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Posts posted by HetKF

  1. Yeah, when my Husband gained weight his manhood decreased. I believe the fat pad is called a "turtle"...lol. He was definitely more endowed when he was thinner. My pad has gone down as well and sex is definitely more gratifying. Sex is always better when your thinner...period. wink.gif

  2. Thanks for stopping by my ramblings :-)

    I actually like the liquid multi, it tastes like a condensed juice -- but then I was always a huge fan of multi Vitamin juices that are available in many European countries.

    I think the nutritional profile of the liquid is better than most "non-pills". I mean, the big fat pills are big fat because they were full of stuff, sometimes 1000x the recommended value. I noticed with lots of gummies, they are not even 100%. Well, the liquid is better than that.

    You can try and dump it in some flavored Water, I like to mix Trop50 Blueberry with Water as my beverage (not a fan of Crystal Lite and the like) and I can put it in there too. But even if I take a shot of it, it's fine.

    Oh, and the trick! Shot glass of multi and then the Calcium in the same glass. That way, you don't have as much Calcium stuck to the walls of the glass, it slides off and less clean up :-)

    Awesome..thanks!!! I will have to give it a try when I go back to costco. Anything to make my life a little easier I'm all for... :)

  3. The first month after surgery TOTALLY sucks! Once I got onto solid foods things got much better, but then you have to learn how to eat with your sleeve. I'm nearly 3 months out and am really happy with my sleeve, but it took the better part of this time post op to get used to the changes. Hang in there, the worst part is nearly behind you! And it's fine to vent, everyone who has been sleeved can relate to what you are experiencing!

    Agreed :)

  4. I went through the EXACT same thing as you. I am almost 4 months out and it does get better. You will have REAL food again...promise :) The 1st 6 weeks is pure hell when your a foodie prior to surgery. My taste buds and sense of smell is still heightened. I don't/won't eat certain things now because they simply don't agree with me anymore. It is all a process and you are half way there!!! I at one point chewed up a piece of pizza and spit it out during this stage just cuz I wanted to CHEW something!!!! I use strictly unflavored Unjury and the best thing to mix it with is V8 DIet/Light Fusion....or V8 Diet Splash. It still has a slight chemical-ness to it but not bad.

    The chocolate/vanilla flavored anything makes me wanna puke...even now. Another good Protein product is Isopure smoothies from GNC. I get the orange/peach flavor and they are soooo good. They have 32 gm's of protein per bottle. I've been through the Vitamin challenge as well....I use the GNC Solotron chewable berry flavored wafers. Plus, I just started a liquid calcium citrate from costco called Reviva. It is blueberry flavored and has a slight grittiness but not bad. WAAAAYYYY better than the pills. You can mix it with yogurt or just take it as is. I have been losing some hair for the past month and a half. I started on 1,000 of Biotin supplements and had to go to 2,000 and I am seeing some new Hair growth. Just some suggestions to make your life a bit easier as time goes on. Hang in there!!!!

  5. Well, I think I got a sheet once about it but never thought about it again. And now I just joined the Gazelle Sports training group to train for the River Bank Run. I want to do the 5k and they train Monday and Wednesday night! I'll think about it for after May 14th!

    Hi Susanne,

    I just looked at your blog and I am also on the liquid Calcium from costco. I can't swallow those pills either!!! They make me wanna gag. I am also taking GNC's Solotron chewable Multi-Vitamin wafer's (berry flavored) that are pretty good. Any negatives about the Multi liquid? I was going to try it but decided to wait. Good Luck on the 5K!!!!! You should be sooooo proud of yourself :)

  6. I had my 1st Mirena placed at the end of 2002 after my twins were born. Never had a period t/o except for some spotting here and there. Then, after my 5 yrs was up had another one put in. Only thing is....after my sleeve on 11/29/10 I went from never having periods to having them. I had 2 in December and then I have had them every 2.5 to 3 wks since. Very odd....not sure why??? I need to call my OB/GYN and ask what the deal is. My guess is since the weight is coming off maybe my hormones are changing and it's trying to normalize like everything else??? I'll let you know what I find out.

  7. I'm 3 months out and have energy issues on/off. Yes....I am doing everything I am supposed to. Plus, I am working out. Had my labs checked and everything is good except my Vitamin D is a little below where they want it. I can tell you every day is different. One day I feel great and the next day is kinda blah.... I was told by my Surgeon it's normal. Honestly, you should try to give yourself a break and let your body recover for 6-8 weeks. It's a bad time of the year for illness and that doesn't help!! Good luck to you :)

  8. I tried the unflavored for the first time tonight with crystal lite in a shaker and after I shook it up there was so much foam in the cup. I could not get it to settle...there were no clumps just foam. I could not taste it in the drink but the whole foam thing turned my stomach. How do you avoid this? I am trying things out for post-op and did not like that idea so I need other ideas...how do you mix it into the Jello? Do you put it in with the hot Water or wait until you mix the cold Water and then mix it in?

    I use the unflavored as well. After you shake it, the foam will eventually subside to where it's a thin layer on top. The I drink some of it and then let the rest sit....shake it...drink it. I use V8 Diet Splash (tropical blend) with mine or the fusion. I don't like Crystal Light with it for some reason. Plus, After the first month I can't take anything chocolate or Vanilla flavored..lol. I also recommend Isopure smoothies at GNC (orange/peach flavor) that have 32 gms of Protein per bottle. They are pretty good and don't have the yucky aspartame after taste.

  9. What's the difference between being addicted to food, emotional eating, eating out of boredom and plain bad eating habits? Is there much of a difference? I can't tell which category I am in. I have an idea but....

    Oh, and I know I posted a response WAY late on this, but I just found it :D

    Best answer :)

    Living to Eat: Do You Have a food Addiction?

    By Meghan Vivo

    Jane sneaks out of the house at midnight and drives six miles to the local 7-Eleven to get a chocolate bar. This has become a nightly ritual. She's gaining weight and feels profoundly ashamed of her lack of self-control. Though she vows to stop this behavior, she can't seem to shake the craving night after night.

    Jane is a food addict.

    In many ways, food can closely resemble a drug - caffeine and sugar offer a quick pick-me-up while carbohydrates and comfort foods can help soothe and relax the mind. Some people use food, like drugs, to feel at ease in social situations or to unwind after a long day. If you think about food constantly throughout the day, have compulsive cravings for certain types of foods, or waste more than half of your daily calories binging on unhealthy Snacks, you may be one of the 18 million Americans who suffer from food addiction.

    What Is Food Addiction?

    Food addiction, like any other addiction, is a loss of control. Food addicts are preoccupied with thoughts of food, body weight, and body image, and compulsively consume abnormally large amounts of food. Even though they understand the harm caused by their behavior, they just can't stop. Food addicts tend to crave and eat foods that are harmful to their bodies. For example, people with food allergies may crave the foods they are allergic to, while diabetics may crave and overindulge in sugar, despite the adverse effects.

    Food-aholics generally gorge on fat, salt, and sugar in the form of junk food and sweets. If they are feeling depressed, lonely, or disappointed, they consume large amounts of chips, chocolate, or other comfort foods for a "high." As with most addictions, the high wears off, leaving the person feeling sick, guilty, and even more depressed. Because the addict is out of control, she will repeat the same eating patterns over and over again in an effort to feel better.

    Compulsive overeaters often eat much more rapidly than normal and hide their shame by eating in secret. Most overeaters are moderately to severely obese, with an average binge eater being 60% overweight. Individuals with binge eating disorders often find that their eating or weight interferes with their relationships, their work, and their self-esteem. Although compulsive overeaters or binge dieters often struggle with food addiction, eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia are also considered types of food addictions.

    Addiction or Bad Habit?

    Unlike drug and alcohol addiction, which have been recognized by the medical profession for years, addiction specialists still question whether food can be genuinely addictive. Is the obsession with eating a true addiction, or just a bad habit?

    Some experts are quite skeptical of putting food in the same category as drugs or alcohol. They argue that people like junk food because it tastes good, not because they are physically incapable of controlling their behavior. Others contend that individuals who abuse substances in excess of need, despite the harm it can cause, are addicts, whether the substance is alcohol, drugs, or food.

    In some cases, food addicts trying to break the habit claim to experience both physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, insomnia, mood changes, tremors, cramps, and depression. In an animal study at Princeton University, researchers found that after rats binged on sugar, they showed classic signs of withdrawal when the sweets were removed from their diet, which suggests foods like sugar can be addictive.

    Brain imaging studies conducted by scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory have found that food affects the brain's dopamine systems in much the same way as drugs and alcohol. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of pleasure and reward. When psychiatrist Nora D. Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and her colleagues compared brain images of methamphetamine users with obese people, they found both groups had significantly fewer dopamine receptors than healthy people. Moreover, the higher the body mass index, the fewer the dopamine receptors, which may explain why it is so difficult for some people to lose weight and keep it off.

    Are You a Food Addict?

    Whether the obsession with food is a true addiction or simply a bad habit, one thing is clear: Your health is on the line. Obesity, psychological disorders, and diabetes are just a few of the health risks associated with compulsive eating.

    If you're worried that you may have a food addiction, FoodAddicts.org recommends that you answer the following questions:

    1. Have you ever wanted to stop eating and found you just couldn't?
    2. Do you think about food or your weight constantly?
    3. Do you find yourself attempting one diet or food plan after another, with no lasting success?
    4. Do you binge and then "get rid of the binge" through vomiting, exercise, laxatives, or other forms of purging?
    5. Do you eat differently in private than you do in front of other people?
    6. Has a doctor or family member ever approached you with concern about your eating habits or weight?
    7. Do you eat large quantities of food at one time?
    8. Is your weight problem due to your "nibbling" all day long?
    9. Do you eat to escape from your feelings?
    10. Do you eat when you're not hungry?
    11. Have you ever discarded food, only to retrieve it and eat it later?
    12. Do you eat in secret?
    13. Do you fast or severely restrict your food intake?
    14. Have you ever stolen other people's food?
    15. Have you ever hidden food to make sure you have "enough?"
    16. Do you feel driven to exercise excessively to control your weight?
    17. Do you obsessively calculate the calories you've burned against the calories you've eaten?
    18. Do you frequently feel guilty or ashamed about what you've eaten?
    19. Are you waiting for your life to begin "when you lose the weight?"
    20. Do you feel hopeless about your relationship with food?

    If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you may have, or be in danger of developing, a food addiction or eating disorder. Although food addiction is not nearly as intense as alcohol and drug addictions, you may need help regaining control of your life.

    Treating Food Addiction

    Change is never easy, and overcoming food addiction is no exception. It will require a combination of discipline, healthy eating habits, and exercise. In many ways, treatment of food addiction is similar to drug and alcohol addiction. The first step to recovery is recognizing and accepting the problem, and identifying which foods cause allergic symptoms and cravings. However, unlike drug and alcohol addiction, food addicts can't quit cold turkey. Everyone has to eat. Instead of taking drastic measures, make the following changes gradually, one small step at a time.

    Reprogram your taste buds. If you eat tons of sugar-laden foods, your taste buds get used to the flavor and you will start craving sweeter and sweeter foods. When buying foods that aren't supposed to be sweet, like Pasta sauce, bread, and crackers, make sure they don't have added sweeteners like fructose, dextrose, and corn Syrup. Slowly try to limit sweet or salty foods in favor of fruits and vegetables to restore the sensitivity in your taste buds.

    Plan your meals. Food addicts often hide food or binge when they are alone. One way around this is to avoid hiding a stash of food in your car, desk, or nightstand. Also, plan out healthy meals in advance, portion out single servings on smaller plates, and eat scheduled meals at the dinner table. If you eat in front of the TV or while talking on the phone, you're more likely to eat large amounts of food without realizing it. Though it may take a few weeks to change your eating patterns, your brain will eventually get used to smaller portions of healthy foods and generate fewer snack-food cravings.

    Moderate your hunger. People with food addiction tend to take an all-or-nothing approach to dieting, bouncing from ravenous to overstuffed. A useful tool to moderate food consumption is to rate your hunger on a scale of zero to ten, zero being starving and ten being overstuffed, then try to stay between three and five. If you wait until you hit zero, you may not stop eating until you reach ten.

    Know your weaknesses. Everyone has a list of foods that are hard to turn down. If you can't resist a fine loaf of bread at a restaurant, ask the waiter not to bring the bread basket to your table. If you can't walk past an ice cream parlor without stopping for a scoop or two, take a different route. If you have a habit of eating Cookies or popcorn while watching TV at night, read a book or walk the dog instead. If these tricks don't work, stop buying unhealthy foods at the grocery store. If it's in your kitchen, you're probably going to eat it.

    Deal with the real issues. Typically a food addict will numb unpleasant feelings with food. If you stop relying on food, you can learn to tackle problems head-on and let yourself feel the sadness, anger, or boredom without using food as a crutch.

    Find healthy ways to cope. For food addicts, the next salt or sugar fix becomes the dominating force in their life. The best treatment is to find other ways to fill the void, like working out, hiking, going out with friends, or talking to a therapist. Exercise sparks the same pleasure centers of the brain as food, and offers a similar high without the guilt. If you're not physically hungry but you're struggling to resist a craving, brush your teeth, drink Water, leave the house for a few minutes, or choose a healthy substitute like yogurt instead of ice cream or baked chips instead of potato chips.

    Give yourself a break. The guilt people feel after overeating perpetuates the addiction. They're sad because they ate too much, so they turn to food for solace. Learn to forgive yourself and don't get discouraged by minor setbacks.

    Food addiction can be a serious problem. Just ask the people who habitually visit the drive-thru at midnight or load up on candy bars on a daily basis. To beat the addiction, sometimes all you need is motivation to change and a few lifestyle modifications. In more severe cases, you may need to seek help from a food addiction group like Overeaters Anonymous, a mental health professional, or an addiction treatment center. In either case, a shift in outlook must occur: Eat to live, don't live to eat.

    Other resources and articles:

  10. I wish my insurance covered counseling. I would love to go and see someone about this.

    Maybe you could share the information your psychiatrist gives you?

    I'm sorry...I just now saw this or i would have responded earlier :) I'm an open book.....if there is anything you can think of just ask and I will do my best to answer it. This is from the series Heavy......"weight loss is not just about physical weight loss. It's about weight loss that is internal resolving everything in the past that can be a hindrance to you. People use food to cope with what is going on in their life just as some do drugs, sex, etc..." My Psychiatrist says the same thing and it has helped me understand why I did what I did so I don't repeat it. I am an emotionally eater.....and it all ties in with boredom, loneliness, sadness, etc....Over time, it becomes an addiction where you NEED it to make you feel better .....it's the only thing that fills the void/emptiness. The sleeve has "forced" me to change my behavior. Although, I do still have to work through these same types of behaviors I had prior to surgery. I will for the rest of my life. I consider myself in the recovery stage at this point. I am relearning a healthier way to live both mentally and physically. They truly do go together and if you don't have a handle on them both one will almost always cause the other to fail at some point. I think everyone who has any form of weight loss surgery should have therapy to coincide with it pre and post op. It is helping me become a better version of myself and to get rid of the "demons" I had as to why I got to almost 300 lbs in the first place.

  11. Everything is a choice. We all dig food and chose to be overweight.....and we all chose to do something about it. Personally, I would not have gone through this surgery if I weren't sick and tired of my situation. Yes, liquids are pretty endless and stretching the sleeve is still up for debate. I can honestly say I am a recovering emotional eater. The sleeve is a tool for me because it is teaching me control. Your mind controls what you put in your mouth.....and you are responsible for the choices you make. I still see a Therapist that specializes in eating disorders....emotional eating is indeed one. I will continue to see her because like anyone addicted to anything else bad habits can be a b*&ch to break. We are human, and all have our weak points. I don't allow myself to have that much in the sweets department. It's like giving a recovering crack head....crack. The only thing I do allow myself are those 100 calorie packs of those little Cookies if I ever feel the need (1 and that's it). Thing is, I don't feel the need because I haven't had it in so long...my body/brain doesn't feel it "needs" it. Plus, in the beginning I didn't tolerate somethings I probably could now. As I have noticed, everyday with this new tool of mine is a different day. One day I will tolerate a certain kind of food and the next day...not so much. It's all part of re-learning this new life you have decided to give yourself. I don't want to be a prisoner in my own body anymore........I have kicked my mind's ass.....and so will you ;)

  12. I think it's very difficult, if not impossible to stretch the sleeve. The one thing you will definitely feel with the sleeve is fast satiation. I am only a month out, but my meals are usually 1/4 of a cup... and they satisfy me. Later, you can eat more, but it will NEVER be what it was. You will still have to change your eating habits, but it's SO much easier with the sleeve. You won't be starving, you won't feel hunger all the time, and it becomes much easier to eat healthy, small, portions.

    Totally agreed. It was the best decision I've ever made and I don't regret a thing.....and if you read through here you will see a lot of us are on the same page. My Parents were not supportive at all....and my Husband was 50/50. I understood their concern. You have to do what YOU KNOW is best for yourself. Screw everyone else! ;) Your stomach won't let you fail...the first 3 weeks are the hardest and then it gets easier. if you over do it, you will pay for it by puking. It's just a whole new way of living and all of us are doing it......so can you. Before my surgery, I was on here reading my ass off to prepare myself and get positive support. It's a wonderful tool pre/post op. I wish you all the best and you will do just fine. :)

  13. I'm having issues myself. Before surgery, I was regular...everyday and sometimes twice. Now, I'm constipated as hell. I have been adding benefiber to my Protein Drinks and pericolace. Then the benefiber didn't seem like it was doing anything so I stopped it. Needless to say, I screwed myself and am painfully backed up. Glue stick..lol.....it's more like a rock with spikes trying to come out of your ass!! It's pretty damn horrible....trying regular coffee right now to see if it will stimulate it outta there. I am going to have to try those chewable Fiber tablets and see if they work any better. I used Miralax when I was pregnant....works well. The pericolace is a stimulant/softener and what my Doc. recommended. This is all a trip isn't it?

  14. I am a little over 4 weeks myself and am having issues with how much is enough. Usually 6 oz. is it.....if it is softer you can go a bit more but it depends what it is. I have had an issue over the last 2 days with eating too quickly or not chewing food enough and I threw up. It was pretty awful...almost makes you scared to try different things. I just have to learn to take it slower as per my dietitian and she recommended only eating dime sized amounts and chew them up really well. Also, make sure if you eat meat that it is moist enough.

  15. Yup, it is 6-8 weeks to let your internal incisions completely heal. I am awaiting this as we speak....I am 36 days out and I can't wait to get this started! I am not going to push it though....trust me, I almost did and then I thought to myself....do you really want to go through MORE surgery??? NOPE...I don't. I can wait...it will be here soon enough.

  16. Hi HetKF,

    My understanding is that prevacid is a PPI which is an acid preventer, meaning it is supposed to prevent over acid production (which for us hungry sleevers, doesn't seem to be working). And gaviscon is an acid reducer, meaning it reduces the acids that are in your tummy right now, that why we feel relief almost immediately.

    Interesting....this is the first I have herd of this. Scenario: say I eat and in 2-2.5 hrs I am growling again...but it's time for my Protein...... I'm OK for a good maybe 2 hours again then the same thing happens...is this when I take Gaviscon?? OR am I misunderstanding?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
