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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Simply, amazing.... ain't exercise great! This is one of the reasons I wanted to do this... to get fit and have a strong body,.... Well done Myrori... you are looking well fit!! =]
  2. Hey Twostepsback... Your pics are brilliant!! You look amazing... huge success story... congratulations! =]
  3. coops

    Mine fits too

    Hey Sleeve4me... you really have started a revolution...lol... I honestly loved your post... and I thought that mine wouldn't come close as I am still 20lb heavier today than I was 17years ago! I was really shocked that the zip went up. It was a little tight around the lower stomach, but that is where I am carrying most of my weight now... Thanks for making 'our' days...x
  4. coops

    Mine fits too

    Wow... lunarose.. way to go... 21 years later ... how cool is that... here's a secret... thanks to sleeve4me I too tried mine on, it fits too! I've only been married 17years though ! x Congrats on a fab NSV!
  5. coops

    Callanetics: 10 Years Younger in 10 Hours

    Hey... You've inspired me to spend some money...lol... I've ordered the book and I am awaiting its arrival... thanks Irene... x
  6. Well done on getting into your goal jeans...not much else I can add reading the comments above! Great work and you look amazing xx
  7. I am following this pattern fellow sleevers... Since the turn of the New Year, my weight loss is very slow... but the scale is going down. I seem, too, to stall for three weeks then lose between 1-2lbs. I am a year out now but this has been happening from around the 5-6mth marker. I have tried all the tricks under the sun; the higher cal, the lower cal, the low carb-nocarb, the more carb, increasing exercise, decreasing exercise, more Water, more water .. did I mention more water... you get the idea! Whatever I do, it makes NO difference to my body,,, At this stage, I have come to accept it but it has taken me a long time! Still frustrating but I don't beat myself up anymore. I am sure I will get to goal eventually... and when I do... boy it will be sweet and you will hear me scream from over the pond... =]
  8. coops

    Nearly 11 Mos Post Op - With Photos

    wow Irene... what a transformation! I was gonna say how brave you are positng pics with just the sports bra top on... but then I realised if my tummy looked like yours, then I would too... yey you!! xx
  9. Cheri, It is always a pleasure to read your posts... congrats on a job well done! You look absolutely amazing!! x
  10. M2G.... LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!! A dramatic difference ... well done on a perfect 9mths and I am sure those 15lbs will go... you are doing it all right and ticking the right boxes... impressive stuff!! Well done you.... hugs from across the pond! =]
  11. coops

    Madder than A Wet Hen

    My Mini friend.... Double YIPEEEEE ... good for you my lovely... looks like it was a blip in the matrix after all... we are actually having some nice weather here, so I have been mindful to make sure I get my Water in plus some... I would LOVE to be 127... good for you! x
  12. coops


    Ermmmm, I think you need a new outfit! Congrats on a good job! You look like a new woman! =]
  13. Hiya Debs... I'm in the UK... just across the border in Sunny Wales...lol There are a few on here that are in England but not sure if they are near you... have a look on the other UK threads to find out which members are which. I had my sleeve just over a year ago... I was self pay, and didn't have a pre op diet either... If you have any quesetions I will do my best to answer. I ain't the quickest loser on here... but this is the ONLY way that I have ever lost more than 7lbs... it is the best thing I have ever done, even though I am not at my goal weight! Give us a shout if I can be of any help... =]
  14. coops


    OMG... check you out!! I am completely in awe here,,, I am soooo impressed words don't cover it. But, Thin do share... is it the Atkins induction you are doing 'cos I wanna join you! x
  15. coops

    Wanting to buy a few peices of equipment

    When I first started training again, I started on a stationary bike... once I lost some weight and got fitter, I found I was bored just sat there and it didn't really motivate me... I also used wii fit too... that was better because there is a range of exercises that suited my mood and energy levels... it is also a lot of fun! Could that be an option? The kettle bell is a really good idea... I am looking into it a bit at the moment 'cos I've been told that it is a great work out for all fitness ranges. A good, cheap fat burner is the skipping rope. I started going to a boxing gym back in March and we use the ropes after our warm up... one minute on the rope then some floor work; sit ups, push ups, crunches, mountain climbers etc. You could try that? It is hard work but you can modify it to suit yourself... you hubby could train with you. When you are on the rope, he could be doing the floor work, then swap. Help motivate each other? Just some ideas that aren't that costly?! =]
  16. Fan-bloody-tastic.... way to go you... Hope the foot is better soooooon =]
  17. coops

    6 Month Comparison

    Wow... fantastic pics... what a difference... well done on your 6mths success!
  18. coops

    Sleeved in the UK

    HIya Playfair, I was sleeved in Bridgend S. Wales... and was self pay too... I did approach my doc to go through the NHS, but apart from being morbidly obese I was perfectly fit and well! For how long that would have stayed is another matter... There are a fair few Brits on here... Chilo, Cludgie, Yorkshire Ange, Jane are a few.... all successful. I know two other welsh sleevers, they don't post here, but have been helpful to me via the phone and FB. I haven't told many peeps about my op, I felt that I didn't want to justify myself to anyone or be judeged... I am pleased about that decision now 'cos I have been a real slow loser and more recently come to a virtual stand still. I am just on the cusp of getting back in the saddle after a while of semi maintance. I have an appointment with my surgeon next week, so I need to ak him for some advise re getting things moving again. In saying that, I am pleased with my weight loss and hoq my quality of life has increased for the better. This is a great site... a lot of info and support to be had here... I come on here regularly still (I am just over a year out) and it really does help when I need somewhere to vent or advise from peeps who are going through the same thing. Stay in touch... and let me know how you get on! =]
  19. Cheers Cludgie... looking mighty fine yourself lady... can't believe you are sooo close to goal! What a brilliant transformation! =]
  20. coops

    It's a twofer!

    Amanda, half way there is such a good feeling, isn't it!! Congrats on both NSVs... it is a sign of good things to come!!
  21. coops

    Sleeved in the UK

    Well done playfair... fairplay!!! See what I did there...lol... sorry, couldn't resist! I'm in the UK too... just over the border in sunny Wales! There are a few Brits around. Good luck with your continuing weight loss... great to be obese ain't it...hahaaaa... I am now aiming to be just overweight!!! Shout if you have any questions... =]
  22. coops


    OMG... THIN.... YOU gooooooo!!! Wow is all I can say, and YEY!! You have actually given me some hope that my journey isn't over too... how long did you 'diet' for before you reaped the rewards? I've been doing semi maintance for about three weeks... and I think in another week or so I'll be ready mentally to try again! Any handy hints would be appreciated... but, in the meantime.... WELL DONE YOU! =]
  23. Well Done Brian... You're pics tell the physical story and you look happy, fit and healthy! You've done an amazing job and it is touching and inspiring to read. I can understand why your children are happy to see skinny daddy smile! Good luck with going into maintance... which looks like it is just around the corner for you... and good luck with the rest of your life and new lady! If there are any tips you would share... what would they be? =]
  24. coops

    Madder than A Wet Hen

    The pleasure is all mine... my mini friend!! xx
  25. coops

    My One Year Anniversary

    Hey Globetrotter, Congrats on a year out and an amazing weightloss to date. I am on the same page re goal and year anniversary... my body has just stopped losing, regardless of what I eat! The last three weeks I have gone into 'semi maintance' frame of mind because I wanted to take away the pressure, frustration and disappointment of not being at goal a year after surgery... I haven't lost and I haven't gained a pound since that day... the same as when I was counting carbs, tracking cals and being extremely vigilant in what went into my mouth. DOn't get me wrong... I am not having a massive 'pig out' - as that would be impossible - but I am eating what I want three times a day! I think I will get back in the grove soon though... I feel a lot more positive and I hope my body will play ball a little more... our amounts to goal weights are very similar. I wish you the very best in the final stretch... good luck and good health. Oh and as a foot note... you are not a fat person now... enjoy it! =]

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