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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops


    Hiya Olivam, I am really interested in your post... I am a really slow loser and I seem to hit mini stalls every other week or so and have been doing so since October - I am now 8mths out, was sleeved beg July last year. I often wonder if I am not eating enough, my dr says to eat three meals a day with no Snacks, and with this sleeve, I find it hard to eat 1000 cals with only three meals? i did start to have one protein snack but that didn't really change things. Any advise would be gratefully rec'd ... I don't want or like feeling negative but I am really struggling at the moment! Thanks in advance...
  2. coops


    Thanks for the replies... just what I need some encouragement! Sparkle, I have been thinking of the ppouch test, I lost a pound on it before but with a big increase in the intensity of my new training I ain't sure there is enough cals in there for me???? I will have a good think about that as it could be a good option. Looking at you ticker and your BMI I would be well chuffed if I was there.... 157 is like a dream come true for me at the moment...lol. I suppose we have to make a decision about goal that is viable for our bodies to be healthy and fit at. I just don't think, mine at 183lb, is a good place to stop?! Let us know how the increase in exercise goes ... good luck! =] Hey Thin, sorry you've had a shitty time, but glad the worst is over and you are getting your head around things. Good for you, too, for getting that 5lb off... ain't easy to get back on the bike, after you've fallen off!! Keep up that good work! I too have had a couple of days off the 'all protein'.... it was starting to do my head in, and I felt I needed a break! I had some carbs, good carbs, and I think it did me good cos I was getting bored of all meat! I will, as ever, keep plodding on and fingers crossed we will see the scale move very soon...
  3. coops


    Excellent progress... well done and keep up the good work!
  4. coops

    UK Sleeve - 5 Days out

    Hiya, Welcome to the site... there are a few of us on here from the UK... this really is a great site for information, encouragement and support! I am in South Wales, and also had mine done privately! It does get much better... things will be less sore and your energy levels will start to go up... I am 8mths out now and I can help in any way, let me know! Coops =]
  5. coops


    This is reassuring for me at the moment... I too feel very similar to many of the posts on here. one day I will bask in my success and the next I will be sooooo cruel to myself. This is emphasised with the fact that I haven't seen the scale move for two plus weeks... Also, my body shape has changed... a lot different to what it was before I gained a lot of weight! This is good and bad; as my legs are smaller now than they have been all my adult life, but my tummy is still really big and very wobbly! Grrrrr! I too get a lot of nice compliments, somedays these are easy to accept, the other days I feel like they are taking the pee... I seem to focus on the weight left to goal as opposed the weight that I have lost!! I am hoping my brain will catch up soon... then perhaps I will have kinder days more often!
  6. coops

    My biggest NSV yet!

    Let me be the first to say.... YEY YOU!!! Ain't that a lovely feeling when you hear a compliment from the least expecte place... Congrats on a great NSV and a great weight loss to date... keep up the good work!
  7. coops

    six months post op

    Congratulations on your 6mth success... we'll be seeing a goal thread from you soon... WELL DONE! =]
  8. coops

    the coolest NSV yesterday!

    I LOVE IT!!!! Hot mammas unite... what a great boost!!
  9. Julie, If that isn't the best birthday present, I really don't know what is!!!! What ana amazing achievement 100lb since Sept... that is sooooooooooooooooooooo good... congratulations to you, and inspiration to all of us here! Oh, and Happy Birthday to you... x
  10. coops

    Broke through my stall

    OMG... well done usedtobe!! - a very apt name may I add... you really are living proof that this tool of ours, really can change our lives... you have had such an amazing success, alone and post op... I am soooooo impressed!!!
  11. Hiya Feedyoureye... I am feling your pain, as you know I stall on a regular basis... good idea re the gym, I too have started to shake my exercise up a little to get me off my current 'stall' ... one other thing that also helps me is to drink more Water... that seems to help things move along a little! It could also be that your body is still adjusting and working things out for itself... keep doing what you are doing and the scale will move again!!! Believe me... =]
  12. coops

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Hiya laylasmojo! - great name by the way, yea I sorta did get tested a few years back... got several of the symptoms as well as the sparodic monthlies... and was told not to worry about it cos I don't want anymore kids!! This week I am set to get more bloods done to check for thyroid and menopause!! Thanks for the suggestion though =]
  13. Hello...

    How's things... been looking out for you!

    How's the gym going? Any sign of that scale moving... been thinking of you 'up north!!!' x

  14. Hey you!

    Thank you for being soooo kind... I honestly appreciate it. You cheered me up no end, just when I needed it x x

  15. coops

    Is it too fast?

    My God ... that is bloody brilliant... i certainly would NOT be complaining about fast weight loss...lol... as Diva said, keep up the good work!
  16. coops

    Will I look OLD?

    this is an interesting thread... I don't want to look old... I don't want to be fat... what a decision! I think of it this way... this time last year, my body looked awful... it felt like that of an 80 yr old; stiff, immoblie, unfit and on the verge of many health issues... this year, ok so I have a few more lines on my face... but my body is much nearer its 'earth' age; stronger, healthy and functioning better!!
  17. coops

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Coops.........183.....................183..............167.................16 I always record my weekly weigh on the weekend.... STAYED THE SAME AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and my TOM is 30 days late... !!! Don't worry, no babies ...lol.... but what the hell... this has gotta be part of the reason I am a slow loser... hasn't it????? Oh man!! I really don't want to see 183 any more!!
  18. Diva, ladyeeeeee... what are you LIKE!!! You inspire ME!! So kind, supportive, positive and a bloody great cyber chum.... THANK YOU!!!!! XX
  19. Hey Feedyoureye! Thank you for being so kind! I suppose these photos are 'kind'! There still is plenty of me left...lol... I based my goal weight on the BMI chart, but it isn't set in stone! My surgeon said he would like me to lose between 5 - 61/2 stone (70lb - 91lb) which still leaves me above the magic BMI of 25... I have a goal size in mind, so we'll see what happens!!
  20. Hey Disney, Thanks! I did put a post up when I reached my half way goal with similar pics... Yea, that is our lovely pooch... Gelart, named after the Welsh Prince Llewelyn's dog!! He is a lab and he is fab! I now love taking him for walks now!
  21. Elle, Thank you soooooo much! I do genuinely appreciate positive feedback and comments as I can be so damn hard on myself! This site has been a God send to me; in times of success and when things are getting difficult! So, with that in mind, if I can help just one person then I am more than happy!! x
  22. OMG,...Usedtobe!!! On paper, you have done such an amazing job... now we have the photos to prove it....BLOODY AMAZING FELLA!!!
  23. Hey Tiff, THANK YOU!!!! Coming from the Queen of the Sleeve that is one hell of a compliment!! x
  24. C'mon Tiff... was hoping you would see this and put your pics up... I still have a little look at your 'photo whoring' ...lol... to cheer me up and motivate me! I love before and after pics!! =]
  25. coops

    Out of control

    SarahS, You have rec'd some fab advice here... and there is nothing new that I can add... just reinforce! Look, you've done amazing so far... losing over 100lbs and over half way to goal is soooooo good! Remember the post where you put your pics up... how happy you were then? Well, this is the same you ... don't beat yourself up about a mistakes... we are all human and sometimes, that 'time out' will do you good. The best thing I can see is that you recognise where you have slipped up... so now it is time to dust yourself off and pick yourself up and get back on the train to loserville!!! We are in this together.... =]

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