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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    bikini/two piece

    Heheheeee... that does look like fun! Reckon I am gonna have a few hours of chuckle time on that! Thanks!
  2. coops

    Stalled, but an NSV

    Skinny jeans that are loose... now that is a NSV!! I love it! Just goes to show that the scales don't mean everything... you are defo getting smaller there... Nice one! =]
  3. coops

    I want to scream!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey Fairyfaye, Your headteacher sounds like a right cow! That is just rude... take no notice of her and raise above it... she really isn't worth it. I work in a school, I am a teacher, and at lunch time if I am asked why I am eating soooo little, I just say that I am on a cal controlled diet. Last week I had a phase of greek youghurt for lunch, and a few comment 'is that all you are going to have?' ... I just said 'yep!' and sat there and enjoyed every mouthful! No one would have said that to a skinny person!!! I am well impressed that you are back to work on day 11... I had my sleeve done in line with the 6 weeks hols. I don't think I could have returned to work in under 2 weeks, so well done! Remember, you'll have the last laugh! =]
  4. Good question... I have two goal weights and the same as you, my own goal is lower than my surgeon's... they way I am looking at it now, is that when I get to a nice size and 'feel right' then that will be my goal. I am not really losing much weight, but seem to be getting smaller... not sure what is actually goin on here...lol... but I ain't gaining either. I suppose, what I am trying to say, is that you will know when you feel good... and that is your goal weight! let us know what you decide =]
  5. You look fab... and I agree, you ain't a slow loser... what an achievement in 7mths... excellent job! Keep up the good work... you should post these in the pinned photo thread too... =]
  6. Hiya Usedtobe... Your question is a valid one and one that resonates in my mind a lot... only on a smaller scale!! My weight loss has virtually hauled to stop and I haven't seen regular movement since last year! I am still trying to lose, but there is a part of me that wonders if this is it... is my body -but not my mind - happy at this weight. I too haven't been this 'light' for a long time and although I haven't had as much to loose I understand completely where you are coming from. I think the BMI is a good indictor, but that is all... nd indicator. My boxing coach doesn't believe in it or like it... and told me not to take any notice. My surgeon agrees... his goal weight is about the normal BMI for me! Let us know what you decide... whatever it is, whichever way you go, you've done such a bloody brilliant job already!! Either way you are a winner... =]
  7. Hey! Funny you should say about maintaining... when I went to see my surgeon and told him about the very slow loss, he said 'Well you will be able to maintain well' ...!!! Like you though, I ain't done losing yet! He then set me a goal which was lower than my original one, hence the two ticker thing. Glad that you have dropped again, gives me hope that I might too. Our starting stats are realy similar aren't they... how tall are you? I am only 5 2! Oh, and you got sleeved on my wedding anniversary!! =]
  8. coops

    My Fav Compliment so far

    This brought a smile to my face... I love it when things like this happen... I can understand why you had a lil chuckle to yourself. I am a teacher too, and for the most part the kids in my classes have been either, really kind or they haven't said much... anyway, around Feb time one of the older boys said to me 'Miss, what is with all this weight loss? What is the matter with you? You don't want to lose too much more'!!!! I just thanked him and told him that I would take it as a compliment...lol Didn't have the heart to tell him I had a load left to go!! The one thing that the kids, and staff are impressed with is my boxing! One lad said 'Miss you were well 'ard before, you must be solid now!' Again this tickled me and I took it as a compliment! (Imagine it with a welsh accent... very funny!)
  9. coops

    face lift

    Hey, Glad it went well and you are doing ok. Best wishes for a speedy recovery... looking forward to seeing your pics! =]
  10. coops

    Eight Months Out!

    Your wedding photos are gonna look amazing... congrats on a brilliant 8mths... not long to goal, keep up the good work!!
  11. Hey you!!

    thanks for your comments... really cheered me up! And you're right, slow but sure does win the race.... it is my new slogan!! x

  12. Well done! It's a great feeling seeing the scale go down. Every pound counts! I am still waiting for some progress here... I have no idea why I am stalled... tried it all... but patience has been my new friend! =]
  13. I feel similar to you MommyTawnie... isn't it a horrible feeling... please let me know what the surgeon says re constipation, and if he/she gives you any advise... cos I really could do with some!! =/
  14. coops

    WOW! I'm wearing a size 6

    that is sooooo cool... check you out!! Size 6!! That is a dream for me... what does it FEEL like?! =]
  15. Great thread... and some shocking comments! My experience has been ok so far, nothing too bad.... Ha that changed today. I had an appointment with the menopause clinic and before I see the doc, I have to see the nurse... a middle aged, sour faced, opinionated ole boot! Anyway, as per proto call... she weighed me... checked back over her records and said 'Oh dear, you've only lost a kilo in over 5 weeks... after your surgery too... that is disappointing isn't it.' WTH!! I was stunned. I just looked at her ... my reply was feeble Ihave to say 'yea, well I haven't lost much this year to be honest.; Ti which, she happily replied, 'yes, that is disappointing' On reflection I now realise that I was really dumb in not fighting back... I didn't expect her to mention my weight as I was there about the bloody menopause... God I was soooo cross when they replay of the conversation went through my mind!!! Grrrrrrr
  16. Hey Crosswind... I didn't realise that Bench was a UK company..lol... here is the link to the pair I have my eyes on... http://www.bench.co.uk/womenswear/denim/delia-boyfriend/WA016/?page=0&ref_url=womenswear-denim- Not sure when I will be able to fit into them but it sorta gives you an idea... I have Bench glasses and they are really nice! It is my daughter's fault 'cos she likes Bench, but is too young at 13 to spend that sorta money on clothes that she will only fit into for a year or less. I've told her she can have some when she stops growing...lol
  17. My original goal make over was a size 12 (UK) pair of Bench jeans to go to the Take That concert in... hmmm, the concert is in less than a mth and I am a good 20lbs away from those babies... so I have to reconsider this, - I will get a new pair of jeans for the concert, prob be a size 16 as that is my current size, but I might be brave and go for the skinny style! My next 'big' event is the school prom at the beg of July... around the same time as my anniversary... A nice lil dress would be a great make over for me... fingers crossed!
  18. coops

    WooHoo! Got back to swimming

    I too am confused about the whole calorie out v in thing. I exercise pretty much every day, from walking my dog 2 1/2 miles to going to the boxing gym twice weekly and bits and bobs in between. I am 'supposed to eat around 1300 cals a day and I get in around the 900 mark. So my in v out is in negative equity but I am an incredibly slow loser!!?? In my case it might be that my body is just not playing fair...lol!! Congrats on the swimming Rootman, it is a brilliant exercise to do as it covers all areas of the body! Glad you have found something that you enjoy!
  19. Congrats on a job well done... I love the positive tone of your post... good for you on taking that step and reaching the new you! =]
  20. Hiya Julie, I was sleeved at beg of July...3rd... down 59lbs and struggling to lose more... but I am starting to come to terms with that.. I hope this isn't the end of the road for me... but as many sing on here... it is a marathon not a sprint!! I am chuffed with my fitness levels now though and that was one of the reasons I went into this... I wanted to get healthy and strong again, and I feel that I have achieved this to a good degree!! How far away from goal are you? =]
  21. coops

    7 Months and Feeling Like a Success

    LOOK AT YOU ... what an amazing transformation... I think everyone has said what I wanted to... what can add???? Fair play, you look really happy in both pics, but the second... OMG... you are sooooo small!! I am just 5 2 and I can't imagine myself at your weight!! Don't think I have every been that small, especially during my adult life!! Your pics have put a spring in my step... I am a really slow lose, and would love it to come off quicker, but your right it is all about feeling healthy and that is where I am at... good luck with maintaining your teeny - weeny self (lol)... let us know how you get on =]
  22. FAB FAB FAB.... well done on getting to onederland... keep dancing lady!! =]
  23. coops

    I've been lying

    I think 900 cals a day is spot on... with a little 'bounce' either side. If my intake goes below 700 - 750 I literally feel shaky and weak... we gotta do what is right for us... well done on the steady weight loss and keep up the good work!!
  24. Yea, me too... all my adult life this has been a problem but even more so over the last 6mths (been sleeved 10 1/2 mths now) ... I've just bought benefibre.... been adding it to my tea and coffee since Sat I still haven't been... I hate it 'cos I start to feel sluggish!! Fingers crossed it will kick in soon...
  25. Te loveliest Irene, what can I say, that hasn't already been said!!! My goodness me... what a fantastic role model you are to all of us... new and old sleevers!!! You're pictures are fab!! I love this... I often look at my big clothes that I have saved, and you are right, they put things into perspective when not much is going on with the scales!! xx

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