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Status Updates posted by HetKF

  1. Finally hit 190....50 more pounds to go until I hit 140. For my shorty height I am supposed to be 125-135. I will be happy with a comfy 140 though. Sad thing is it's going to still qualify me as being overweight :/

  2. Husband Update: He came home from his yearly fishing trip.....and started hitting MY treadmill everyday. He said he did not like how he looked in the pictures. Plus, his weight equipment he has not touched in over 2 years. We started marriage counseling but have been going individually as well. We will see how it goes.

  3. I know my stomach has stretched somewhat. I thought about the 5 day pouch test. Instead I went back to basics and I am doing a lot better. PHEW!!!

  4. Hello Tiffykins!!! I have a question....I will be a year out at the end of November. I have lost 80 lbs. but still have roughly 53 to go. However, I feel like I can eat a lot more than I feel I am supposed to. Mind you...it's not all of the time but most of the time. Is this normal this far out? I was considering doing that 5 day pouch test. Would love your feedback. Thanks a bunch :)

  5. I have a Droid X2 and I can not seem to access my profile on here from my phone. Does anyone know why??

  6. Stall....Stalll....Stalll............UGH!!!!

  7. I am blown away by my other half....he keeps making comments that I need to stop losing weight. He didn't meet a skinny chick and if he wanted one he would have found one. He met me at 220 and I am now 194. WTF??? Seriously?? I am so pissed off and frustrated by his negativity I could scream :(

  8. Dear Body, If your going to lose inches do you think you can make the scale go down too?? THAT WOULD BE GREAT!!! Thx....

  9. Going to have the lab vampires draw blood tomorrow.My hormones feel out of whack and it's time to check them out to see if I'm crazy or not...lol. Cross your fingers!!!

  10. I LOVE BEING A LOSER......LMAO!!!!!!!

  11. Your doing great Greg!!! I finally hit 197!!! Super excited right now!!! I am determined to be at 140 by the time I see Dr. Zeni in December :)

  12. 197 BABY!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. So....there I was at 200 lbs. Then the curse came and went ant I am up and down between that and 203. SERIOUSLY??? I just told another sleever my body must not be ready to "let go" yet!!!

  14. That's awesome!!! I am doing pretty well. 60 more lbs until I hit my goal. I keep yo-yoing between 200 and 203. I don't think my body is ready to hit the 199's yet!!! Super frustrating......time to up my workouts :)

  15. How are you doing?

  16. Going to see U2 on Sunday!!!! I will finally be able to fit COMFORTABLY in those seats!!!! Well, that is....until Bono comes on stage :)

  17. TODAY IS YOUR DAY!!!!!! Best of luck :) You will do great!!! My Husband will probably be giving you your breathing tx tonight. Seriously!!!

  18. Scale said 200.5 and then 201 yesterday!!!! HOLY ****!!!! AM I REALLY ALMOST OUT OF THE 200'S!!!!!!???? WOOOOOOHOOOOOO :)

  19. Titan chocolate chip cookies rock!!! 20 gms for 2 and they really taste good. Plus, those Oh Yeah bars are pretty damn fabulous.

  20. 70 lbs down today :) I am at 203.....not much more and I am in onderland!!!!

  21. My 6 mth appt with Dr. Zeni went well. He was happy with my 20 lb loss. He says he still wants my cals between 8-900. I told him I can eat a bit more than b4 and he said it's normal. Phew...

  22. Stalled again and I see Dr. Zeni next week for my 6 mth follow up. BUT I am now in a comfy size 16 :) I only have 5-6 more lbs until I hit 200. Was hoping to hit it b4 I saw him. Freaking insane!!!!!

  23. Thx :) I am stalling a bit again but the carb ranges were working.

  24. Go to my profile and read my latest status update.

  25. Go to my profile and read my latest status update.

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