was hoping to hit it b4 I saw him. Freaking insane!!!!!

  23. Thx :) I am stalling a bit again but the carb ranges were working.

  24. 9 days out and I have lost 20 lbs!!!! I am beyond thrilled :) I had a really rough start but I woke up a few days ago and my pain was pretty much gone. Here I was taking meds every 3.5-4 hours to nothing!!! What a trip.... I get my drain taken out on Thursday. It will be nice to have it off me. Started my full liquid portion 2 days ago and I gotta be honest...it's wearing on me a bit. I can do this though...my taste buds and my nose don't agree with ...

  25. OK.....so I have this ticker. Can anyone tell me how to change the weight on it? I;ve kept going back on the website and I can't figure it out! Frustrating :(

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