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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Oh well done you.... no matter what tactics I try, my body isn't keen to shed anymore... Go on, tell us the secret!! =]
  2. Hey, good question and one that I thought of too... SO far so good on the face; a lot of people have said I look younger (and prettier...hmmm, so I was ugly when fatter?? lol) As far as the body goes, not that good to be honest... dimply tummy, but it is concealed so I can handle that; would love a TT one day! Same with the 'ladies' they could do with an uplift, but there are soooo many good bras these days that it isn't bad in clothes. Upper arms are a little saggy too, but I am working on those in my boxing classes and using free weights. The rest of me ain't too bad!
  3. coops

    When I was at my heaviest I used to say . . .

    Good topic... I used to put everything off ... I'll go training when I am x stone/pounds ... I will look good when I am x stone/pounds... lot of things that I put off; basically my life was on hold whilst the fat consumed me and my whole self!! Oh what a complete waste of years and energy... now, I just do it!!
  4. coops

    glorious overweight!

    Hey you!!! Check it out! Well done on hitting that all important milestone... and 3lb form onderland... fantastic new! You have cheered me up; can't wait to join you... would love to have a BMI of 20something!!! =]
  5. coops


    HIya movetolose, Firstly, congrats on your success so far, 50lb in just over two mths is amazing best part of half way to goal already that is such a good time frame... secondly, congrats on your exercise programme... it sounds like you are seeing the benefits in your clothes already. Good feeling? I can't really advise you on the stall issue as they hit me more often than weight loss... but I can say that I am getting smaller whilst the scale doesn't move; win win right? Keep doing what you are doing,'cos you're ticking all the boxes and you Will see the results... yea, I am with you on the frustration side of things but the training is soooo worht it! Good luck and keep us posted on your progress =]
  6. coops


    Yep, Same here... I had a milky coffee in hospital... I tolerated milk and still do with no problems!
  7. coops

    You Guys Make Me Sane

    I agree with all the comments here... When I am really struggling I pop on, have a moan and feel better. When I am doing well I pop on and share... I love reading about success as it give me more hope... just aa great place to be!!!
  8. coops

    bikini/two piece

    Thanks for all your comments ladies... I went shopping today and had a sneaky look at the two pieces. There are loads of choices in all different shapes and sizes. If we do manage to get the money together for a hol, I will defo try some on just out of curiosity! If I am brave enough to buy and actually wear one in public I shall let you know...lol That link with Helen Mirrem is amazing Lila... Oh to be half as toned as her!!
  9. coops

    Improve running

    Susanne, this is brilliant... I am well impressed!! Good for you! How did it feel to finish in such a quick time! I bet you are walking on air! =]
  10. coops


    Myrori, well done on getting through the 170 barrier...I am in the same boat; I bounce between 179 and 181 and have been doing so for since the beg of April!! My cals are a little more, say, 800 - 1200 but still low enough eh? What I tell myself is that as long as there is no huge gain, I am ok. My mindset has changed a little more recently, and yes, I still get frustrated and a little cheesed off when the scale doesn't move... but now I have come to terms with the fact that this might take me a lot longer than I first thought. At last I can move how I WANT to and that keeps me focused! Keep up the good work and regardless of the time frame, you will get there! Just look at what you have acheived in such a short space of time... and hey just 24lb from goal... that is bloody brilliant!! Bask in your glory to date, that is what I say ...lol =]
  11. Hey Sarah, sounds like you had ana amazing holiday... isn't it great to do the things that you WANT to do instead of watching others do it... well done on your success so far, the pics are great!!
  12. I totally understand how you feel... since Jan I have lost 11lb... in 5mths. I have many weeks of nothing, drop 4-5lb... then nothing for several weeks later. I don't change anything and I stick to what my surgeon has told me to. Frustration doesn't come near it does it? But in that time -well, more recently, say the last 4weeks - despite very slow weight loss I have gone down a trouser size! This has kept me sane! I ain't complaining now, did that and it got me nowhere,.. now I just thank God that I am not gaining and enjoying my success to date - just over 10mths out - I am just thankful that I am getting healthy and fit. My body will do what it pleases...lol!! =] Good luck with your stall... just keep doing what you are doing.
  13. coops

    Has someone commented on your weight loss?

    Interesting post... I get called 'slim Jim' a lot in work!! Some days I take it, mostly I think they are taking the pi** 'cos I certainly don't feel slim!!! Funny how different our perception of our self is to how others see us!!! I agree with you thinoneday... my head hasn't caught up with me... but then I do have a good amount to go! =]
  14. coops

    I am officially freaking out!

    Good Luck with your face lift... it is an adventure. Keep us updated!! Can I ask... what is a GI?
  15. coops

    Weird kind of girly NSV

    defo an NSV Tiff... we had a rare moment of sun in the Easter hols and I sat in it without looking like I'd just got out of the shower....NICE!! x
  16. Well Done you!! Soooo near goal. You'll be there in no time... 71lb in just 6mths is brilliant!! =]
  17. coops

    I fit my goal pants already...

    OMG!!!! Irene.... I remember having a convo about goal clothes... check you out wearing those jeans LOUD and PROUD!! You look as great as you feel.... what an absolutely brilliant achievement! You really are an inspiration to ALL of us on here... thank you for sharing your success... You make me want to get to my goal even more now.... Congratulations xx
  18. coops


    That has to be an excellent feeling... I love it when we get little surprises... Oh and by the way, it isn't a teeny victory... it is a MASSIVE landslide.... well done you and keep up the good work!! =]
  19. Cheers love... I shall defo get some... ain't been since Sat and starting to feel bloated., yukky and sluggish!!! Grrrrr!!
  20. OMG... this has been a pain in my butt - pun intended - ALL my adult life. I started to use flax seeds but they don't work so good now... where do you get the benefibre from Cludgie, cos it sound good to me... my wheels need oiling big time. I'm lucky if I do a number 2 twice a week!!
  21. what can I add??? Excellent job there... keep up the good work!! =]
  22. Trust me to feel like poo on the weekend.... I've been getting 'funny turns' - light headed and dizzy spells, slight palpations, sickness, foggy head/headache... Could it be my HRT? Are my carbs too low? Low sugar? or something else? Anyone else experienced this?
  23. Hey Diva... you have SOOOOOO go that right. I love her dearly, but she is soooo competitive!!! Silly girl! I will have the last laugh though cos my frame is naturally smaller...loll
  24. coops

    Mini-Goals, anyone????

    Hey, My son goes to a local boxing gym, he is nearly 11 and really enjoying it... doing really well and thinking about fighting. The training has really changed his lil body and he is soooo lean and trim and very strong considering he is so young and fairly small. I found out they did ladies sessions... at first I was worried that I was too fat and that the ladies that went were all Amazion -types...lol Anyway about 6-7 weeks ago I persuaded a friend to come with me and to my surprise the ladies there were all shapes! There aren't that many of us in a session, but I like that. I have worked up to twice a week now and the best NSV for me is to be able to go, train like a demon and not ache like hell the next day. We do the same work out as the fellas, no slacking and plenty of sweat! The coach is the Welsh coach and he is amazing... I modify the stuff I can't do but still work the same muscle groups and get the same benefits. I really look forward to it now!!
  25. coops

    Mini-Goals, anyone????

    I love mini goals. In the beginning they were weight related but as I am such a slow loser I have changed tact. Now they are either size related or exercise related. This helps me stay focused on the positives and makes me 'feel' better. So, my next mini goal is to get into a size 14 (UK) and wear them out... I have a pair of trousers in size 14 that do up, but not acceptable in public....lol. My mini goals regarding exercise are in the bozing gym. Each time I go I try to do one more sit up, push up, 10 extra secs skipping etc. I have to say, my right jab is coming on lovely too...lol!!

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