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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    A crazy NSV

    Wow Diva, how cool is that... must be a great feeling to be called 'skinny' ... nice one, keep the stories coming, cos they cheer me up no end! =]
  2. welcome to onderland....lol... congrats on breaking your stall!
  3. OMG... an 8mth stall... I sooooo gonna stop complaining about mine! I agree with the other comments though. Try upping the cals and Water.... good luck and let us know how you get on! =]
  4. coops

    HCG diet?

    I haven't heard of this... what is it?
  5. What a great question and one that I am afraid I have no answer for... I, too, don't understand! Over the last two plus mths, I haven't lost a pound... in fact I have been bouncing up and down three pounds... anyway, I bought some new trousers and I bought a size smaller... no sense! I also measured myself and no inches difference in a month! Something is happening but not sure what? Weight muscle ratio changing? I agree with the others, it is more about how you feel than what size ... hang in there and then you will see the changes!
  6. Hello ladies, So, I had my blood results back and they indicated that I am early stages of meopause or perimenopause cos my monthlies ain't quite stopped, although they are all over the place. I went to see a specialist and she has given me HRT, mainly due to my age - going through this a lil early at nearly 40! She recommended this as low levels of estrogen can have long term problems for young 'uns?!! To be honest, this is not what I wanted to hear... I ain't sure why, as the friends I have spoken to about it don't really see it as a huge issue... perhaps I am being too sensitive. Anyway, I have started the evorel conti Patches... put my first one on today! Just wanted to put it out there to see if anyone else had used them and what it was like? I suppose I am really worried about weight gain, as I have read that it can be a side effect... I don't want to sound superficial but I can't help it. I am almost positive that the hormone thing is the reason that I still haven't lost any weight since the end of Jan and the thought of gaining really freaks me out. I asked her about this issue and she said she is a firm believer in 'you are what you eat' and that as long as I eat Protein and veggies I shouldn't gain and should continue to lose... hmmmm... thoughts or comments would be warmly rec'd ( and I'll try not to cry...lol)
  7. Hey Tstew... OH dear, just googled her... perhaps I need to change the pic and get some day cream...lol!!! x
  8. coops


    Thanks Lila, they are a pain in the arse, for sure!! I don't remember feeling hormonal in the beginning... I think I was sooooo focused on healing, then on getting the diet right and in Oct I had pnuemonia, which knocked me for six... all of a sudden I am experiencing hot flushes, mood swings etc... I dunno what to suggest!!!!! your weight loss is brilliant by the way... you really are doing well, even if you don't 'feel' like it at the moment! Hang on in there! x
  9. Hey Lash, I wish....lol! There are some here that shed very quickly and I suppose there are pros and cons to fast and slow weight loss. The way I look at it is that, as long as it is coming off, it is coming off!!! =]
  10. WOW.... over 70lb in 6mths... fan-bloody-tastic ... did I say WOW! You are looking great and sooooo much younger!!! Fair play to you, you are rocking your sleeve ladyeeee x
  11. coops

    MIndless Eating

    HELL YEA!!!! OMG... I can't wait... I am sooooo excited, just like a kid at christmas. Don't think I am gonna get into the size 12 jeans I wanted to show him, but I am sure he will forgive me. I put a thread up last week - I went to see him solo in 1999 and bought a tee shirt... anyway it didn't fit me then, or for the following years! However, here I sit typing away with Robbie plastered all over the front and back of me... SOOOOO happy!..lol It is the little things in my life that make me smile! x
  12. coops

    MIndless Eating

    This isn't a huge problem for me... however, it is there occasionally... what I do is drink Water. I find that helps me not to snack and helps get the fluids in! Give it a go, especially if you aren't hungry...? Good luck =]
  13. coops


    Hey Chilo, thanks for your kind words - again!... You are such a great sleeve sister and friend... and your right... If I didn't have the sleeve I would have gotten really drunk this weekend and pigged out on take away food... then feel really bad today etc... just gotta get on with it now and keep doing what I am doing... hopefully my body and mind will be kind to me soon xx
  14. coops


    Hey Stacy, I can understand your worries about HRT with your family history... I don't have any medical history ( adopted ) and I ain't sure whether ignorance is bliss or not?! I am going to try the Patches and see if they help, just make sure I am extra vigilant with all matters of the body! thanks for getting back to me as I am finding the whole thing a little surreal; it is good to know that others are in simialar boats!
  15. coops

    Almost a Year Has Passed

    Congrats on a great success story ... it is brill to hear! I am sooooo getting the heels now! I can wear them all day in work without any problems and it feels GREAT!! Sounds like you will/are heading into maintaince mode with no probs... good luck! =]
  16. coops

    1/2 way to my goal

    OMG... how cool is that!! Congrats on a job well done! =]
  17. the tee shirt has been washed and ironed, ready for the weekend...lol! x
  18. Ok, so I thought I would post something a little more positive, and hopefully a little slice of humour... In 1999 I had the pleasure of seeing, the one, the only, the amazing Robbie Williams, live in Cardiff... it was a good day, evening and night!,, Anyway, at the concert I bought the mandatory tee shirt... when I got home it was WAY tooooo tight, so it has been put 'safe' until it fits! I tried it on today and... IT FITS!!!! But it fits well enough for me to wear, and in public.... I am sooooo happy! You all laughed at me when I said that The Robster was my inspiration...heheheeeee! So, now I am eagerly awaiting the Take That concert, on the 16th June, where I will be treated to not just Robbie, but his little friends too.... YEY! Lets just hope that I am able to buy a smaller tee shirt at this concert ... Today is a good day...
  19. coops

    uh oh ...

    YEY... go Mini gooooo... I'm with you girl,... all the way x
  20. I agree with the others. I am too, a slow loser and I have come to accept that now. It is still frustrating but at least I am not gaining now. I believe that my body will make its own way from now on... I will continue to give it good food and exercise and hopefully it will repay me by getting rid of some more fat! Hang in there and I am sure that you will see the scale move again =]
  21. coops

    11 months anniversary

    WOW... congrats on a job well done... pretty much at goal too... !! =]
  22. coops

    1 year 4 months!!

    Congrats Shontel, well done on a great weight loss... good luck with maintainance!
  23. thanks ladies... it has to be said that the little things in life make the bigger things so much better...lol I really can't wait for June, and this time, I know that when those gates open I can actually RUN to get as close to the front as poss.... and I ain't gonna get hungry whilst I am there either...heheheeeee.... YEY... go me!! xx
  24. Hey Angela, I KNEW you would love this too... I thought about you as I was doing the moonwalk and 'running man' in my lounge... my son sat there saying 'Oh Mam, do you have to!' My daughter looking at me as if ... well i shan't go there...lol... Fate is a remarkable thing, and yes, I too, believe in it... I have this feeling that June is gonna be very special! Oh and I LOVE the boy to man reference.... we are sooooo on the same page when it comes to the Williams!! xx

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
