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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    SIXES!!!!!!!!!! I GOT EM ON!!!!!!

    Oh Irene... you are the weight loss DIVA ... well done you! You look great!! Congratulations on the teeny tiny size 6!!! Love and hugs from across the pond xx
  2. coops

    feeling down-pictures

    Hey Chilo, Funny you should say that... it is exactly what I do when I go boxing! When it is time to go on the pads and punch bag, I imagine my fat belly and smack the shite outta it!!! We gotta do what we gotta do!! =]
  3. I Love the attitude in that neon bikini... love it love it love... congrats on a job well done!! =]
  4. coops

    Win or lose

    Oh Amanda, congratulations on your promotion... I can almost see your smile from here! =]
  5. coops

    One Year Anniversary

    Bloody hell... you don't look like the same woman!! What a transformation! Well done on looking amazing and getting to GOAL!! =]
  6. coops

    How do I put this?

    Hey Lila, Firstly, congrats on your incredible weight loss so far... wow 85lb in 6mths... that is pretty awesome! Impressive!! You've lost in one month, what I have this YEAR (and I ain't comparing, just making and observation)... I really don't understand how you are not on track!! Is your surgeon some kind of rambling baffoon... 'cos seriously I could swing for him right now! How the hell is 85lb in 6mths SLOW??? That is a small person - actually my 11 yr son weighs about that; sorta puts it into perspective don'tcha think! If he was my surgeon, I would be in bits by now... you know how slow my weight loss is, and reading this makes me feel soooo bloody angry! And as for predicting your future weight loss... I ain't being funny but perhaps he should leave that side of it to Mystic Meg!!! I am well proud of your attitude... infact, I would like some of it please... on a gold plate, cos fair play, you have it sorted!! When you reach goal, and you will, go in there, in your best clobber and tell him to JOG ON... otherwise I will have to leave the Green Green Grass of Home and do it myself...lol! You keep rockin' your sleeve my friend, and balls to him!!! =]
  7. coops

    Now I did it

    Myrori, What a nightmare... I agree with the others! Please let us know how you get on... sending you hugs from across the pond! x
  8. Hiya Linda, this is a topic that is very close to my heart as I am such a slow loser... my body is fighting to keep each and every remaining pound of fat that is on it! This YEAR I have only lost 14lb... and I am sticking to my programme 95% of the time. BUT, I am not gaining either, so, it is bitter sweet pill for me at the moment as I still have about 20lb to reach my surgeon's goal and more for my personal goal. I try not to dwel on it too much because at one stage it really got me down. I think there are other factors to my slow loss, such as hormones and stress, so at this stage, I am basically thankful for each and every ounce that comes off. Not sure if that will help, but I wanted you to know that you are not alone... and you WILL loose more weight. Remember, you are only 8 weeks out and your body is still wonbdering what the hell has happened! Continue to do what you are doing, follow your programme and get your fluids in...try to relax - although, I appreciate that, that is easier said than done. At the end of the day, 6lb a mth is a good and healthy weight loss... and something that you should be proud of! Keep up your good work... =]
  9. Kimmes, I am right with you...I really don't understand my weight loss either... sometimes I think that I am eating too little cal wise??? I am nearly a year out and thinking about upping my intake a little more, but in the same vein I am a little scared to! Weird isn't it!!! I am at the stage now, where I just feel that my body will do this in its own time, regardless of what I want...lol! Well done on your excellent results... not long to your goal now! =]
  10. coops

    Measuring Food

    that is really interesting Tiff... thanks! I still measure my meals in weight, and I have been a little confused as to how one meal I can eat nearly 8oz and the next I struggle at 4oz... but when I think of the 'size' in relation to your example of the lady's palm, it makes complete sense.... and I am please to say that I am still on the right lines... I have small hands and my meals would probably overspill by a little... but not much! Nice one! =]
  11. coops

    The Crazy Maker

    I am loving that graph... it is a very visual image of your success... congrats on a downward trend! Just one question... how did you do that???!!
  12. OMG... where do I start... who the hell do people think they are...FFS!!! This has really riled me up... I can't tolerate this sort of judmental bull ****! I'll go out with you if you lose 30lb... huh? I'll go out with you when I am DEAD!! You look so NORMAL... seriously, so with a little extra weight we look ABNORMAL!! A man who love you for who you are and not what you look like... I can't even put into words how I feel about that! Wheetsin, those comments are truly vile... and I can't imagine any of the offenders being 'perfect'... why oh why do people think they have the right to be so rude!! I really am sorry that those words were said to you... as far as I am concerned,, they can all JOG ON!!
  13. WEAR IT!!! A graduation party needs a little style, and you are the woman to do it!! Bugger the other casuals...lol... and since there are two dress then a date with the hubby sounds perfect!! You've done soooo well... show it off and big it RIGHT up! I know I would xx
  14. Warrior... no wonder you are still smiling... great NSV... this is what it is all about!!! =]
  15. Myrori... yay, yay, and thrice yay!!!! I am loving that... not only does it sounds like lots of fun, but you biought TWO!!! Good for you!! Now, the big question is... where are going to wear them? I mean, they can't just sit in your wardrobe now can they...lol... Great NSV!!! =]
  16. Nicole, I completely understand the bitter sweet compliment thing... recently I had a comment that went 'God, look at you... and you're wearing making and nail varnish now!' WHAT!!! I have ALWAYS done that... infact I am wearing less make up the smaller I get!! People see that I am losing weight and I feel that they are looking at me in a different way... good or bad? I don't know, but they are taking more notice of my appearance! I used to get an odd comment, but it is on a weekly basis now. Like you, I believe they mean no harm, and they probably think that they are being kind... I suppose it is how we internalise it these comments... what might effect one may have no difference on another? Yes, the insecurity of carry weight is still with me too... As far as your weight loss goes, I think you are doing yourself proud ... keep up the good work! =] Oh and you are beautiful, regardless of what the scale says!!
  17. coops

    PEEPS: Be SURE to drink ALL you water

    OUCH! Glad you are feeling better, and thanks for the warning... I'll be back in a min, just gonna get a drink of water!! =]
  18. me too thin! I am nearly a year out and my comfortable fullness is about 6-7 oz depending on what I am eating... i still weigh my food!! =]
  19. I have two young children; my daughter is 13 and my son is 11 now - I was sleeved nearly a year ago - and they don't know I have WLS. They were told that I had to have a tummy op and that is all... Since I have lost weight they have been amazing and very supportive! My son is a sensitive soul too... the other day, he told me that he was proud of me and that I looked more toned! My daughter looked at pictures of me pre sleeve and said that she didn't realise how big I was! I think kids see the world from a different perspective to us adults! I think that once your recovery is over and he sees that Mam is ok, getting healthy and fit, he will be fine! And I agree with ybnormal, tell him your lap will be bigger, so when you have cuddles they will be better! More room for him as he grows too...
  20. sleeve 4 me, you look great! There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with your arms and legs, they look great! You look so happy and healthy! Well done! How are you findinf maintance? =]
  21. Ok, so my thoughts are turning to holiday season. We are saving every penny to try and get a family holiday in the sun - looking at Crete (where we met and love) or Rhodes... hot and sunny!! Erm, so I was wondering... Am I small enough to wear a two peice/bikini/tankini?? When did you feel confident enough to shed the one piece?
  22. coops

    I hate to say this but...

    Hiya Chilo, I agree.... my honeymoon period stopped in December... I have to work soooo damn hard to lose a pound now, but like you I haven't gained either. I have come to the conclusion that my body will do it at its own pace! I too am doing the basics and hoping that I will see some movement! Remember, we are in this together... shout if you need me xx
  23. coops

    Success by the dozens

    Yey for the DIVA!! Great pics my lovely!! You look amazing! xx
  24. coops

    My NSV Weekend

    WOW... I love your outfits... you look amazing, and yes, very happy, sexy and confident! Congrats on an amazing weight loss and sharing your pics. BTW... I couldn't help notice how toned your arms look too... put that on the list of NSVs...lol =]
  25. coops

    feeling down-pictures

    Hey my lovely laydeeee!! Your pictures are amazing; the transformation is incredible and you should be PROUD of your achievement. You only have a few pounds left to go... and they seem very comfortable. Lets do this together... I will help in whatever way I can, so when we meet... and we will meet ... we can do lots of happy dances and whoops!! Tweek your food, up the Water and keep up your gym sessions... you can do this my friend... Sending you positive and 'slim' vibes up north xxx

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