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Everything posted by pcos_chick

  1. pcos_chick

    3 weeks out from surgery

    I hope that's my experience! Fingers crossed.
  2. Here is my to-do list 1 - Ride horses again. 2 - Actually fit into regular seats (airplane, concert, movie, rollar coaster) 3 - Fit into clothes that can not be categorized as Plus or Womens sizes. 4 - Use stairs without pain. 5 - Be able to chase my girls, catch them, and still be able to breathe and talk. 6 - Kinky, world shaking sexual positions. 7 - Be back, hip and foot pain free. 8 - Have my mental image of my self actually match what I see in the mirror (instead of always being shocked at how large I am.) 9 - Lay in the hammock with my husband. 10 - Not feel hungry every waking minute.
  3. I'm 6 days in now.... my preop diet is two weeks... I'm utterly convinced that the key here is Protein protein protein! I've had very little hunger... You can do this! My doc has me looking to get 100g of protein a day. So far I'm doing great! You can too!
  4. You can do it! I ordered two sample packages from Unjury, a bunch of Syntrax samples, bought extra skim milk and today on day 6 I'm feeling really good. Make sure you get enough fluids and I'm on 5 shakes a day... so long as I get 4 in and one of those is the chicken soup I've not been hungry. I do have moment when I miss food, chewing and the different tastes... but the unjury chicken soup fixes me right up!
  5. pcos_chick

    March 16!

    Its day five of preop diet and its going really well. No real hunger but I am missing chewing/crunching... and I'm missing have a bunch of flavors. I did have a tiny tiny bite of plain old chicken tonight... I didn't want to eat it as much as I wanted to taste it.
  6. My preop diet is 5 Protein shakes and all the zero calorie drinks I want. I can also have SF pudding and Jello. Its been alot better than I thought it would be and I'm on day 5. The Protein Shakes are alot better than I thought and when I get really torqued about food the unjury chicken Soup is a life saver. I can honestly say that with this much protein I'm not feeling any hunger but I am missing crunching on things a bit.
  7. pcos_chick

    Found a great link to share

    Check out this great link for low carb stuff! http://www.genaw.com/lowcarb/low_carb_products1.html
  8. pcos_chick


  9. pcos_chick

    Anyone who has PCOS... (TMI)

    I have PCOS. I have two beautiful daughters. My first I had before I was diagnosed... and was only able to get preg. after I started south beach and cut out just about all carbs. I thought my weight was causing fertility problems... so I lost a bunch and got preg. Little did I know there was so much more to then that. Even my labor was effected by my PCOS. Then when we started to try again we had many miscarriages. I was half hearted on south beach so I was able to conceive but not keep it viable. Finally I was diagnosed with PCOS, got on Metforim and had our youngest. After the pregnancy the Metforim wasn't has effective so I started looking into WLS and here we are today! We started trying to conceive in May of 2004 - my last period had been in Jan 2004. I got preg with no period in August 2004, delivered in May 2005. I had maybe one or two periods not counting bleeding from miscarriages. I was diagnosed in July 2007 and went on Metforim that month. I had zero periods but conceived my youngest in April 2008. Since having her in Dec 2008 I've had maybe 4 periods. I would not recommend birth control as a way to control your PCOS. You already have a compromised hormone regulation and reception problem. As a result your body floods with all the different hormones used to signal and regulate ALL of your bodies major systems: metabolism, immunity, fertility, etc. Adding more hormones like birth control is a kin to being in a crowded room with everyone talking loudly and you just shouting over the noise. Metforim is great as it helps 'tune' your hormone receptors a bit better. There definite side effects so consider them before taking. There are a few other options as well (though I'd say VSG is the best option out there. As your weight decreases your symptoms will be easier to manage etc.) If you haven't checked out soulcysters yet please do. Its alot like this community with really supportive and knowledgeable folks.
  10. Are you getting enough Protein and fluids? Are you avoiding carbs?
  11. Please share her name here too. Help other folks avoid this situation.
  12. I didn't go crazy... I just had a few meals and Snacks for the novelty because afterwards I may never eat some of that stuff again. Most of it wasn't very good.. I'm just ready for the surgery... the food funerals didn't do much for me.
  13. pcos_chick

    March 16!

    You will lose weight with the surgery. The harder question is will your PCOS be cured? The consensus I have gotten is NO - this surgery will not cure PCOS or put into some kind of remission (like it can with Diabetes.) However.... knowing what we now know about PCOS it this surgery can definitely help with PCOS management especially when PCOS symptoms/side effects are worse the more you weigh. I wasn't diagnosed with PCOS until I was 32 (even though I was a walking poster child for it.) For normal people white bread/pasta/rice isn't great for them and they should eat whole grain options. For me white bread/pasta/rice were double whammies and while whole grain is better but even that must be considered a controlled substance! I was already morbidly obese when I learned about PCOS, insulin resistance and all the other facets of metabolic syndrome. Learning about PCOS has made a profound impact on my life and especially on how I eat... but its not enough to lose my excessive weight. Enter VSG. Living witih PCOS is like living with a sleeve. Do right by the sleeve and stay healthy. You know you have PCOS - make sure you live by the rules of the insulin resistance diet (which thankfully are completely sleeve compliant.)
  14. pcos_chick

    March 16!

    Day one done! Some of it was rough but over all it went much better than I thought it would. After the strawberry sorbet I had an unjury chocolate with skim milk. Then a CVS whey Protein Vanilla with skim milk. Finally I had the Unjury chicken soup and wow... it was awesome! So much better than I could have hoped for. I was supposed to have 5 shakes but I have a sick little one so the timing of the day was all off and ended up just having four. I struggled a bit with some hunger but once I had a shake I was fine. I though make meals for my two girls would be rough but it wasn't really. In the hard moments I just kept thinking about how short a few weeks are and how great this change is for me etc. It seems like the harder part of the preop is to come (day 3-6?) but I'm working on staying positive and I'm still really excited about all that is happening.
  15. Did you do a preop diet? If so, how long... and was it liquids only?
  16. pcos_chick

    GSV - Acne after surgery

    It just be hormones...as you lose weight you end up with alot of hormones running loose!
  17. pcos_chick

    Scared and anxious!

    I'm a 3/16 too.. and I'm feeling it... I have moments which feel like the quiet before the storm and I have moments of jitters. I just keep thinking about what things will be like in 6 months or even a year. Focus on how much more health you'll be soon!
  18. pcos_chick

    March 16!

    Well its preop day one! First Protein shake: unjury strawberry sorbet + Crystal Lite Pink Lemonade + 16oz Water + ice = Yummy! I expected it to be awful but its not!
  19. pcos_chick


    I am 5'10 and I LOVE being tall and look forward to losing weight but never want to be skinny... I want to be strong!I think we all need to have good role models. My role model is Gabby Reece - she's 6'3 and no light weight and she's beautiful and strong! She is fierce! http://www.joemcnally.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/gabby_1.jpg Lots of folks don't like how they look in pictures, even those that have never had or needed WLS. Its time to start loving the skin we're in even if we are still working to be healthier. "Enjoy your body: use it every way you can. Don't be afraid of it or what other people think of it; it's the greatest instrument you'll ever own."
  20. pcos_chick

    VSG - 5-year result study

    Great find! This is a good one too.... it helps shape some understanding of how the results are effected by so many factors. http://www.ssat.com/video/2008/SSAT%2049th%20Annual%20Meeting%283%29-Cirangle.htm
  21. pcos_chick


    Anyone using BioSil? Reviews? Opinions?
  22. pcos_chick

    March 16!

    Getting ready to start my preop on Wednesday... anyone else doing a two week preop diet?
  23. pcos_chick

    I need to Vent...

    I have a liquid pre op diet that is starting Wednesday and lasts two weeks. I'm looking forward to it. Its the start of a wonderful journey. It will be very hard... perhaps the hardest part will be the preop... hunger.. only shakes which might taste awful... but its the start of this wonderful chance to be healthier. Focus on all the great stuff that will come with all the hard work.
  24. I like some crystal lights options but I love love love sugar free koolaid... aside from the risk that my taste buds will change and I"ll hate it... are there any issues with drinking Sugar Free Koolaid?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
