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Everything posted by pcos_chick

  1. I'm actually having periods now. At 342 they were pretty non existent. We had plenty of fertility issues but we've two little ones now and we're done but if we wanted more I'm sure we'd have zero issues now. My skin pigmentation issues seem to be getting better as well. The biggest issue with my PCOS was insulin resistance and constant hunger - that's 100% gone. I feel like a normal person!
  2. pcos_chick

    No Support From Husband...

    I'm another PCOS VSG'er. Having the surgery was hands down the best decision I've ever made. I've always been active, always ate what I thought was healthy foods.... always overweight. Getting diagnosed with PCOS was as enlightening as it was enraging. How was it possible that I went YEARS without being diagnosed? I am still very angry that I was just told to diet... that my problem was JUST what I put in my mouth. I accept 100% responsibility for over eating. But for so much of the medical community to deny and turn a blind eye to PCOS is shameful. I'm very sorry to hear your husband doesn't support you. Its clearly a lack of understanding PCOS and very likely fears on his part. Have you check out soulcysters? (google it!) The resources there for PCOS and metabolic syndrome folks is amazing. Get him educated!!! Take him to endocrinology doctors and nutritionists! Get some couples therapy! You deserve to be supported. For you he should be willing to learn!
  3. I know there were a number of folks who posted in their top ten lists that they wanted to ride horses again.... I started riding again over the summer. I'm still losing and was careful to select a mount that could handle my weight (almost 140lbs gone but still 'heavy' for a rider.) Getting back into it has not been easy... while there are some elements that are like riding a bike my strength and muscles have a long way to go. If you are thinking about riding and want to get back out there... well... DO IT! Its amazing and very fun and so very rewarding.
  4. I'm 8 months out and struggling with the cold too! And I live in Dallas.... getting weird looks wearing a winter coat when its 70 degrees outside! I think it really takes a while for the body to get used to not having as much insulation... not to mention it takes alot less energy to move around after such signifigant weight loss. We just aren't burning as much. The hair loss is really about hormones... we store a ton of hormones in fat... and as it burns away those hormones are re-released into our systems. The hair loss is about the same as you see after having a baby and occurs for the same reason. At 8 months my hair is now growing back in. Lots of funny little tufts of hair .... most folks don't notice but of course I'm hyper aware of them! But they are growing quick. And as someone else said.... all of this is totally worth it.
  5. Like so many before have said.... Your sleeve is a tool - they do surgery on our stomachs, not our brains!!! It sounds like you are getting back on track. My only other suggestion is to get into the doctors and get blood work done. Its great that you are hitting the B12 and even better that its helping BUT there could be other issues too! Lacking B1 or other hormone issues (thyroid) could be really hitting you hard. Have your doctor check them out and make sure that you don't need some other supplements!
  6. http://www.foxnews.com/health/2011/10/27/hunger-hormones-linked-to-weight-regain-study-says/ Not surprising but its interesting to see studies on this - makes me really glad to have had my fundus removed! Especially with PCOS!
  7. I'm 215lbs today which makes 127lbs lost in 7 months (and 5 days.) I don't work out in a traditional sense... I ride horses 4 days a week and chase some little ones around the rest of the time.
  8. pcos_chick

    Carb Debate (Friendly)

    I have PCOS ... carbs just are not a good idea. I work to stay well under 100 grams of carbs a day. In seven months I've lost over 120lbs. I was a heavy weight at 342 when I started my vsg journey. Some folks don't have my issues with carbs. More power to them.
  9. pcos_chick

    Facial Hair Problems...

    I'm 7 months out and I can say that it has gotten better. However its definitely not gone. Seems to grow a bit slower and there seems to be a bit less of it. I'm still plucking and using nair for face every now and again (less than pre-surgery.) Over all with regards to PCOS symptoms, things are definitely getting better. I'm actually having periods (though not regular), carb cravings don't exist, the dark Patches of my skin aren't getting better but its been summer (I live in Texas.) I was clearly told pre surgery that VSG would NOT cure PCOS but that it would help with getting the symptoms under control and keeping them under control. You can play the 'chicken or egg' first game with our PCOS and weight but regardless we'll have to be vigilant to avoid regain of weight and all regain of all the other PCOS related issues. I've been thinking about laser treatments but I want to wait and see if more weight loss helps with the hair first.
  10. pcos_chick

    Large amt of wl needed

    I'm almost 5'10 and started out a 342lbs. Check out my ticker for all the details but around 7 months post op now and I'm down almost 125lbs.
  11. pcos_chick

    Belly fat

    My belly is going down... my bat wings are not! They sag inches and inches... Everyone is different. Time to get into pushup hell!
  12. Just wanted to add that a number of my PCOS symptoms are getting better. I have less facial hair, spontaneous (but not regular) periods, skin pigmentation seems to be getting slightly better (hard to avoid the sun during summer in Texas, which isn't helping).
  13. Interesting article/study: http://bodyodd.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2011/08/09/7323927-40-chews-per-bite-may-be-key-to-weight-loss
  14. Hey all... just wanted to get some opinions and see if anyone else had any similar situations... I'm around 5 months out and doing great. I've lost 100lbs. I feel good, great energy levels, I should be exercising more but I'm very active. I just moved from the DC area to Dallas about 1.5 months ago. We are seeing record highs here with 30+ days of 105+ temps. Yesterday I was outside for a while and I overheated. It was about 104 ish and I had been drinking Water (but I'm guessing not enough.) I've never experienced this. I'm sure I'm still getting used to this weather. But I wanted to check and see if folks have noticed any issues post op with dealing with the heat and such. Once the light-headedness hit I sat down and started drinking water as fast as I could. Post op I'm not able to drink water as fast as I could pre-op and I'm guessing the played into how long it took to recover. Does anyone have an experience with heat and activity? Any tips? Anyone drinking Gatorade? I think they have a low/no sugar version? Thanks!
  15. I'm hoping to 'pay it back' a bit. I've got a bunch of Protein tubs, samples, blender bottles and chewables that I'm not using (on regular foods, able to swallow regular pills, etc.) They are free to a good home! If you live in the DFW area you can come pick them up... I'm happy to ship it if you want to pay for the shipping. powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury tubs (vanilla, chocolate and chicken Soup), nectar samples, Unjury single packs, Celebrate Chewables, Blender bottles and small shaker bottles... see pic. Please note that some of these are opened/unsealed.
  16. Email sent to bowlinjj@yahoo.com - I'll do first come first server if it falls through.
  17. pcos_chick


    I don't think I'd go back to slimfast... Instead go back to logging all intake, cut out the carbs, eat dense Protein for that full feeling. You have a great tool at your disposal now. Use it!
  18. pcos_chick

    VSG and Relationships

    No one has mentioned it yet but there is a huge component at work here and that's our self worth and mental image. Before getting sleeved you might have been depressed, had low self esteem, or just had a different outlook on life. The sleeve and weight loss can effect that profoundly. You might have a completely different perspective on any number of things in life. Someone mentioned settling before... maybe you won't want to settle any more. Some folks may never have dealt with attention from the opposite sex (or same) and will feel the need to explore that, even if they are already with someone. Some folks may have been wall flowers in high school because of their self image and will want to 'go back' and do it over again. I'm the first one to parrot the "we're having surgery on our stomach's not our brains' when we're talking about how hard it is to trade bad habits for healthy ones but there is a huge mental shift/change that can definitely effect our relationships.
  19. I really really love these posts... they feel so hopeful and full of promise..... But I have to say that sometime they are also a little bit sad. Some of these goals are doable regardless of weight! I want all of us to be healthy.... but don't wait for the scale to tell you what you can and can't do!!!
  20. pcos_chick

    how did ur attitude change after your weightloss

    I'm pretty much Tiffy's twin sister when it comes to personality/outlook/attitude... I will say this though... it has occurred to me that losing the weight could effect how I view people. Being fat always meant that you knew right away if the person you were dealing with saw me as a person or just as fat. They are easy to pick out.... To me it was nice to know right away, who was an A-hole and who was worth while. I'm slightly nervous that as I lose the weight I might develop relationships with folks that I would not have, if I hadn't lost the weight.
  21. I had the same problem and tried just about every good chewable out there. ($$$) So I called Celebrate and told them... they let me return unopened Vitamins and send me the capsules, which you can break open and swallow the good stuff. I would open a capsule into a tablespoon, add some milk or crystal light and had no problem with the taste or texture. Now I'm able to swallow them without opening and its great. (Though I do forget to take them some times.)
  22. pcos_chick

    Question for Post Ops!

    No smells.... Remember that for the most part our digestive process is NOT changing. Part of the reason RNY folks struggle with gas issues is that they lose a tract of intestine where a lot of absorption and digestion takes place. Without that track food matter moves along undigested causing gas issues.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
