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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. It has all been said... what an achievement... great NSV...a bikini!!! I WISH ...lol ... good for you kiddo!!!
  2. coops

    Oh no, Oh no no no no no

    Hey Txn, It is now about 2 months since my last post in this topic and I have only lost maybe 5-9 lbs. I exercise every day; pilates, zumba, tango, belly dancing. I try to hit Protein goal every day but sometimes don't, typically keep my calories below 800, sometimes around 600. Water intake could be better. But the weight just isn't coming off. I thought I got down to 197 2 wks ago but then the scale went back to 201. I am almost 9 months out, a time when most sleevers are boasting about reaching goal. I am 70 lbs away from goal. It is depressing. How could my body not want to lose weight on so little food? I get anywhere from 1 to 2 hours of exercise a day, 5 or 6 days a week. I'm pretty bummed. Hey GT, Just had to respond to you... I am in a very similar position too and I am also 9mths out! I too was sorta hoping to be very near goal by now... (I turn 40 next week and sorta had it in my head that I would have lost more by then, kinda birthday present to myself *sigh*) I am a fair away from my goal and I agree with you it can get you down. I have really weird mood swings with this... some days, like today, I am positive and feel good about what I have achieved and then other days I feel fat and like a failure! It is soooooo frustrating isn't it... I haven't lost a pound since end of Jan! I have been hitting the guidlines 95% of the time... I ain't perfect, just human! I've tried shaking things up and cutting things down... you name it, I've tried it!! I have to be honest though, I don't exercise as much as you do... but I do what I can and what i enjoy! I hope you are ok and as long as there are little loses along the way, we will get to goal... thinking of you... chin up xx
  3. coops

    7 Months Progress Photos

    My Goodness.... DIVA ...!! What can I say that hasn't already been said... you look amazing!!!! Fair play to you lady, you have certainly been doing the right things in the last 7 mths... what an achievement my dearest friend! I can honestly say, that I have enjoyed your journey as much as you... I remember sat here sending good vibes to you when you first had the sleeve.... that 40lb, if there is 40lb left (lol) ain't gonna be long coming off... I am soooo proud of you... CONGRATULATIONS... You've got Irene back xx
  4. coops

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    OMG.... WELL DONE EVERYONE... you've all done really well!!!! =]
  5. coops

    The big 1-0-0

    Hey, congrats on the 100lbs... that is some achievement... I too am looking forward to be able to say the same! I bet life is sweeeeeet now... good for you fella! =]
  6. I've been thinking of you... hope all is well 'up north'!


  7. Great photos, you look so happy and healthy... keep up the good work ... won't be long til you are posting a goal up date! =]
  8. Oh I am loving this... new clothes and a new bike... Seriously, life can't get much better... well done you!! =]
  9. Suzanesh, what an amazing story, and told so well. Congratulations on reaching your goal and maintaining the new you! It is good to hear from long timers with positive stories, sorta gives me more faith in my decision... not that I regret it because I don't ... I suppose it is like a comfort blanket knowing that life remains good with a 'mature' sleeve!!
  10. Hey Diva, gotta do another pic comment... I am loving the sunglasses look... check you out!! x

  11. Ntvtxn, what a fab story you have,.. I can feel your positive energy all the way across the pond!!!! You sound like a ball of energy now and that has to be an amazing feeling! Congrats on your success... I am sooooo looking forward to see the scale move again and one day, one day, to be at goal too... =]
  12. coops

    Am I obsessing?

    I agree with the others, sounds like you are doing really well and your recovery has been good... to me that is just a bonus. The fact that you can eat your perscribed foods with ease is also a bonus as you are getting a good range of nutrition... and 42lb is bloody amazing too!! Sounds to me like your eggs are the sunny side up... keep up the good work!! =]
  13. coops


    WOW... what an amazing journey you've had and all in nine months... congratulations on reaching goal and may you continue to live life to the max!!!! I bet your family are happy to have the new you back with them ... =]
  14. Oh and to add to the excitment (not!) ... my daugher turns 13 on the 18th too... double whammy!!
  15. Hey, yea big day on the 18th for me too... except it is slighty different to yours, 'cos I turn 40!!! Sorry to go off topic but I couldn't resist...lol Good luck with your sleeve(s) =]
  16. Erm, not sure... but... that sounds like a MASSIVE NSV from where I am standing, well sitting...lol!! Congrats on the new shrinking you! =]
  17. coops

    Constant burping

    Funny this,,, I have started this again and I am 9mths out.... it is gross!!! Perhaps I need to slow down ??? =]
  18. coops

    6 months post

    fab, fab, fab... well done you!! Great to hear positive news... keep up the good work!
  19. coops

    Just Frustrated

    Hey Dani, Try not to feel disheartened! I know it is diffcult. I am well known for my stalls...lol... and am currently in the middle of a LONG one, but I am not gaining so I am relatively happy! It will pass, at three weeks out concentrate on feel 'well'. Remember that your body is still adjusting and is probably wondering what the hell has happened. Your stall will pass and you will lose weight. Chin up and let us know how you get on... =]
  20. coops

    NSV we all just got.

    I second that Dr Phil! It certainly isn't the easy way out ... I gotta be honest, I am struggling here in sunny Wales!!
  21. I think it is great that you have done this together... you really have the best support network there. Only those who have chosen this path truly understand what it is like; warts and all!! Thank you for the update and congrats on a brilliant success. I am sure that you will both reach your goal weight very soon! =]
  22. Hey Suz, I am hearing you loud and clear. I feel the same way. If I had been a fast loser I would be a goal now,.. not sure if this will make you feel better,, but I haven't lost a pound since the end of Jan!!! All I can say, is that we must stay posiive, relish every ounce that we are lighter and healthier and try to see the bigger picture. This, for me, has to be a life long journey... that is why I took the drastic decision and had the surgery! One day, we will get there and it is gonna be soooooo sweet!! Chin up and shout me if I can help in any way =]
  23. coops

    feeling blue

    Lunarose, I am hearing you loud and clear. But I have to agree with iegal... you have done sooooo wellto lose 62lb and you are only 11lb away from goal. That is an amazing achievement; something that you should be proud of. The skin might just need a little time to come back a little... try to hang in there. Remember, tomorrow is another day... hugs =]
  24. coops


    hope you get well soon.... take care
  25. coops

    I feel like a looser

    Hey JaspersGirl, I don't think you are a slow loser... I thnk you are doing really well! 26lb in 5 weeks is bloody amazing! Try not to label yourself 'fast' or 'slow' cos we are all different. I know I did just that for a while and it drove me nuts!! Now, I'm just good ole Coops and I keep doing what I am doing until I get the results I want! Keep up the good work! =]

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