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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    Long term VSG Diet

    Hey Chilo, consider it done... I am defo uner 1000 for a while to see how I get on! I am gonna aim for 800 but we will see how it pans out. I have to do something to start losing again! At this stage, nearly 9mths out, I really don't want to stop whilst in the 'honeymoon' period! I think I am at the stage now, 2mths into a stall, that I will try anything once...lol! Thanks for the input ladies... I really think I would have gone daft without this site xx
  2. coops

    Long term VSG Diet

    Thanks for your input Tiff, I do exercise, but I don't burn a whole days cal allowance doing it...lol... if the machines I am on are reliable it is usually between 250 and 350 perr gym session... perhaps I should try and lower my intake again? I suppose it is all about testing different ideas out to see what works for us and that is why this group is so useful as I haven't really had much input from my surgeon or NUT! I am due to go and see him soon though. I am still wondering if my hormones are having some sort of influence as blood results suggest that I am going throught an early menopause... I have an appointment to discuss this with the specialist on Thurs... wish me luck (on both accounts) =]
  3. coops

    Long term VSG Diet

    Good guild lines but I am a little confused re cal intake... I've read here that you shouldn't go below 1000- 1200 in the loosing phase? I ma eating between 800 - 1200 depending on the day and exercise I do and I haven't lost anything since the endof Jan... am I eating too much or too little... God this is sooooo bloody confusing. I wish my body was a simple machine that did what my head wanted it to do ...lol =]
  4. coops

    uh oh ...

    Hey Mini... any time you need a buddy, just shout across the pond... =]
  5. coops

    Changed Goal

    Thanks Chilo... you ain't so bad yourself...lol... yea I'll get there my lovely, slow but sure wins the race eh? And don't forget, some numbers that are in your favour.... size 12 .... YEY!!! xx
  6. coops

    8 MOS/5 LBS AWAY

    YOu look awesome... congrats on an amazing weightloss!!!
  7. Oh Rootman, how cool is that.... 99lb in 4mths is bloody amazing!! Well done and congratulations =]
  8. coops

    Body Sculpting or No?

    Mini... I would have a TT done NOW, this minute ..lol! I don't think it is vain, but a good end to an incredible weight loss journey, the icing on the cake if you excuse the pun!!
  9. coops

    Changed Goal

    This is great news, just shows that you chose a brilliant surgeon and one who realises that health is way more important than numbers! I am sooooo please for you, truly I am. The others are right, Chilo, it is now time to enjoy the new you! Congrats on a job well done... destress and enjoy! xx
  10. coops

    FINALLY!!!!! Yeeee- hooooo!!!!!!

    Well done you!!! Great news that the stall has been broken and you have learnt a lot about yourself too! I am currently in the middle of a long stall - abt 2mths - and it really gives me hope to hear that folk on here break long stalls... I know I have to be patient! Good luck on your continuing weight loss... =]
  11. coops

    Surgerverssary With Pics!!

    OMG ... WOOOOOOW!! You are looking fantastic! Well done and congratulations on a great job! =]
  12. coops

    Changed Goal

    Hey Chilo, You talk sooooooooooooooo much sense!!! Firstly, I agree with all the comments, you LOOK amazing! You have such beautiful features and your skin is glowing! I agree, it seems your body is telling you that where you are now, is a good, comfortably and healthy weight now! You know how fixated oin the pesky scales I am ... look where it is getting me... no where and fast! I too am re thinking my goal, but, my weight is a lot higher than yours right now... if I was in your boat, I too would be thinking in the same way that you are! You have completely hit goal... and amazing weight loss and a substantail decrease in your dress size... you are a winner my lovely! You constantly help me out, you are my rock and I trust your words of wisdom ... if they are good enough for me... then you should listen to them too....lol Let us know how you get on with your surgeon... xxxx
  13. Great pics, fantastic job, well done! You are looking soooo much happier and healthier =]
  14. CONGRATULATIONS Tiffy, to you and your family! I am really happy for you all! xx
  15. Oh MIni... you have cheered me up no end,... excellent news x
  16. coops

    Back to square one

    Count me in... started really low carbs today and upping my Water too... let us pray that we get that pesky scales moving... if only a little!!! One way to think of it... at least when we get to maintance, we know what to do!!! =]
  17. fantastic before and after pics.... well done on a brilliant transformation. But getting those migraines under control is defo a blessing!! Well done and congratulations =]
  18. coops

    My first 5K!

    What an amazing feeling that must of been... congrats on your achievement!!! An inspiration for me to get my running shoes on as I have been thinking about doing this? Well done you =]
  19. coops

    Back to square one

    Hey Chilo, I've only just found this post... I completely understand where you are coming from. At the moment my head is really playing tricks with me... along the lines of 'well, you ain't losing so you might as well have a piece of toast/biscuit' etc! I am not saying that I am overeating,as such, but the last two weeks, I have included a lot more carbs than normal. I suppose part of me hopes that this would jerk my body into losing again, and the other part is thinking 'oh stuff this I ain't getting anywhere'!!! Like you, I don't know what to do... I suppose the back to basics is the only way forward, and trying to change that internal negative thought process has to be included. I try to look at the weight loss to date and be proud of that, but it is difficult isn't it! I don't want this journey to end now... We will do this together... give me a shout if you need to vent! x
  20. coops

    Daily Carbohydrate Intake

    Hiya Susanne, yea, I know... it is poo ain't it! I do log food on My FatSecret ... it is a little intermittent at the moment, because I don't want to get too obessive about logging and tracking! I was sorta hoping the sleeve would take care of that for me. I don't mean to blow your theory out of the Water... but law of probability will intervine, and usually in the form of moi!!! My hubby rang my surgeon's nurse, and she repeated the banter 'eat three times a day, whatever you want, and stop when you are full' which, of course, I do! Most of the time! I tried adding a Protein snack here and there to shake things up a little! I am due to see him soon so I will have a good chat then, hopefully he will have some wordsof wisdom. I do train, just upped my exercise to 4 x a week but my groin went so this week it has only been once... doc said to rest and get back to it gently, so back on the running machine on Monday! I drink plenty of fluids, tea, decaf coffee and water... I am still off all soda and I don't bother with alchol! I have been to the doc, had bloods done for my female hormones and they are out of synch and suggesting early menopause, I am 39 - 40 in a couple of weeks - I am being referred to a specialist, so hopefully she will give me some light on the situation? The hormone thing might be the reason that my weight loss has stopped... I am bouncing between 183 -186 on any given day, and I just can't seem to get below it! *sighs* If you have any suggestions or ideas, feel free to say... I am always open to ideas... I often read your posts and they make a lot of sense... =]
  21. coops

    Daily Carbohydrate Intake

    Hey, I am now in the middle of a very frustrating stall... I did the really low carb thing... nope... added healthy carbs.... nope.... had a little 'oh stuff it' eat what I wanted (still 3x day) ... erm,,. nope... AND I do weigh everything!! Yep got a little scales on my work top and I can eat between 5-8oz of weighed cooked food at a go! I am gonna try the really low carb again though and see if it breaks the stall. Wish me luck!
  22. Hey Shanny! Well done on losing 51lb... you are looking great and pink is definately your colour!! =]
  23. coops

    Just broke into 10's!!!!!!

    Hey Irene... fantastic NSV... don't thank the sleeve.... thank YOURSELF... you are controlling your sleeve with precision ladyeeee x
  24. my cycle was all over the place before and after my weight loss... my female hormones are now 'abnormal' and it looks like I am heading into the menopause early.. I am 39! I too was hoping that with weight loss my cycle would regulate itself... but alas! In saying that we are all different!!??
  25. coops

    Calories and Metabolism question

    great question, I wish I knew the answer, cos my body really makes no sense to me at all!!!! Hopefully there will be some words of wisdom for us! =]

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