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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    6months out down 75lbs

    Hey DJackson... congrats on a job well done! YOu look amazing... you remind me of 'Sporty Spice' from the Spice girls!! Very pretty.... keep up the good work, you'll be at goal in no time! =]
  2. thanks for the add.. just noticed your in Notts! Used to live you near you, Ilkeston! Small world ain't it! x

  3. I just had to pop on and tell you!! I weighed this morning, my offical weigh day, and the scale has actually moved in the right direction... I have managed to lose a pound... from having a stall that has lasted 2 1/2 mths... please let this be the start of some more weight lose! It is my birthday tomorrow, and I am turning the big 40... this is the best present that I could have given myself... under 13 stone... 12stone 13 pounds...lol... I know it is 'just' a pound but it has really given me a boost!!!
  4. this is really intereseting for me as I am ver good at being harsh on myself! I am on the same page... nearly 60lb gone and I still see a very large body and a thinner face: I am equally as hard on myself now as I was this time last year. I do get good days, when I 'feel' good and I relish those moments. I am hoping with time, this will be more common and the 'darker' moments will be less. I also wonder if it depends on how long we've been overweight/obese/large etc... or whatever you want to call it... for me it has been a very long time and I think that my head is going to need time to get to grips with how I am changing and hopefully will continue to change....
  5. what a fab NSV... funnily enough, my hubby mentioned this to me the other day... I too didn't realise I was doing it! Ain't it great! =]
  6. coops


    I absolutely love it when people break their stalls... I know how frustrating it is and what a complete uplift it is to see the scale move again. Good for you ... keep up the good work and positive attitude!! =]
  7. coops

    Birthday Cake

    It is my birthday today, and I turned 40! Ok, it is a little different to you as I am 9mths post op... but I had cake today. It was YUMMY! I don't feel guilty, I don't feel bad and to be brutally honest, I shall have another slice tomorrow... it was a small piece but tasted wonderful. I don't do this often and I can't remember then last time I ate dessert... Oh, it was Christmas day...lol have a little cake, have a little drink and enjoy it. Life is about living! =]
  8. what can I say that hasn't been said before... what an amazing transformation!!! You have certainly 'rocked your sleeve' lady ... congrats on a job well done!! =]
  9. coops

    Well HELLO Sprout

    Awwwwww... I am loving this... plus ... I am loving that smile!! Congrats again from over the pond xx
  10. coops

    3500 Calories per pound of fat?

    I am with you rootman... I don't get it either!! Be interesting to see if anyone can make sense of this... or is it just a case of; we are very different in the way our body works and each and every body reacts differently... such a complex but highly interesting subject. My body, for sure, is a complete enigma!!!!
  11. I think a lot of people think this when they don't understand... they simplify it; oh an quick operation and a year later....a thinner, healthier you ... MAGIC weight loss!! I haven't told many people for just that reason, and besides which it is no one elses business! BUT... I have a friend who is terrified that I might be smaller than her, so much so that 'all of a sudden' she has started to diet and work out 5 times a week... she texts me on a regular basis to tell me that she has lost a pound, two pounds, three pounds; has lost 1 inch, 2 inches, 3 inches... you get my drift!!! Before my op - which is now 9mths ago- she didn't work out, she didn't watch what she ate and was releatively happy with her weight and body... I just can't be arsed with it so my standard reply is 'oh yea, cool, good for you'!!! I don't like competition 'cos we are all different and that is something to Celebrate , not compete ... the only one I compete with is myself... Still... she is a damn good friend and I love her like a sister... just gotta take the good with the bad eh?
  12. When I was first out of surgery and back in work, people asked me the same... 'Oh Coops, that isn't much!', 'You'll never survive on that' and 'Why aren't you eating that?' bla bla bla... in the beginning I said that my lunch time food was calorie controlled and that i HAD A BIGGER meal in the evening, at home with my family... it worked in work and now no one bats an eye lid! With regard to the drinking... do you mean alchool? To get out of that one I usually drive... works everytime :-)
  13. WOW.... check you out .... you're sooo narrow already!!! Half way to goal? You seriously don't look like there is that much more to lose? Well done... fan-bloody-tastic!!
  14. What a lovely NSV... your story made me smile too... congrats on an amazing start. I am sure with your positive outlook that you will reach your goal!!
  15. coops

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    OK... so by the 24th April I will be 6days into my 40th birthday!! Lets hope I reach goal this time... I am still going for it by putting 16lb in 10 weeks... prob a little high for me but I don't care!!!! Even if I just lose a pound I will be happy that it is coming off...lol =] SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Coops.........183.....................183..............167.................16 Fingers crossed for the Coopster!! X *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** This is my original post... I think the warning here is to be careful what you wish for as, so far, I have only lost a pound...lol SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Coops.........183.....................183..............167.................16 182..............167................15 hahahahaaaaaaaa!!! Gotta chuckle at my own optimism... but a pound is a pound is a pound; right? And besides if I don't laugh I will probably cry!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next challange, I will probably be a lot more conservative...lol
  16. Hey C... I got into the 12s today... 12 13lb...lol... I posted a lil thread as means of celebration... I am still loving your positive attitude and adopting some of it for myself. I am hoping this is the start of a slow but steady weight loss again,... x
  17. coops

    Goal Outfit

    I have a goal outfit in mind... as size 12 (UK) pair of Bench jeans... not sure on the top to go with it (probably a Medium or Small Take That tour tee-shirt...lol) ... perhaps something fitted and colourful??? I ain't bought the jeans yet... but when I do, you will hear my whoops from over the pond!!!
  18. coops

    I've lost a pound!!!

    Thank you... I never looked at it like that... but I like the season reference... I am much happier when the lighter nights are here and the warmer weather appears!!! Fingers crossed... x
  19. coops

    I've lost a pound!!!

    Hey Angela, I've been thinking of you... Awww thanks for your kind words. I am hoping that the scale will move a little more now, I forgot how good it feels to see it go down...lol! How are you doing? Yea, not too fussed for the PBS, but it could be a lot worse, could be a lot better...lol... BUT I am sooooo bloody excited... 2mths isn't long now is it!! The tickets were a birthday present, of which I am more than happy to take (that!) I am defo gonna get a tour tee-shirt so I can wear it to work... just to wind the kids up in my classes! I haven't got any plans for tomorrow, sorta dreading it, the big 40... *sighs* ... I was hoping to be nearer goal weight by now, but I ain't gonna let that stop me trying to enjoy the day!!! Thing is, it is my daughter's birthday too.... she si 13 tomorrow, so I am more than happy for her to have the attention ...lol... I rather like taking a back seat now!! One thing is for sure though, I will be treating myself to a nice slice of birthday cake!!! Hear ffrom you soon xx
  20. coops

    I've lost a pound!!!

    Hey ... thanks all... it is a bit sad, I know, but I felt really excited this morning when I saw thatnumber 12...lol... I've waited long enough. I am now thinking, as long as I don't have a big gain, I can cope with a pound or two, I am doing well... I go to see my surgeon Tuesday and I am hoping he will be able to shed some light on why I am losing so slowly... x
  21. coops

    Diet Coke

    I am nine mths out and I still don't drink any kind of pop/soda... luckily I don't miss it so it isn't a huge problem. The only thing that bothers me is that I used to drink cider on a night out with the girls... I miss that more...lol I would leave it another couple of weeks or let it go flat as peeps above have mentioned!
  22. Goooooooo for it!! Let us know when you get there so we can all do the 'happy dance' Ain't this a great place to come and share!! =]
  23. Loving the progress there Becca... keep up the good work and long may it continue to goal!! =]
  24. Great pics... glad they found out about the blood disorder... hope you are well now, cos you're looking great!!!
  25. How positive are you?????? GOOD ON YOU!!! Keep up the good work 'cos you are doing soooooo well!!!! P.S. I am 13stone and been here since end of Jan.... I soooooo want to see 12stone something... let me know what it's like...lol!!

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