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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    ok so the 2lb gain has gone... thankfully... lets hope it goes down a little now!
  2. coops

    I'm Still Heeeeeere!!

    Hey Christie... glad to hear from you... congrats on a terrific weightloss and very interesting blog. You are soooo close to goal I bet you can almost taste it now (excuse the pun)! I hear you loud and clear re the arm thing... I hate mine too, even though they are smaller and defo stronger... I am hoping that the skin will be kind and bounce back a little more than it has! Looking forward to your next update! =]
  3. Hey you!!! I have to say this, but you didn't look anywhere near 300lb before the surgery... not sure if that is helpful or relevant!! And WOW... you have done an amazing job and you look amazing too... I agree with Thin, you still have a pretty face! Congrats on onderland and on your exceptional weightloss... keep up the good work. I am looking forward to goal pics now! =]
  4. coops

    The Next Phase

    Hey Globetrotter, glad to hear from you and glad that you are safe and sound... sounds like you are looking forward to getting into a routine again. I am sure once that is in place those pesky 5lbs will leave you once and for all as you quietly slip into onderland and beyond! Your new dress/outfit sounds beautiful... and I love the strappy sandels touch... good for you! I bet you felt as amazing as you looked.. Good luck with your home coming =]
  5. coops


    Hey, Don't worry... you'll be fine! The first few weeks are the hardest, no question. You must make sure that you get your fluids in and rest. Your body is just wondering what the hell has happened to it and needs time for adjustment. TLC and water are the way forward for the short term ... good luck! =]
  6. Hey...

    your new pics are sensational... you look as good as you feel, and pink is defo your colour... good work lady xx

  7. coops


    Hey, we are all human... be kind to yourself and good luck with your surgery! =]
  8. coops

    Where are the 50s ???

    Hey Foxbins, thanks for the insight... all sounds good then! I ain't completely sure where I am with it all yet, causes and that is confusing me at the moment, will wait to see what my doc says! I suppose I am looking for a reason for my slow weight loss...lol =]
  9. Irene... the PINK LADY IS HOT!! Bloody hell... you look absolutely bloody amazing... What a transformation! I agree with the other comments, you have a really great, feminie shape and such a flat tummy!!! Fair play to you! You have always been a rock for me and will continue to be... thanks for showing these pics and giving me a hope that my journey hasn't finished... x
  10. coops

    Where are the 50s ???

    Hope you ladies don't mind me hi-jaking this thread... I am looking for a little advice that, well ladies of a certain age will understand!! THE MENOPAUSE!! I have read your posts and you are all doing sooooo well! Are any of you paddling in the murky Water of the menopause yet? I ask, because my blood test indicate that I might be going through it a little early ( I am 39 on the verge of 40) and I was wondering how the hormone thing effected your weight loss, craving, moods etc and basically, how do you deal and over come this? Any words of wisdom will be greatly received x
  11. coops

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Coops.........183.....................183..............167.................16 this was my original stats... managed to put on 2lb this week... NOT HAPPY!! what am I doing wrong... someone please shed a little light! I am geting my protein in first, drinking my water and taking my vits... I am working out 4 times a week and I have upped my intensity! I have increased my cals a little and nothing! I did up my carbs for a couple of days to shake things up a little, but they were good carbs no junk! Honestly, I could cry... I really hope this isn't the end of the road for me, I was hoping to lose at least another 28lb, if not more! Have I set my sights too high? I have had some bloods done re my monthly and I am going to the doc to discuss them this week ... but others seem to lose with hormone probs, so why not me? Does that sound like self pity? Perhaps it is? Or just pathetic? Since the 29lb of Jan I have lost 3lb and now put 2lb of that back on... frustrated doesn't come near how I am feeling. I am trying to stay positive and look at the good work that I have done, how I am healthier and fitter.... but it is getting harder and harder to stay positive and focused! Sorry to sound so negative ...
  12. Blackberryjuice, WOW!! What an amazing transformation... Did I say WOW!!!! You certainly have transformed your body!! WELL DONE and Congrats on a fantastic weight loss and transformation. How does it feel to hit goal?? =]
  13. You look fantastic... well done for shedding 50lb!! =]
  14. coops

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Hey Patti, I am feeling your pain...I feel the same... since the 29th Jan I've only lost 3lb... it is getting me down too! =[
  15. coops


    thanks... it is all way tooooo slow for me at the moment! I am getting proper frustrated, keep telling myself that at least it ain't going on!

    Your ticker is impressive, not far from goal now! =]

  16. Hey, I was 238 when I had my sleeve... by 8 weeks I had lost 29lb! I just wish that it had continued to come off so well... *sighs*!
  17. Congrats on an excellent job! You really have got your life on track and you sound happy and fulfilled! =]
  18. coops

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    How interesting... I might just give this a shot, cos my lil friends are not being kind at the moment...lol I have started taking Apple cider vinegar for acid, I have been sleeved 8mths... my hubby also takes it and he isn't sleeved! We both agree that it helps with heart burn and acid problems.
  19. Oh Kathy, what can I say... WOW!! I was sleeved just before you... and well, lady, you've put me to shame,... what an awesome achievement and fantastic news... you will be hitting that goal soooo soon! We will need celebration photos! Keep up the good work x
  20. OMG... I've watched the Kidz vid and it is amazing... worked a treat as I went to Body Pump tonight, just to get rid of the adrenalin ... lol... thanks for the tip... hehheheeee

    By the power of Williams, we have the power... xx

  21. Hi All, just feel like I need a little rant/vent! I am getting really frustrated now... Since Jan 29th I have only lost 3lb! I know it is better than nothing at all or even a gain, but 3lb! I ain't saying that I am perfect, 'cos I ain't... but I am 95% of the time. I am, once again ticking all the boxes; even increased my exercise and started new classes... circuit training and boxing training... trying to mix things up a little but to no real gain. My head is playing tricks again; on the one side it is saying... well done! So far so good. And then the other side it is saying 'this isn't fair, why aren't I losing more?' I am waiting on the results of my blood test to see what my hormones are doing cos my monthlies are all over the place and I haven't 'seen' anything since the 8th Jan! Not sure if this is part of the problem, but even so, it is really starting to do my head in *sighs* I hope this isn't the end of my weight loss...
  22. Hey Thin,

    thanks for your kind words... I really appreciated it, more than you realise. Had a crap day today and when I read your post it cheered me up no end... thanks again! =]

  23. coops

    3.5 Months with Fotos

    Just to echo everyone else.... Congrats on your success so far... I am sure you'll reach goal in no time at all!! Well done! =]
  24. coops

    Naughty NSV

    I love it... congrats on your NSV ... let there be many, many more! =]
  25. coops


    Hey Angela, It is like you've know me all my life... How did you know I need a dose of the boys to get me motivated... I will defo check out the video and yes, I have to use the power of Williams to get me through this blip in the matrix...lol Thank you for being soooo kind xx

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