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Status Updates posted by HetKF

  1. I am officially 35 days out and can eat regular food. Craziness......I am somewhat normal again...LOL.

  2. My short term goal....when I hit 198-199 I am going to have Radiesse injected into my forehead and get rid of these wrinkles!!!! Plus, I now fit into one of my fav U2 t-shirts!!!!

  3. YES!!!! I am OFFICIALLY 60 lbs down as of TODAY!!!!!! 213 baby!!!

  4. Got my treadmill from HSN today....I freaking LOVE it!!! I didn't love the 3 hrs it took to put it together though..lol. Bless my Husband for all of his help.

  5. The countdown is on.....20 more days until my arm lifts and tummy tuck. Hospital called me yeterday to register me. Next week the Nurse calls me to tell me what to do Pre-op already. This is kinda nerve wrecking but I seriously can not wait for the results.

  6. SO, had TT and Arm lift done on June 11th. Had some minor complications but am doing better now. Arms were not bad. TT was pretty horrific. The swelling is the worst part. It takes 3-6 months (sometimes a year) for it to go down totally.

  7. Anybody have a pair of heavy duty scissors that I can cut this excess skin off with? :)

  8. How are you doing?

  9. Your doing great Greg!!! I finally hit 197!!! Super excited right now!!! I am determined to be at 140 by the time I see Dr. Zeni in December :)

  10. Went shopping for my AZ trip....and I bought size 18 everything ;) I haven't been an 18 since the mid 90's. I bI am soooooo excited!!!! Can't wait to start toning this flabby shit up!!!! MY, my, my how things change...LOVE MY SLEEVE!!!!!! Between 216-217...

  11. Bad couple of days....ate too fast and ended up feeling like something was stuck. I threw it up....and same thing happened to me today except it finally passed. Have to take it slower and make sure I chew the hell out of everything before I swallow it.

  12. Started Turbo Jam yesterday....kicked my ass. Letting my muscles chill and doing it again tomorrow. I am motivated to get out of the 220's!!!

  13. I know my stomach has stretched somewhat. I thought about the 5 day pouch test. Instead I went back to basics and I am doing a lot better. PHEW!!!

  14. Husband Update: He came home from his yearly fishing trip.....and started hitting MY treadmill everyday. He said he did not like how he looked in the pictures. Plus, his weight equipment he has not touched in over 2 years. We started marriage counseling but have been going individually as well. We will see how it goes.

  15. I am frustrated. Been in a 3.5 mth plateau. My body does NOT want to get out of the 170's. No matter what I do. Going to the gym 3-4 x's a week and watching my intake and still...NOTHING. I WANT TO SCREAM!!

  16. Stall....Stalll....Stalll............UGH!!!!

  17. I have a Droid X2 and I can not seem to access my profile on here from my phone. Does anyone know why??

  18. Late add on....Surgeon was pleased at my 12/1 appointment. HUGE RELIEF.....decided to take a break for December. Gained a few lbs. but I don't care. I needed it. Time to jump back on the horse :)

  19. Feeling better everyday....and I have lost 25 lbs so far. I am EXTREMELY happy. Can't wait to see more drop off.....

  20. TODAY IS YOUR DAY!!!!!! Best of luck :) You will do great!!! My Husband will probably be giving you your breathing tx tonight. Seriously!!!

  21. I went to see my second plastic surgeon today. FOR SURE...if you have lost over 100 lbs. and you have over hang/skin issues I was told they cover it. the rest is considered cosmetic. Although, I am going to try my best to see if they will cover arms. Cross your fingers.

  22. 12 hours from now and I am sleeved. It's been a rough past 3 days on this liquid diet but I did it. I will let u all know how it went tomorrow night :) Keep those prayers going ladies!!

  23. Tif, you are the sleeve guru :) That being said...I am 35 days out today and is there a certain guideline you followed to continue your weight loss? I am told still 60-70 gms of protein, <10gm of fat per meal, and <12gms of sugar per 8 oz. serving. Mind you, our servings are never 8 oz..... Any suggestions?

  24. Thanks again!!

  25. Go to my profile and read my latest status update.

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