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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Hey Disney... yea baby, on Weds... can't wait!! I am soooo excited... gonna be one awesome day me thinks!! x

  2. Nice one Cludgie... loving this NSV! Hope you had a good night! Keep up the good work, you will be rewarded! =]
  3. What a brillaint and symbolic way to celebrate your health, fitness and vitality! Well done Myrori and good luck for the bike -a- thon! Let us know how you got on! =]
  4. So, I needed to get some tee shirts, for training and general/casual wear as mine are now like tents. I ordered them on line and was brave enough to order a size 16 (UK). When I took them out of the wrappers, I looked at them and thought 'Hmmm... too small for me!' I showed them to my hubby and he said 'They might have to go back love, they're a look small!' Feeling a tad dejected I tried them on, I had nothing to lose, and I was in the comfort of my own home... and here is the good bit! THEY FIT ME! Yay!!! Ok, ok, they fit where they touch, but I can certainly wear them in public... What a great moment of victory! Put a smile on my lil face after a few stressful weeks!!
  5. I was the same early out... liquids were not a problem for me in anyway! I am still able to 'gulp' drinks now and have been doing so for a long time - I am 11 1/2mths out BTW- I considered it a good thing and still do because at this stage, I sometimes forget to slow down! Eating, on the other hand is a different matter. You will feel your sleeve in full force when you progress through your programme. Don't worry and enjoy the sipping!! =]
  6. coops

    Undergrad reunion coming up...

    Hey BlackBerryJuice... I agree with Jayne... let me know where he is in the UK, I'll have a word on your behave especailly as I am over the weight you were when he said it... Ihave a fair bit of 'rage' that needs an avenue for release...!! =]
  7. coops

    bikini/two piece

    ahoy... I never thought of that...lol! Yea, if we go it will be this summer and I would like to go to Rhodes or Crete... I love Crete, such a beautiful place! Not sure that it will happen now though, my hubby had major surgery on his knee two weeks ago and he has to have a caste on for 7 weeks... don't think he is going to be able to fly this summer... still gives me another year to get a six pack...lol I don't think I would wear a two piece in the UK though, but I might wear a 'stylish' one piece???? We'll see...
  8. I am loving your attitude and am taking a leaf out of your book... thank you ! =]
  9. Hey thin... thank you... love the happy dance!! Oh the hubby, ain't he a star!! Gotta love him; he just looked and said 'Wow!'. I think he was as gob smacked as I was...lol! I know what you mean about going into a clothes shop, I still feel out of place when I am in the 'normal' range section and I get paranoid that people are looking at me and thinking 'Yea love, you ain't got a chance to fit into that!' And then there is a part of me that realises they haven't even noticed that I am there... weird! I am going clothes shopping on Sat, and I am going to try and embrace my demons... I have to come home with something for the Take That concert, so I have to try things on!!! Wish me luck!
  10. Hiya Faithstar, yea, it does sound like water... I can bounce 1-3 in a day or over several days! Sounds like you are doing well... keep up the good work and it will settle soon... =]
  11. HAHAHAAAAAA... I have been the SAME!! I did suss that bit out though and I haven't bought anything... going shopping on Sat for the big day on Wednesday! I did order a pair of Bench jeans in a size 16, but the skinny style... well they were half price and I thought what the hell.... anyway, the waist was too BIG and they were too tight on the KNEES!! WTH... I think my knees are probably the smallest, boniest, skinniest part of me...lol! Needless to say, those babies are going back! I can't wait to have a good old bounce with Robbie.... hmmmm, hope he recognises me now I am in a smaller size...lol xx
  12. coops

    Whoohooo an unexpected NSV today!!!

    I am LOVING this... well done my lovely lady... hugs across the pond xx
  13. coops

    Thankyou Mr. Tape Measure

    Yep! I agree the tape measure is a wonderful thing when the scale isn't moving and has been my friend over the last 6mths!! Keep up the good work... =]
  14. apple saucey... try not to worry or be disheartened! Honestly, I have had more weeks of nothing that of lose since Jan... and before then it was soooo inconsistant; no real pattern, rhyme or reason! All I can say, is that this is the ONLY way that I have ever lost more than 5-7lb! Ok, so my weight loss is at a snails pace, but that is ok because I am losing... Our weight will fluctuate, that is natural... please ride the wave, follow you plan, stay positive and you will see results! Good luck and chin up! =]
  15. Well, I have to admit, I looked at the pictures too... your top half looks fantastic,,, no way would I of thought that it used to belong to a 350lb male. On to the tummy area, honestly... it isn't bad! Ok, I understand that you want a flat, strong core, but honestly fella, it looks good! It is a lot prettier than mine! I'm not sure that there is another 30lbs left on you to lose... and I am not being kind, just honest! I think you have the game plan sorted... get in that gym, work your core and see what happens... if you are still unhappy in 6-9mths, look into other options. However, in saying that, and I don't mean to sound like a hypercrite... but I would have my apron chopped of tomorrow!!! =]
  16. Hey Tiffy, I am loving your preggas pics... you look so happy and healthy! Long may it continue... Simply, beautiful! x
  17. coops

    Win or lose

    Good luck vibes are being sent from over the pond... =]
  18. Thanks for the comments... no one else really 'gets' it!!
  19. coops


    but when I look down now ( with shirt on) I feel like a I have a rack again:) hahahahaaaa... that is brilliant! =]
  20. Great question Myrori! I will be looking to see what responses you get. I too, have the tummy thing going on. I would have a TT tomorrow...lol... but realistlcally I know I have to wait until I lose more and also wait 'till I can afford it - I am still paying off the sleeve costs! I never thought of it like ' the body redistrubuting' the fat before, but it makes sense... the bottom of my back - top of my bum is really boney too... weird isn't it!
  21. coops

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Hey Irene... thank you! I did drop my goal weight this time after the might fail of the last challenge! It is my year anniversary on the 4th July and my surgeon wanted me to be at his goal by then... that is more that my mini goal for this challenge. I am just soooooo cheesed off today... I know tomorrow is a new day, and I won't feel this way then but when I checked in to see how I had done, well, it didn't help my mood!! I really don't know what to do differently... never mind, at least I ain't gaining eh?! x
  22. Cludgie... try not to worry. Thie YEAR I have only lost 13lb!!!!! I am nearly 11mths out now and I really hoped that I would be a goal or near goal at this stage *sighs* You've done soooo well so far... I think it is your body just having a little time out! Hopefully the scale will move again for you. When you feel a little down, just remember you little holdiay and how great you felt after it!! Chin up =]
  23. coops

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Coops.........238..................... 179..............165............ 14 178 165 13 Ok... since the beginning of this I have just lost a pound... I just feel soooo bloody frustrated!! And I feel like a complete failure on here! There is absolutely NOTHING I can do differently, I tried all the usual hints and tips but to no avail! Sometimes I just feel like throwing the towel in... but I know that I CAN'T do that! Sorry to bring the tone down guys.... any suggestions 'cos this is doing my head in today - I had been feeling better grrrrrr!!
  24. Well done Rootman on your success and new found love of exercise... it is a great feeling isn't it! I am going to jump in on this one... the whole BMR thing confuses the hell out of me! I have been banging on about not losing much weight for months now... and wondered if BMR thing would shed any light on it... so, here is what I have worked out using the on line calc My resting BMR, at this weight NOW is just over 1400 (I'm no maths expert so I rounded it down for ease!) that is with NO exercise. over a week that means I can eat 9800 to stay the same weight. If I eat 1000 cals a day, that means I can eat 7000 a week and have a deficit of 2800... not quite the 3500 to lose a pound. Now factor in my exercise; I go to a boxing gym twice a week, where I do an hour of boxing training, circuits, punch bag/mitts etc! It is hard and works every part of my body. Doing this burns off 947 and hour...which is 1897 twice a week ... giving me a deficit of 4694 a week... that means I should be losing at least a pound a week right? If I go down to 800 cals a day, using the same exercise I am down to 6094 deficit... that should give me nearly 2lbs a week? I haven't even put in the other exercise I do because it is not as regular, but I walk the dog for an hour 2-5 per week, I go to the gym in work once a week.... Hmmm... is there something I am doing wrong? Any thoughts would be appreciated as I would love to shift some more before my years anniversary next mth... =]
  25. Great question... one I had with my husband just yesterday about my own apron area! For me, there is still a lot of f at there... but there is also a lot os loose skin too - I have a great excuse of two kids to add ... lol- and I am wondering the same as you! I started boxing training back in Feb/March and I now go twice a week. I have seen a MASSIVE difference in the shape of my stomach area, from the ribs down. The rib area is much tighter and firmer that before as is the lower abs but not to the same degree... I am sure that underneath my layer of fat I have a good, strong core now. If I was you, 'cos you said that there isn't a lot of fat/skin around your stomach, I would do some serious core training and see where that gets you... Good luck and let us know what you decide! =]

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