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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Hey Cludgie... I went throught this. I went to Asda and Tesco as I find them reasonable but my fav for cheap and cheerful is Primark... and now that I can atually fit into them it is way more fun! You could kit yourself out for 50 quid!! I am also very fortunate (?) as a friend of mine has gone on a fitness kick since I had my sleeve - she isn't gonna let me be smaller than her - anyway, she is having great pleasure in giving me her cast offs that are *apparently* too big for her. I ain't complaining as she is saving me a fortune, even if some of the styles aren't what I would have bought... oh well cheap and cheerful until goal!!! =]
  2. coops

    dizzy/light headed

    Went to dad's today... tested my blood and it was 4.6 He said that was low, but I have to say I felt much better today compared to yesterday! I am going to keep an eye on it over the next couple of days/week... hopefully it is nothing!
  3. coops

    dizzy/light headed

    Hey Griselda... that is a good idea... my dad has type 2 so he has a machine... I think I will pop in tomorrow and check my blood... Had a piece of wholegrain toast thinking that the good carbs would help, but it hasn't made much of a difference!! =[
  4. HIya, try not to dwell on that 'to do list' and just enjoy the recovery... get as much rest and sleep as you need -along with the fluids of course :-) take this time, where you can't do much to catch up on other things... when I was at your stage I dug into my books... read solid and it was fab! Also caught up with tv progs and movies that have been on my hit list for ages. Hopefully that will help take your mind of the other stuff you feel you 'should' be doing... or well that is what it did for me! Take you time, and chin up! =]
  5. Good stuff... I think taking measuremetns is just as important as weighing... When I was in my worst stall I went down a clothes size? Doesn't make sense but I'll take it!! Congrats on a great start and keep up the good work!! =]
  6. Well Done you and congratulations!... this is my next little victory, to go from obese to overweight; a place I ain't been for a long time... So how does it feel/ What do I have to look forward to?
  7. what can I say that hasn't been said!! OMG... what a transofrmation; I bet you are feeling bloody amazing! And look, you have a really slender neck!!!! Congrats on getting to goal, and good luck maintaining... let us know how it goes =]
  8. Hiya Amanda, Isn't this losing weight business a funny old thing. I am as you described; can't see the weight I have lost... I know I am smaller, but my head just wants to focus on the remaining fat, not the fat that has gone!! I battle with this pretty much daily but it is getting better. When you start to get down, just focus on that 50lb loss... that is amazing and has really benefitted your body already. Take the good days and keep them in a good place, so when you are feeling low, get them out of your head and remember how far you have come and how good you are feeling. It sounds to me that you are a generally positive and upbeat person? Try to enjoy that. Try not to focus on numbers, my wardrobe currently ranges from size 18 - 14 (GB)!! That just shows me that there isn't a 'universal' size anymore... oh and that includes the same shop. My focus is now to enjoy how I 'feel', how my body feels; it is much more agile and strong... this is getting me through the tougher times. Good luck with the mirror... and on a bad day, just smile back at your reflection!! =]
  9. Kate, welcome to the board... this is a great place for support and advice. I was sleeved the 3rd July 2010 so we are going to be a year apart!! I wish you the very best in your weight loss journey and the road the health. =]
  10. Hiya bandtoVSG... You sound really frustrated!! can you give us any further details, starting weight sleeve, how much you want to lose etc I know it is frustrating when the scales doesn't move... have you tried to shake things upa little... drink more Water? Vary your exercise... that type of thing? There is a five day pouch test that you might be interested in. It sorta re kicks the restriction, I did it once and I found it really helpful! there are a few revisions on here who might be able to help you... hopefully they will give you some good advise.
  11. Oh, forgot to ask... where did you go, those dunes look very British!! LOL xx
  12. Oh MY.... average.... NOT!!! Cludgie, where is your head!! No way average missus. You look great! And besides to sunbathe, topless, in the UK ... you can't be feeling average!! What a great result! I am loving it, made me chuckle!! Keep up the good work my lovely, those two pesky pounds will be gone in no time =]
  13. Hip, I really am feeling your frustration here... we are very similar!!! My weight loss has slowed to a snails pace and my 'sleeve journey' has been a little difficult on occasions... not with the op but things outside my control that have really impacted on my weight loss ie in Oct I was hospitalised with pneumonia.. that messed my weight loss up for 6 weeks. Then in Jan I had bloods done... hormonal issues that has ended up with HRT Patches for the menopause - OH MAN.. I am just 40!!!! - and needless to say my weight loss has really suffered and slowed to a snails pace. This really got me down a couple of weeks ago... and I am glad to say that I am coming out of it now. Now, that being said... I have flipped over the negative thoughts and am concentrating on the POSITIVE! This time last year I was in a mess. Tired frustrated, frumpy, unhappy, angry with the world and its wife, disappointed with myself, disgusted with myself, hating myself and no confidence or self esteem... you get the picture. Today, I am a happy person... I love my life... I love being able to move and enjoy the fact that my body is doing what I WANT it to... OK the fat is still there, but I am strong again. AT LAST!! You've have already lost 100lb... firstly that is bloody amazing!!!!! And since the time you were sleeved you have lost 17lb in a short period... that too is bloody amazing! Remember, this is phase two for you... the second and final part of your journey. Try to be kind to yourself and remember the good work that you've already done. This stall WILL pass... and so what if it takes a little longer to lose your final weight... you will lose it. Re evaluate your intake and exercise by all means... but also remember how far you have come... don't give up Hip... this is your time to finish what you have started. Good luck! =]
  14. Congrats on your excellent weight loss in just 8mths. You really have done very well. I understand what you say about stalling and wondering if this is the end of the road as I am in a similar boat ... but I do not intend to give up!! I don't think it is the end of the road for you either... You've rec'd a lot of great advise here already! I would defo concentrate on getting more Water in. It ususally helps and if no weight loss it is good for the skin and flushing out the system. I would also try to vary your exercise a little... add a little resistance training, perhaps a few hand weights, sit ups, push ups.. stuff that you could do at home if you aren't ready for the gym...??? If you are starting to feel a little low... go and try on clothes that you were in before the sleeve changed your life!! Put them on and watch them fall to the ground *insert smug grin here* and then pat yourself on the back for a job well done!!!! Keep up the good work... and yey to compliments from strangers...lol =]
  15. coops

    Well meaning people

    Hey Jovigirl, you've already rec'd some good advise and positive comments! Firstly, congrats on taking your health and life back and lsoing an amazing 100lbs... that is just brilliant! You sound sooooo positive and ready to face the rest of your journey head on... and that means just one thing... SUCCESS!!! Your progress to date can only be complimented and you should really bask in yuor own glory! Your dinner looks lovely by the way... just right to me! Lean Protein is defo the way forward! When I first started this and was on solid foods, I had a lot of... 'oh well you're not eating enough, no wonder you're tired' and ' well if you don't eat enough your body will suffer' and ' that little food isn't going to give you all the Vitamins you need' ...bla bla bla! And that was from my parents!! I only told a few close friends but they don't get it either. The other night I was with my friends, and I love them to bits but they just don't 'get it'. They were asking me about my weight loss and I told them that it had really slowed down; they asked me what a typical days food was. I told them, and they focused straight away on my dinner, which when I am in work consists of; 2 tablespoons of tuna with mayo, teaspoon of coleslaw and some lettuce. All in all about 4oz of food. Straight away they said 'oh you are eating too much mayo!' WHAT!! just didn't understand that they extra cals the mayo gives me is what I need to keep going through the afternoon... would they prefer that I wat a Mars bar...lol... I suppose my point is, that it doesn't matter what others say or think. We have to do what is RIGHT for us. If I take the mayo out, the tuna is too dry for my sleeve.... simple!! Good luck on the rest of your journey to goal ... keep us posted! =]
  16. Hiya Janine, congrats on your excellent weight loss to date! You are doing a great job and so far so good. Try not to compare yourself with others as it is a complete head blow. I used to do it all the time and it drove me crazy! You have rec'd some good advise already and I can only echo that. I am a REAL slow loser and I tick all the boxes 95% of the time (the remaining 5% I am just being human!) I am 10mths out now and since christmas I have lost just 14lb but I am still losing and as along as it is slow but sure I will be happy; over the last mth or so it has really got me down, but I have shifted my mindset and my focus is to remain positive and keep doing what I am doing. I just have to have confidence in my self and my sleeve. Patience needs to be my new friend...lol I exercise a lot now... I started exercising at 8weeks post op because I used to love the feeling and I wanted to get that part back into my life. I have achieved that now! I vary my exercise from walking to boxing and different things inbetween. Although I have a fair amount of weight left to go, I can feel the muscle underneath the fat now and that is a great NSV!! I am starting to feel strong again, if that makes sense. It sounds to me that you are doing everything right with your food intake; I agree with the water though... try to drink as much as you can; aim for about 64oz and anything more is a bonus! As far as exercise goes, do what you LIKE and what is comfortable with your body...once you get a taste for it and you start to see the benefits - especially in the way your clothes fit - you can up it and change it to suit your needs. Good luck and let us know how you get on... =]
  17. coops

    My greatest NSV

    What a great success, not only with your weight loss, your new job venture.... but your CONFIDENCE!!! Such an inspiring story, makes me realise how my weight has also effect me in the same way!! Well done! =]
  18. coops

    A truly amazing week!

    Great to hear good-feel stories like yours Brian... congrats on a great 10mths! Am loving the new suit, new lady and the start of a new and healthier life for you... tis what it's all about fella! =]
  19. Juliarh, 122lb. 8mths. OMG!!!!! this is fan-bloody-tastic!!! I am sooooooooooooooo happy for you, really I am!! You are really working your sleeve. You are going to be at goal in no time... how cool is that! (boy, I wish I was in your shoes...lol =]) xx
  20. I have to admitt, I weigh at least once a day! Sometimes once in the morning and once at night... I just can't help myself. I am learning not to let it get me down... and over the last week I am winning. I record my weight once a week, on a Sat or Sunday and I measure myself every 2-3 weeks. I can't ignore the scales, not now. I have to see those numbers to believe that I have lost 59lbs 'cos there are days when I don't feel like it!
  21. Simply, I am thankful for getting my health and fitness back. I still have a fair amount of 'fat' on my body but underneath that is a lot of strong muscle and that feels good!
  22. Hello and THANK YOU for your kind comments on the pics. I really appreciate them as I am struggling to see the difference!!

    Hope you are well and a huge congrats on your success so far!!

  23. Well done !! SOunds like that made your day!!! Keep up the good work! =]
  24. coops

    Is your birth control the culprit?

    Hey Cheri, this is very interesting for me and I have been thinking along these lines for a while. I had my bloods done a couple of mths ago and they read abnormal for the female and male hormones; the doc suspected early menopause as at the time I was 39... I've only just turned 40... I had a lot of the other symptoms to. I was then sent to the menopause clinic where the specialist told me I was peri menopausal as my periods, as sparodic as they are, were still with me. She has perscribed HRT Patches which I started at the beginning of April. That week I lost a pound for the first time in several months. I have lost, since wearing the patches, a total of 4lb which is a lot more than before the patches!! I feel better now, not as moody, tired and snappy... I have more energy and I am not crying as much (lol) and the headaches and hot flashes have all but gone. However, I haven't lost since that 4lb ... the patch has given me two periods, the first being very heavy and long and the second lighter - that is a total of three 'shows' in 5 weeks and that is probably why the scale hasn't moved much? Like you I am no medical professional, but I am learning to read my own body and trying to get into synch with it. Hormones are funny little things that play havoc with us!! I am chuffed that you have discovered why you were losing slowly and removing the IUD sounds to me like it was the right thing to do... do you feel better for it? Congrats on your total weight loss too... you are really near goal now!!
  25. coops

    Cardio -vs- weight training

    I was told to do resisitant trainig before aerobic activity as it helps warm the body up and then you will burn more fat. But as above, any kind of exercise can only be beneficial. I, personally stick to the stuff I enjoy ... otherwise I get bored and end up do little! Enjoy whatever you choose!! =]

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
