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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by twoboysandagirl

  1. twoboysandagirl

    Told a patient I had a VSG today....

    I don’t think that a doctor or any other health care provider can truly understand the struggles some obese men and women have unless they have been in their shoes. For ten years I struggled to find a healthcare professional who was even the slightest bit interested in listening to my struggle and attempts and who didn’t immediately label me lazy and compulsive the second they saw my overweight body. I faced doctor after doctor for a variety of health concerns ranging from infertility to headaches and the common solution was to lose weight. They didn’t listen to the attempts I had made. They didn’t believe the effort I put in. I believe that having a doctor who had struggled in the same ways I had and found something that truly worked would have been a life changing meeting! I have never been one to keep my surgery a secret. I don’t tell people unless they come out and ask; but I have feel that I have been giving an opportunity that some out there in my same shoes may not even know about. I feel they are worth sharing my experience with. I feel that if I can help anyone down this journey than they could help someone else too. Maybe one day all insurance companies will agree that this is a cure for obesity and offer the solution to many more. Thank you for sharing with this girl. You told her that she is worth finding asolution and that a solution exists.
  2. twoboysandagirl

    what a difference a year makes

    Love that you took a picture in the same suit. You look fantastic! Congratulations to you:)
  3. twoboysandagirl

    Cooking for your Family

    I cook 3 meals a day for 3 kids and my husband. I started cooking again at 1 week out. I really havent changed the way I cook. We dont have a lot of starches but I had PCOS pre op so I was careful then too. Portions have changed but we have ALWAYS stressed to the kids you should stop at full not when their plate is clean. Hope this helps. I do make them things I do not eat...but since surgery I have little to NO desire for them anyway so it isnt a problem.
  4. twoboysandagirl

    Great NSV

    I have been avoiding buying pjs since surgery. I have gone from a size 20 to a size 4-6 depending on brand. So obviously I really needed pjs but I always decided to buy shirts or dresses or even pants instead:) But last night I got 9 pairs of pjs for 50 bucks...they were worth more than $240.! I have never had such expensive pjs in my life! I am going to sleep great tonight:)
  5. twoboysandagirl

    Hospital stay ???'s

    For my surgeon and hospital it was to be a 2-3 day stay. I stayed for 3 because the doctor didnt want me to drive the 3 hours home until he was sure I was fine.
  6. twoboysandagirl

    skin issues

    I think I read some where that this could be from the anesthesia. Hope it stops soon. Yuck!
  7. twoboysandagirl

    Just need a little advice.

    I found it very difficult to get in more than 34-36 ounces of water or any fluids for the first few months. I am a stay home mom of three and I had a 18month old when i had surgery. Other than lifting her or my 3 year old son I went back to doing everything including cleaning tubs and showers at about 1 week out. I was cooking for my family at about 5 days out. Keep us posted on how your doing! Good luck to you and your wife.
  8. twoboysandagirl

    2 years post-op

    Thank you so much for checking back in with us! You look great and SOOOOO happy!
  9. twoboysandagirl

    6 Month Update-Down 115 lbs!!!

    Bonnie, you are doing great! Congrats on all of the new things in your life...Enjoy every minute.
  10. Still blows my mind that I am trying to gain a few pounds!!!!

  11. twoboysandagirl

    Peanut butter ball Recpie?? Where is it????

    Found it!!! Yeah 1 cup Peanut Butter (microwave to melt) 1 cup oats 1 scoop Protein powder 5 packets splenda Stir together, form into balls and cool in refrigerator. These are SO yummy. My husband and my kids love them.
  12. Disneyland is amazing when you are a skinny person!!!!

  13. twoboysandagirl

    Possible proof of very long term success

    Thanks for posting your mom's story! What a blessing to have your mom healthy. My mom is fighting throat cancer.
  14. twoboysandagirl

    pre-op sleeve

    Welcome Nubbies glad your here! I felt the same way pre surgery and it was worth it!!!
  15. twoboysandagirl

    update, -54lbs!!!

    You are doing great! Wear those wings~mine have actually gotten a little better over the last few weeks all by them selves.
  16. twoboysandagirl

    Antimicobial Skin Cleaner

    Good Question!!! I forgot about this step completely. At pre-op I was given a bottle of soap (greenish blue bottle with brown liquid soap inside). I was given directions to wash the night before and the morning of surgery (just the stomach area). It was no big deal and I had no post surgery infections. I didnt have staples or stitches I had dermabond. I am sure lots of pre-op ers are going to be glad you asked this question. Good Luck on your journey!
  17. My sister is here visiting. 1st time since I've gotten skinny. She hasnt said one positive things yet about my weight that is. Oh well I know how great I look.

  18. twoboysandagirl

    Acid Reflux

    I am almost 8 months out. I only had heart burn during pregnancy prior to surgery. I came home with a script for prilosec 2 times a day. At week 3 I was having issues in the middle of the day when I felt sick to my stomach and couldnt eat. It felt like food was sort of backing up my esophugus (sp?) anyway I called my doctor and they switched to Nexium. If I forget to take my pill before I go to bed then in the middle of the night I get this feeling I need to sit up or I will vomit. That has only happened a few times. I will be on Nexium for the forseen future. Hope that helps.
  19. twoboysandagirl

    Help - I'm still hungry

    My doctor says NO gum ever again. Check with your program notes first:)
  20. Life is so hard some times... this is the first time in many years when the going got tuff I didnt eat!

  21. twoboysandagirl

    Soo tired of doctors appointments!

    I am sure you are sick of these appointments and the drive. The good news is you are so close! Almost there. Hang in there!
  22. twoboysandagirl

    I've lost 80 pounds!!!!

    That is great! You are amazing:)
  23. Have you stopped to think of how far you've come? Even if you aren't at goal you have made good progress.

  24. twoboysandagirl

    Should this still hurt this much?

    From what I have read it is common to have pain until 2 weeks out. Hang in there! I can tell you that I had major improvement between day 5 and day 6. I just felt so much better on day 6. Maybe it will be the same for you. Before you know it you will be telling us of all the weight you are losing and the exercise you can do each day.
  25. twoboysandagirl

    One year anniversary

    wow you do look younger...great job ! HAppy anniversary.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
