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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Jennywren... your post made me chuckle because you gave yourself all the good advise that anyone of us could... you know the answers!! You are doing such a great job and so far, in my opinion,. a massive success story.There will be times when weight slows, but steady is good and 5lb a week is a little bit high...keep doing what you are doing and looking after yourself. I am a REALLY slow loser - but I ain't gaining so smiles here - anyway, what I do when the slow loss is getting on my nerves and I am frustrated is go and try on some of the clothes that I have saved from my biggest. I then watch them hit the floor when they fall off and all of a sudden I feel better and much more positive! Chin up and feel free to vent at will... you're in safe hand here... =]
  2. coops

    VSG Failure

    Mary, I have to say, you speak a lot of sense ... your post is very insightful and thoughtful and full of fantastic advise... my mind and tummy are still out of synch at 9 1/2 mths out... and I love the idea of moving away from the food. I have just started to do this sort of thing and it is really helping me...
  3. You've had a lot of good advise here... I have two goal weights in mind; my surgeons is my first... he wants me to lose 84lb. That get me to a higher BMI but under the 30 marker, so still 'overweight'. My second goal is my ultimate goal of 102lb that will get me to a BMI of 24.9 and a weight of 136. I am 5 2 also. However, in saying that I am currently 179lb and I feel great! I am starting to 'feel' that I look better and I certainly have more energy and a fitter body than Ihave had in years. The moral of the story is that the figures we are given are good as motivators but what matters most, to me anyway, is how I feel... not sure if this helps...lol Good luck and let us know what you decide =]
  4. coops

    3-4 week stall

    I am loving that graph... I am visual learner/person and this I find very useful and such a positive tool to use! =]
  5. Great to hear things are going well with sprout... not so good about the acid and fingers crossed that will pass... Fair play to you, you are looking really well... starting to bloom!!!
  6. coops

    Height and Weight Photos

    How interesting ... just had a peek and I am defo llooking forward to reaching goal now...lol =]
  7. coops

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Coops.........238..................... 179..............165............ 14 I am being really conservative this time...this new date will be close to my next appointment with the surgeon... and he wants me to be at goal...?? which is a 25lb loss. But based on my last figures, I am not sure that I can realisically do 25lb! If I get lucky I can alter the goal weight along the way...eh? OH...anyone know how to get two ticker on here... I can't seem to do it properly...grrrt!!!
  8. coops


    fan-bloody-tastic.... I wondered what the noise was, that I could hear from over the pond... now I know it was you... whooping it RIGHT up WELL DONE... only 35lb to goal!! Sooooooooooo happy for you!! xx
  9. coops

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Coops.........183.....................183..............167.................16 .................................................179...............167................12 ok, so I only lost 4lb on this one... it ain't gonna stop me aiming high(ish) for the next though!! July 4th...bring it on!!
  10. coops

    Finally !!!!

    WOW... what a great achievement... congrats on your weight loss!!! Of course you can get that last bit off... not that you need to!! I bet you feel amazing! Can't wait to join you in the 150s... =]
  11. coops

    Deciding on Goal Weight

    Hiya Bookleen, This is an intersting thread. I am just over 9 1/2mths out and just had meeting with my surgeon and we discussed your questions... he said that it is possible to continue weight loss into year 2 but it gets harder and I would have to 'work' at it... he has set me a goal weight of a 6stone target which is 84lb... I then gave him my target of 7stone 4lb which is 102lb to get me into the healty BMI... he told me not to worry about the BMI and focus on what will feel and look good for ME! That made a lot of sense. We are all different. He told me to aim high but be realistic. Your BMI looks really good as does your weight... and you seem to be maintaining it well. How do you feel in yourself? Are YOU happy with your current weight and body shape... do you exercise? There is a part of me that thinks, so long as I am healthy and fit then it is all good... and then the other part of me really wants to see the scale get to the 130s! Difficult isn't? Good luck and let us know what you decide... this is a great forum so hopefully someone else will add on... =]
  12. Happy, Happy, Happy Days... well done you and keep up the good work! x
  13. coops

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Good idea there Diva ... over the last two mths total weight loss for me has been very slow! I think it is about 6lb since end of Jan... my 'offical' weigh is tomorrow, so I will have a better idea then. I think I will add a couple of pounds to make it a little more interesting. I like the date 'cos it is a day after my surgery anniversary and my surgeon wants me to reach his goal by then! Gonna be an interesting couple of months ahead... OH by the way, 0.2lbs to onderland... sooooo close I can almost taste it from here...lol x
  14. coops

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    OK... I'll have a go for a laugh as I completely flunked last time...lol!!! I'll put my figures in on the 25th ... but I seriously need to consider a goal that is fairly achieveable otherwise if sort of becomes counter productive...if that makes sense! I don't like feeling like a failure!!
  15. So, I went for my check up with my surgeon... nervous as hell and dreading a 'telling off' due to the lack of movement on the scales. I was pleasantly surprised that when he weight be I was less there than at home... I am talking 6.30pm and fully dressed - with shoes...lol - compared to early morning in just undies!! By his reckoning I have lost 61lb (4 stone 5lb or 26kg)! He said that I had lost over 50% of my excess and that he was really pleased with me, he even commented that I looked good but my trousers were too baggy!!!! PHEW!! To say that I was relieved is an understatement! He wants me to lose 6stone in total which is about 84lb. That is lower than my own goal of 102(ish)lb... Not sure whether to change my ticker or leave it for now? Anyway, he wants me to be at his goal by my next appointment... send all positive vibes over the pond guys 'cos I really wanna do this!!!
  16. coops


    Thanks Irene... it really means a lot to me! This site, especially over the last couple of months, has been amazing! It has kept me focused and on track... when I wanted to give up I would pop on here and get the motivation and encouragement that got me positive and focused! And YOU lady are part of that!! There are other great members on here too... we're very lucky to have each other... THNAK YOU for your kind words x
  17. well done... what a great 7 weeks you have had... keep up the good work!
  18. coops

    3 mos out, with pics!

    YES... three months has made a huge difference... well done to both of you! Keep up the good work! =]
  19. coops


    Hey Chilo.... just got your message... ! I was thinking about doing two tickers; his goal and my personal one? I'd be more than haooy at his and my own lil one would be a dream...lol! He did tell me to aim high though! Awww those trousers are lush... they were only cheap, from Peacocks, and they're a size 16... not sure a 14 would quite fit though. My size really does vary from shop to shop! I asked the kids in my class what I should wear to see Take That, the one girl told me to wear my wedding dress... just in case...lol... I would love to get those size 12 Bench jeans ... unlikely so it might have to be the 14s!!! x
  20. coops


    this site helps me sooooo much. Just coming on here and having a read, mooching around and seeing how positive everyone is... that has helped to keep me focused and hopefully things will pcik up a little now... just keep sending those good vibes over the pond and BRING IT ON!!! X
  21. Hey, I get stressed really easily... through a variety of different reasons... and I try to deal with it in a positive way. Pre sleeve, I would eat chocolate or junk food and sit and watch telly sulking! Now, I try to exercise the stress out of me... we have a free gym in work, so if I know I have a heavy day of stress ahead of me I take my kit and jog on the machine ... if at home, I tend to take the dog out for a walk or run up and down stairs a couple of times... might be cliched but works for me...lol =]
  22. I agree with the others... you were a 'light weight' and now you are a 'LIGHTER weight'!!!! 20lb is a significant amount of weight to lose and would have already afforded you many health benefits. Try to stay positive and remember to get as much Protein in as possible... aim for a little higher, say 60-70g... drink plenty of Water and continue with your exercise! You're doing great so far... chin up and keep up the good work! =]
  23. coops

    Happy bday to me!

    Hey, Happy Birthday! You're soooo close to your birthday goal! It was my birthday Monday and I didn't make my birthday goal either... you're in good company!!! Keep up the good work...
  24. coops


    Congrats on a job well done.. and over half way now as per your ticker... keep up the good work! =]
  25. coops


    thanks Cheri... I need all the good vibes you can muster...lol =]

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