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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by HetKF

  1. Go to my profile and read my latest status update.

  2. That's awesome!!! I am doing pretty well. 60 more lbs until I hit my goal. I keep yo-yoing between 200 and 203. I don't think my body is ready to hit the 199's yet!!! Super frustrating......time to up my workouts :)

  3. 35 lbs. down!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! HELL YEAH!!!!!!

  4. FINALLY made it out of the 220's!!!!!! YES!!!!!!

  5. Well, BCBSM approved my arm lift and tummy tuck. Scheduled for June 11th. I am super excited and scared as hell at the same time. Cross your fingers!!!

  6. I made that mistake where you start feeling really good and you think your Wonder Woman again. Well, I was wrong. I over did it and my abdominal muscles were sore as hell. Then I got a sharp pain in my side where they took my drain out last week. Not good....had to take my pain meds again to calm it down. Need to start riding the couch a bit more. I've learned my lesson.

  7. One more week......ugh!!! My stress and anxiety are really ramped up. All I want is to have a positive appointment.

  8. Had surgery yesterday......rough night first night. Today has been a little better. Had my flouoscopy done and NO LEAKS!!!!! WOOO HOOO.....remember to sip your drinks and soup etc.. If you do it too fast it feels overwhelming. As far as pain meds go.....I had to talk to the RN bout making sure they keep my pain meds on a pretty constant basis. I have a pretty low pain tolerance and I need it to be that way or I am screwed....doubled over in pain. My drain seems to b...


  10. AZ trip was FANTASTIC!!!! I went to Sedona and for the first time did not have a hard time walking up to the Chapel of the Holy Cross :) Back to the treadmill....

  11. I am blown away by my other half....he keeps making comments that I need to stop losing weight. He didn't meet a skinny chick and if he wanted one he would have found one. He met me at 220 and I am now 194. WTF??? Seriously?? I am so pissed off and frustrated by his negativity I could scream :(

  12. My unflavored Unjury came via UPS this morning. Made a smoothie with 4 frozen strawberries, 5 0z of milk, and a scoop of powder, plus a half packet of Truvia. 1 oz of it wa foam but I Love it!!!!! I'm sold....and will never buy any other powder. Dissolves well, not clumpy, no after "yuck" taste.

  13. Lost another 5 lbs....crazy. Stall for forever and then BAM!!!

  14. If you add what my highest weight was I have lost 103 llbs since 2 years ago.......pre-surgery 88. I've almost lost an anorexic model!!! LOL

  15. So, the carb cleanse did work. Between that and the gym I am down to a size freaking 12!!!!!! WOOOO HOOOOO......I have not been a 12 since the 6th grade!!!! NOT KIDDING :)

  16. Found a new protein delight...Isopure Smoothies 32 gm of protein and the orange/peach tastes like Heaven!! You can get it from GNC.

  17. Also, as of the last 2 weeks my hair is starting to thin.... :( I am NOT happy.

  18. So...my size 24 jeans are hanging on me. Went to LB to get some new pants......I FIT IN A SIZE 20!!!!! Holy Crap!!!! I was soooooo excited!!! I haven't been a size 20 since 2001. I'm lovin' it :)

  19. 70 lbs down today :) I am at 203.....not much more and I am in onderland!!!!

  20. Going to see U2 on Sunday!!!! I will finally be able to fit COMFORTABLY in those seats!!!! Well, that is....until Bono comes on stage :)

  21. 2 more weeks until it's my turn!!! Shaking in my crocs....lol.

  22. IDK what happened to me?? I worked out twice today....AM I sick?? LOL

  23. 1 more pound until I hit my 60 mark!!!!! Some days this is still hard to believe...

  24. Since surgery my intestines suck :/

  25. I was enlightened by a wonderful woman on the VSG group page on FB. For those of you who are going to have surgery with Dr. Zeni...They will tell you not to watch your carbs. I have lately learned otherwise and have been steadily losing weight now.

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