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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    2 years ago today

    Congrats on the two year mark... and still going strong! I enjoy reading your posts and your wisdom has helped me through many stages over the last 9 months... Excellent news that you have los the christmas'blip' and well done for maintaining... here's to the next two years! =]
  2. coops

    A few NSV's

    Fantastic... and look how slim your calf and knees are...you are making such good progress! WELL DONE on breaking that pesky stall... keep up the good work and keep those pics coming. When I see this sort of success it motivates me, which I need right now...lol =]
  3. Hey you...

    just read your post on my thread.... THANK YOU!!

    You made me smile!! x

  4. Thought I would have a little 'vent'! I am really struggling here at staying positive. The infequency of ant scale or tape measure movement is really wearing me down. I am generally an upbeat and positive person and I can normally find the good in most situations; postive out of negative has been my motto since I was a teenager! I know, realisitcally, that I have done well with my sleeve. Clearly I am smaller, fitter and healthier... but my head is playing mind games with me. There are more 'dark' days than 'light' days at the moment. When I look in the mirror I just see faults and fat. My hubby doesn't understand this at all... the other day he commented on how 'small' I looked, to which I replied 'Stop taking the pi**!' His reaction was one of shock and he shook his head looking a tad dejected! He constantly reassures me that I am doing well but most days I don't feel it... This has been confounded by my eating habits going a little astray, over the last week. I am off work on our Easter holidays and as much as I am enjoying the break, rest and family time it is also giving me time on my hands, which I spend thinking too much... I am also allowing myself 'treats'! - in the form of choc and wholemeal bread. My train of thought is counter productive... it varies along the lines of: "well, you haven't lost a much weight over the last couple of months, so this bit of choc ain't gonna hurt' and 'you're going boxing later so you will burn off this piece of toast'! Don't get me wrong, compared to pre sleeve, I am not eating that much... this time last year I would have eaten the whole Easter egg, and contents in one day... or three pieces of toast instead of one... I come on here pretty much every day and this site has been my life saver. To see others going through similar things at different stages has made me feel nromal. When I read how well others are doing, I feel sooooo happy for them, I really do. Then there is a fleeting pang of envy, which ends up in 'Oh, I wish that was me!, 'I wish I had reached goal in x mths' etc... you get the picture! I know it is all in my head, I know that I will lose this weight and it will be gone for good... I suppose what I am looking for is how you coped with it and reassurance that these stupid thought patterns will go away and leave me alone! Sorry it has been a long post...
  5. coops

    mind games ain't funny!

    awww, thanks Kris... this site is a great and safe place for me to come to. My friends, that know, are great but don't really 'get it' ... if you know what I mean! Thanks for the tip... I think it is a good idea. I am back in work next week after having two weeks off (apart from 2 days and some work at home) and then would be a good time to try it out =] Hey Mommy, yep, three times a day is what I am allowed,... but as I just mentioned I am still off work on out Easter break, I am tempted to try the every three hours thing. In one meal I can eat between 5-7oz depending on the density of the food and always protein first. But I can see that having 2-3oz more frequently might be a good idea.... OH decisions, decisions...lol I am feeling a little better today, I have been working hard on getting more water as that slipped a little... but I am also trying not to get too 'stressed' ... *sighs* I think I am a little difficult to be around at the moment... I feel sorry for my hubby and kids... x
  6. coops

    10 days post op over the moon

    WOW...nice job! Great ti hear that your recovery is good and you sound very upbeat! Hope the weight loss continues in the same way for you... well done on a good job so far! =]
  7. coops

    2 big NSVs today

    Hey Lila... these are great NSVs... don't they make a world of difference... I have come to learn, that these little things are a BIG achievement in our world. Keep up the good work and enjoy your new wardrobe! =]
  8. coops

    I am gaining weight????

    try not to worry to much... a pound of weight could be water or like above the need for the loo... your weight will come off... you only need to have a look at the wonderful stories and pictures on here. You've received some great advise already... try to stay positive and follow your plan... good luck to you =]
  9. coops

    mind games ain't funny!

    WOW... where did that come from, Mommy you make soooo much sense! When I told me surgeon that I had lost very little weight since Jan he also said 'Oh you'll find it easy to maintain!' So I completely understand where you are coming from and I will have a little think about it. I am going to carry on for the short term, and if I still feel like this in say a month I will stop 'trying' if that makes sense? I am a little confused about my cal intake.... what is your take? I eat three times a day... no Snacks... when I was tracking my food my cals would go between 650-1100 a day... I have been doing this since about Oct time.... anyway, I am wondering if perhaps I either need to reduced or increase cals... I suppose this is my last tactic...lol... My only worry is that when I decrease to 600-800 for over 2 days I get a nasty headache? ANy thoghts x
  10. coops

    mind games ain't funny!

    thank you... I will check it out! all help is rec'd with much love!! =]
  11. coops

    My willpower sucks!!!

    Not sure if it would work for you... but when you feel the need to snack, drink a glass of Water. This way your brain is being fooled... the old hand to mouth sign has been recognised, the tummy feels something is in it and drinking plenty of water is good for you.... give it a try? =]
  12. coops

    Drum Roll PLEASE

    Oh Myrori, that has put a smile on my face... congrats and well done! What an awsome achievement and a fantastic success story... you must tell us what you've bought!!! Have fun shopping =]
  13. coops

    My willpower sucks!!!

    Hey, don't sweat the small stuff... we are all human!! Try not to be so hard on yourself; brush yourself off and dust yourself down ready for the next day! If you feel that you've eaten too much try to butn some of it off by going for a walk or doing some other form of exercise. That is what I try to do. I've been similar to you over the last couple of days... we are on our Easter hols here and I am surrounded by the kids choc. I would be lying if I said that I haven't eaten some of it... and enjoyed it!!!! But I am human too!!! The sleeve is a brilliant tool that allows us to keep our intake in check! At least you didn't eat 10 eggs... chin up =]
  14. you look sooooo much younger.. great pics! Can't wait to see your goal pics! =]
  15. Hiya Kelly, I know I am almost 10mths post op... but over the last week I have really been struggling with 'fat mind games'! I was interested in your comment about being over educated and your excellent pre op diet. Would you be prepared to share it with me... I didn't have any pre op diet requirements or plan ( I am self pay in the UK!). Cheers Coops =]
  16. This has been an on going problem for me from day one and I am now nearly 10mths out!! In the beginning I used to get some linseed and swallow with a large glass of water and normally that did the trick... however, more lately it is not working for me so I have started to take senna tablets to help. Without these I can go for the best part of a week without a movement... yeah, it is awful. Makes me feel full and sick and uncomfortable. I don't like taking laxatives, but as above, I don't have the room for high fibre food if I eat protein first!!
  17. Goodness me... what a brilliant weight loss ... I bet youare feeling amazing!! You'll be in onderland sooner that you realise... keep up the amazing good work!!!! =]
  18. coops

    Fashion Show NSV

    I am LOVING this... good for you. I am well impressed at your confidence!!
  19. Great pics, great dress... oh and YOU look great! congrats on a job well done!! keep up the good work! =]
  20. I love going into chat... not good at working out the time differences though, so it is hit and miss of me!!! =]
  21. coops

    Able to drink too much too soon??

    I am with feedyour eyes ... sounds to me like you are doing great! Keep up the good work 'cos those liquids are important and you will benefit in the long term! Keep up the good work and keep us posted on your progress...
  22. it defo has sunk in...I used to lurk too... but then I just couldn't help myself...lol. Seriously though, you are doing amazing well and you have a lot to be proud of. Just keep doing what you are doing and you will reap the rewards...oh and shaking that ass in Zumba is great fun too!!!
  23. I really am sorry that you are feeling so poorly... I feel like you can't Celebrate the success that you are having at the moment... am I reading that right! I am not sure what to suggest, but hoping that things will get better as time is a great healer! Is there a particular food that you are eating that makes you feel sick, or is it food in general? I hope you start to feel better, physically and mentally soon...x
  24. coops

    Do NOT do what I just did

    Oh my Lovely, I hope you are feeling better... what a nasty side effect from a 'nice treat' - I too love peanut M&Ms - hope you're feeling better. Do you think the hot weather might have had something to do with it. along with the sugar rush... It is soooo hot and sunny down here (that is not me complaining by the way) - but I have noticed that my fingers and ankles have swollen and earlier when I was digging in the garden I felt really light headed... Have you had enough fluids? Take it easy; you know where I am if you need a chat xx
  25. Hey,

    thought I would ask re the ticker thing here...when I try to put 2 on the 1st one is repeated. Doesn't recognise the second one and I just end up with two tickers the same!! What am I doing wrong...lol!


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