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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    bikini/two piece

    hey girls.... thanks for the comments, and yea I can really see your point Blackberryjuice. I have often looked at the more 'crvy' ladies that oooooze confidence and wish I could be like them! OK... so the tankini seems like a good idea, which bottoms/pants style would you go for? The short style or the knicker stlye... I am thinking a fairly tidy size on the width - thigh to waist - and a medium leg????? I am working on the confidence to just DO IT!! *insert NIKE tick...lol*
  2. coops

    bikini/two piece

    Hey Kerry, I hadn't even thought of it like that,.. and in that case it must be a NSV for me...lol!! I was just browsing on the net looking at different options when it dawned on me that all my holiday gear is going to be way to big and that includes my swim wear. I think I might try on a tankini and see how it feels. Thanks ladies for your input! I was gonna ask my hubby, but unfortunately he normally says what 'he thinks' I want to hear when it comes to clothes... and it is usually the wrong thing ...lol... for example, I put a tee shirt on and I suspected it was still a little tight, especailly around the tummy area, when I asked him he said 'No love, it is just a bit short...!!' WHAT is he like. Luckily I found this amusing!!
  3. how's it going? Haven't heard from you in ages... x

  4. coops

    My first NSV post!

    Well done... glad you are handy with the needle, that could be a life saver...lol!! Hope you enjoy many more NSVs!! Keep up the good work! =]
  5. Thank you for quoting my post... it meant a lot to me as I really didn't mean anything other than kindness... x

  6. Hey 1-4-Many... my comment about your weight loss was to simply, try and put a positive twist on your situation... something good for you to focus on whilst you are feeling soooo poorly. It was not meant in any other way and I apologise if it came across as flippant or similar. Indeed the whole point for me to get the sleeve was a way to increase my health, fitness and general well being; add years to my life and make the qaulitity of life good. I can see you went into it for the same reasons. I have and never will respond on this forum with negative comments or any comments that I wouldn't want to receive myself. I hope you feel better and that you are having some relief from how awful you have been feeling.
  7. Jen Jen, A touching story that has serenity to it... I too applaud you for not bashing your surgeon. You sound like you have been through on hell of a tough time over recent years and for you to come here and share must have been a huge desicion for you... thank you. If I have read the tone of your post accurately, I would say that you are one strong and independant lady who will not be beaten. Let us hope this is the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one that will bring you your health and fitness back; and all the pleasure that that brings. Speedy recovery, good luck... let us know how you get on! x
  8. coops

    The Stall Is Over!!!

    good for you... keep up the good work and you will get the rewards!!! Happy days ... =]
  9. coops

    Completed my first 5K

    Well done... what a fantastic achievement for you!! I bet you are feeling on top of the world! Congrats and enjoy the training for the next one =]
  10. coops

    Ride like the wind

    good for you... two hours a time...wow! That is brilliant. I bet you are really feeling the benefit and toning those thighs and buns up nicely!! =] Isn't it good to be able to exercise, enjoy it and actually feel the benefits... this is definately a part of the 'new me' that I am really enjoying!
  11. I am with you too... this is a great place for support and encouraging words. Lots of great advise from like minded folk who are going through, or have been in our shoes. Fair play to your hubby... mine is the same; don't know what I would do without him!! =]
  12. thank you for your kind words, much appreciated! =]

  13. coops

    Jogged in public

    I have to share this!! I am sooo proud of myself... I jogged in public for the first time in 22 years today! I was walking the dog on my own, normally me and hubby do it, we live in a small village and worked out an nice route around the lanes that at a steady pace takes us about an hour. I have been doing this 4-5 times a week for the last month plus and thoroughly enjoy it. We have often said, this would make a good route to jog along... then I had a secret 'yeah, righto' chuckle! So, tonight me and the dog are going at a fairly brisk pace ... we are in the lane section and I just thought 'sod it'! I started jogging!!! Went so far, then had a little walk and repeated this four times until I came back into the village. Ok, ok, so it was only a little way, about a third of the whole route, but it is a start, right? When I got home I was soooo pleased with myself I carried on the exercise and did some free weights, sit ups and skipping... yey!! This has got me thinking (I know, not again!) ... Lately, I have been a slave to the scale and it has got me down... how did I let that happen? Now the scale is MY slave and as long as I don't gain it is all going to be alright. I need to just go with the flow! I am back on the wagon re food and although my body isn't responding as I want it to, I can move it how I want to. I am taking back control and I am going to enjoy every movement, every ache and pain and every muscle movement!! This time last year, I couldn't of walked that route in an hour never mind jog a third of it... BONUS!!!
  14. coops


    congrats on hitting onderland.. keep up the good work and keep us posted on your success!!
  15. Hey Hip! I know it is difficult but try to stay positive! The first couple of weeks are about getting better, healing and recovering. At your stage in the game Water is going to be important, try to get in as much as you can. I hit the dreaded three week stall and the same as you, I stayed there for 2 1/2 weeks. This has become my pattern but I am still losing albeit slowly and I am now 10mths out. Over the last couple of weeks I have really struggled mentally with this whole process, but I am getting there now and feeling more positive about myself. It will come off... as yes, extrafluffy said you don't really have that much to lose; you're a 'light weight' ...lol have a look around at other stall posts.. there are a lot of them! It would seem that a lot of us go through this and it is part and parcel of our bodies way of taking time to adjust. take care of yourself and keep us posted... chin up! =]
  16. coops

    Jogged in public

    thanks you for your comments... they are very much appreciated and well rec'd most of my non wls friends don't get it... 'it's only a little jog' but for me this was MASSIVE; a major achievement!
  17. coops


    Suzannesh... once again very wise words, from a very wise woman! Thanks for this post... gave me a lot to think about. Just getting my brain back into 'success mode'... =]
  18. coops

    Staying Hydrated

    I don't have any issues with drinking... Immediately after the op I was given a sponge to suck on... that was weird, but it worked!! About a mth post op I could take down half a normal gulp of Water and now 10mths on I drink as I did pre sleeve. The only difference now, is that I don't drink with or immediately after food. I tend to wait 30-40 mins and then have a drink. Hope that helps... but we are all different! =]
  19. Fantastic.... a job well done... and I am loving the nails...!! =]
  20. coops

    A Wild Ride

    I am loving that Usedto be... that is a lot of sense... thank you for posting and putting things into perspective. I need to hear this. THANK YOU!! x
  21. Oh that is the funniest thing ever!!!! *responds to evil laugh* ...mwoaahhhhhh!! Actually, I might try that, minus the ice cream for myself....heeee!
  22. coops

    One Year out today

    well done on your year anniversary... 75lb is a fantastic achievement! Congratulations! Are you in manintance, or is that the next stage for you... keep us posted on how you get on =]
  23. My suregon also says to eat three times a day... I am a little further out that you are and I am starting to find that I need to snack! I have made some silly food choices over the last week or due to having a house full of Easter eggs... I told the kids yesterday that they have to GO!! an sooooon, if they ain't here, I don't eat them! In saying that, I can only eat a bite or two... but still, in the losing phase I don't want to eat any sort of empty calories! I am going back to basics and I am going to add a Protein snack, at least one, to see if that helps me stop the rubbish eating and also shift this damn slow losing. Keep us posted on what your surgeon's office says. I am interested in the different advise and post op plans that are given. I think one thing we have to remember, is that one size certainly does not fit all!! =]
  24. interesting post... I am struggling with the head and body thing at the moment... glad to read that the head will catch up eventually! Best thing about this forum is the positive input from people with experience... the good, the bad and the (not so) ugly!!! thanks for the reassurance!
  25. Congrats on a brilliant year, and boy... what a difference!! It is good to hear how your life has changed and how you love being active and going outdoors now... I am totally on the same page. Good luck with the next stage and maintaing your new you!! =]

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