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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Berenice

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  1. OMG i am sooo Happy to come accross this forum because i was getting worried i had my lap band on March 10th and since have lost 18lbs but for almost a week i havent lost i have stayed the same (which is ok) but i was getting worried thinking i was doing something wrong despite only eating less or equal to 1/4 cup on each meal. I got freaked out because i also did pureed food like three days and than started with soft solids.
  2. Jen

    i hAD it done on Thursday the 10th and i am feeling better slowly just being able to sleep is a plus which i did yesterday

  3. Thank u ladies smilinggirl good luck and i like your idea of the journal my phone has an app i think i am going to take advantage on it i think is harder on me because i have never had surgery and i am just a cry baby right now but sleeping got better i am sore all over but today is nice out so my challange is a walk wish me luck

  4. Have lots of rest Berenice and you will probably wake up feeling better. I am having surgery myself in 4 days. Write your thoughts down in a journal, remember you are stronger than this temporary discomfort. Everyday will get easier! Smiles and Hugs!

  5. when did u have ur band done? Give it a few days u will feel better. U did do the right thing. It gets easier. Trust me. I had my band done in October.

  6. i am in soo much pain i dont even know if i did the right thing

  7. Hi Guys, i was banded yesterday and i am in soo much pain but i think it is because i also had a liver biopsy anyhow i am just to depressed i left the hospital with all my needs but i am sooo confused i am not sure if i am hungry or is just all the gas in my belly making the noise i am unsure what i can have my doctor said start with liquid diet so i am having water, tea, juice and broth but anything else you guys suggest. Any tips any tips are welcome even words of comfort

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