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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Wow... great advise... thank you for posting this! How is your recovery going? =]
  2. coops

    The little things

    Hey Globetrotter... glad you posted this, sounds like you really have turned a corner. Great NSVs... I love to hear stuff like this 'cos it helps to keep me positive too.. Not long to goal now... congrats and keep up the good work! =]
  3. coops

    My "Ah-hah!" Moment...

    Hey Vanishingvixen, I don't normally 'do' emtional... but your story made me emotional!! What a great post, not only do you feel amazing after your experience with your daughter, you look amazing! One of the contributing factors of me getting the sleeve was to have a better quality of life with my kids... to be able to keep up with them and enjoy their short lived childhood... thank you for posting this.
  4. HIya Curvy, You've already had some good ideas... I love the one about hanging the dress up... I have a pair of size 14(UK) trousers on the back of my bedroom door... I try them on now and again to see if they fit me properly... I can now do them up, still too tight to wear in public though!! Motivation for the gym/work out is a good one... At the moment, my weight loss is horrically slow... painfully slow. I have lost about 12lb since the beginning of the year!! BUT... and this is a big BUT, in the last 8 weeks ( a weight loss of just 6lb) I have gone down a whole dress size... I am putting this down the the boxing training that I started in Feb. This is a great form of motivation for me... ok so the scales ain't moving, but I ain't gaining and I am getting smaller... isn't that the whole point? Without exercise you will lose weight with the sleeve... imagine that weight loss where there is firm muscle underneath the skin... how sexy will that lil strapless number look then... sexy is a good motivator don't cha think!!! Good luck... =]
  5. coops

    My First Post-Op Photo Share

    WOW... what a difference...in just 10 weeks... you definately look slighter across the shoulders as well as in your face!! Keep up the good work! =]
  6. coops

    9 months AND....

    Lil Red Raider... where have you been Congrats on the amazing 101lb weight loss... and new swimsuit... that is my next mini goal... to get myself a new swimsuit... I'm not sure to go for the one piece or two piece/tankini!!! Keep up the good work! =]
  7. Once again, you got me!! I, too, constantly blame myself... use(d) - ongoing - my weight as the root cause of the problem... if I spoke to someone else the way I speak to myself, I would either have been beaten up or lost many a good friendship. Since my scales have slowed I have noticed that this train of thought has come back again; like I am in failure mode and it take a lot of effort to remind myself that losing 60lb is NOT failing! More recently I have become a little kinder but I can feel it there... in the background, waiting for an opportunity to come out and bite me on the ass!! I am hoping that when (notice the positive tone here 'when') the scale moves again, this horrible train fo thought will decrease. That being said, I have carried it for such a long time... At least I know, that I am not the only one who feels this way.. and that makes me feel better... x
  8. Julia, bloody hell... this has struck a real chord with me...it is almost like you were in my head... this is defo something I need to work on!
  9. Hello fellow sleevers, I am currently going through a really stressful time here. My husband is having a knee op today, and although he is young(ish...lol) and fit, I still worry. His recovery will be anything from 4 - 6mths; he will either have micro fracture and stem cell or realignment of the knee joint. This has come at the wrong time, as in work I have been accepted as an examiner and have over 400 scripts (exam papers) to mark in the next 2 - 2 1/2 weeks; the vital part of his recovery. I am also working full time, have two children and already I am starting to feel stressed and a little tense. Usually I would find comfort in a bar of choc or something similar... how do I now comfort/passify these feelings. I do have a great cirlce of friends but it ain't the same as a Mars bar...lol Exercise is an option, but with the situation as it is, time and energy will be limited ... I do intend to continue my boxing sessions! They are only twice a week. When you feel like this how do you cope? What do you do to get you through tough times?
  10. Hi All, Just a quick update... things are worse than I had hoped for. The op went well, but it was the worst case scenario... he had the micro fracture, stem cell and realignment with a titanium rod... OUCH! On top to of that he had to have a general to which he has a nasty reaction, then he also had an allergic reaction to the morphine at which point he was in and out of consciouness and his oxygen in his blood went down to 46!! Not good! He has to stay in hospital until Tuesday as his knee is too swollen to put the cast on. He will have this on for three weeks, and then he needs a brace, so recovery will be longer than I first anticipated! Good news is that my parents are gonna have the kids for me for a few days, so I can try and focus on sorting my exam marking out and then I can work around visiting hours... Oh well, we knew this wasn't gonna be easy! Thanks for the comments, they all make complete sense, and one day at a time is the way forward... fingers crossed =]
  11. coops

    Fast Losers

    Hiya Meggie, yea, I read this a while ago... followed the advise and no change, at the moment, I am just doing what I have always done - apart from adding the good carbs - and hoping my body will readjust and catch up with my mind ... lol
  12. coops

    Starvation Mode?

    This is interesting for me... is this a regular pattern for you? I am trying to work out what my body wants/needs to lose more weight. I've come to a grinding halt with the low carb route, I have started to add some good carbs to my diet lately. I will be interested in what others have to say on this one. I am almost 11mths out now though... I am hoping that this isn't the end of the road for me! =]
  13. coops

    Fast Losers

    Samantha, I will watch this post with interest, cos lately nothing I do moves the scales...!!! =/
  14. pcos_chick, you are soooooo right! My weight has effected me all my teenage and adult years; regardless of how heavy I have been it has always been TOO heavy! Even when I was 140lb! I know this is a psychological thing for me... and I am working on it and hoping that I am making some progress... I have to say, some days are better than others, but in general it is better now!
  15. coops

    I feel fat today

    Hey Diva, I am soooooo on the same page. When my weight loss slowed to a pathetic crawl several months ago, I felt fat every day. I think the stale mate on the scale did terrible things to my head! I tried reasoning with myself but the answer was always the same... you're still obese. Ilong to just be overweight! In the last couple of weeks, thankfully, my mindset has changed. I stil weigh daily but if there is no change, well, there is no change. and that is ok. Look back over your weight loss journey... 150lb gone forever..... FOREVER!!! Remember at the beginning of all this you told me to go and try on my 'fat clothes'... have you done that today. I know you posted your pics recently... look them over again, try your biggest trousers on again. I know how you feel is important...but that doesn't mean you can't congratulate yourself too... chin up my lovely!
  16. Thanks Ladies... just to know that I can pop on here and have a moan helps me feel less tense. He's still in the op theatre, it is 6pm here, so he's been there a while... still not sure how the op went! I've had a rough day work wise... when I got home, I tried to do some marking but couldn't focus or concentrate... to be honest, I went upstairs and led on the bed for an hour... that helped a little. The kids are great, my daughter sorted their tea out for me and they are now walking the dog. They do realise that the next couple of weeks are gonna be hard... I've tried to explain to them that it will go quickly but at their ages of 13 & 11 time seems to drag more... oh to be young again! I am defo not going down the choc route... NO WAY! If I need a treat I will either get some pork scratchings, which I love. I have also bought some high fibre cracker, gluten and wheat free... 25 cals each and are really crunchy... so they will be a nice substitute for 'mindless' eating and they fill me up really quickly! Hers hoping the next few weeks go as smoothly as poss... once again thanks for your support... Chilo. hope things are ok with you... stress is awful, ain't it! x
  17. coops

    Oh Dear, Oh My

    Hey Thin, funny you should post this... I have been having the same thing happen to me over the last couple of weeks... not daily but weekly. In a desperate attempt to get the scale moving again, I reduced my cal intake and carb intake... I got sweaty and dizzy plus a banging headache... my dad tested my bloods and they were 4.2 which, although in the normal range, is still on the low side. I have now increased my good carbs a little... but I am still getting the headaches but these might be due to my hormones... there is just toooo much to think about ...lol x
  18. coops

    The POSITIVITY thread:

    I wonder about this... a lot ... since I have lost my weight, I defo get spoken to differently in work - I am a teacher - my pupils are different towards me and so are the staff. Since the start of the academic year, Sept, I have been asked in on more meetings, given more responsibility (no extra wage thoug!!) and asked my opinions a lot more. Part of me thinks that it is the fact that I am a little smaller and not seen as that 'lazy fat one', the other part of me thinks that is it because I have been at the same school for some years and they have now realised my ability ...? Tough one isn't it?? But on a positive note... lets put it down to my new found energy, passion and love of life!!! =]
  19. Interesting post... I've had a few weight related comments over the years, the one that springs to mind the most is an old 'friend' who I hadn't seen for a while walked passed me... I stopped him and he said 'God, I didn't realise that short fat person waddling towards me was you!' NICE!! I remember feeling really embarrassed and just made my excuses and left, waddling off! I've always been the bubbly fat one, the one who made everyone laugh or blended into the background, depending on my mood. Now, 60lb lighter, I seem a little more reserved. I think it because I haven't reached a comfortable weight and I still feel self conscious. I don't plan any real 'revenge' for any nasty comments ... it will just take the form of feeling and looking good! =]
  20. coops

    bikini/two piece

    Hye Chilo... yep, that is one lovely swim suit ... I didn't think of Next! I will defo have a lil look in there when the time comes. Hope you are ok my lovely... ain't spoke in a while! x
  21. What a great idea... something different to focus on... 1 - to wear high heeled shoes all day without pain - done 2 - to wear my engagement ring all day and night without it biting me - done 3 - to weigh less than my husband - done 4 - to 'physically feel' my age or younger - done 5 - to appreciate ME; my body, my life, my family... enjoy the life I have and actually LIVE it! - done and ongoing...lol Now, things in the future... 6 - to wear and make it look good - that lil black number 7 - to wear a two piece in reality not just my dreams 8 - have the confidence to go for promotion - not be so self conscious =]
  22. coops

    The POSITIVITY thread:

    Great idea Diva... Gonna join in on this one! 1, my hubby and both kids can put their arms around me and touch hands... I love this feeling; 2. being able to go boxing and actually enjoy it! My coach said to me last night 'Bloody 'ell girl, you've come on lovely. Look how strong your core is now!'; 3. feeling an improvement in my confidence and self - esteem.
  23. coops


    Wow....9mths and goal... amazing! Congrats on working that sleeve of yours... onwards to maintainance... let us know how you get on! =]
  24. coops


    ToDream, you were on a lil holiday... good for you for having a few treats and enjoying them... the sleeve is a tool that allows us to do this... you don't 'suck' ... like the others have said, those pesky few pounds will be gone in a day or two... keep up the good work and remember, human is good...lol =]
  25. Hey... yea, thanks for noticing ... every pound counts right? At least it is a little movement!! x

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