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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Hey Raine... I am loving that... does that mean that you can also check the colour of your toe nail varnish without craning...lol... for me today it is pink!! xx
  2. This really worries me, especially as I am not near the weight where I would like to be at over a year out and a weight where I just couldn't afford ANY amount of regain. I am still struggling to get to goal, so I will need to be extra careful when/if I get to my goal weight and maintain *sighs*!
  3. Hiya Dale! I am glad that your surgery went well and you are on your way to a sound recovery... This is a great site for help and support, and to share you experiences! I too am in sunny Wales and was sleeved in Bridgend... there are a few 'Brits' on this site that I am sure will cheer you on! If you have any questions, feel free to ask.. Good luck and keep us posted!
  4. coops

    Biggest loser...

    Ha! Good question.... Diva posted a thread just over a week ago about Callanetics... it is an exercise programme that was sorta 'born' in the 80s. I had a look on Amazon and picked a copy up for £2.99 ... BARGAIN!! The cover is blue, with yellow Callenetics following the outline of a very slender lady in a pink leotard! Anyway, the exercises in there are very intense and concentrate on toning... I started doing them on Sunday, and boy! Don't be fooled into thinking that they are easy... however, I am hoping to get similar results to Diva! Hope it helps ...x
  5. coops

    Biggest loser...

    Hiya Irene, I've started doing the exercises... the upper arm ones are absolutely brilliant and I have been and will continue to do those daily!! i want to get the toning exercise via the book into my routine twice a week to complement my boxing training that is twice a week... I have learnt that if I go mad on exercise I don't lose weight... so for me, for now, 2 cardio and 2 toning should be a good combo... That being said... I really hate my batwings...lol xx
  6. Myrori.... now that is what I call a result!! Bloody fantastic news to see how your health and well being has improved! You must be chuffed to bits! Well done! =]
  7. coops

    omfg 100 lbs down

    Wow... are you sure that is YOU!!! You look amazing! Congratulations on yur 100lbs weight loss! =]
  8. coops

    Biggest loser...

    Thanks fore replying ...meg, ain't it frustrating!! Hey Nancy, if you could find the info that would be great.. perhaps I could email him as I am in the Uk...? I do exercise and specific exercise for m arms and beneath the small layer of fat and a lot of skin there is muscle definition... but the bat wings ain't pretty!!
  9. coops

    Has it really been one full year?

    Hey Blabkberryjuice! Doesn't time fly when you are having fun... Congrats on your year anniversary and congrats on maintaing! You've done brilliantly and you look amazing; fit, strong and healthy! Interesting that you have cut your exercise down to maintain... Glad to see you back on here! =]
  10. Hey Brazcan... I am not going to scold you or tell you off... as far as I am concerned that is not the point of this amazing site... instead I am going to congratulate you for two reasons... 1, You've lost an amazing 53lb in just 6mths and have only 17lb to goal... that is something to be proud of... my God you must be feeling brilliant!! 2, You've come on here... admitted where you are going wrong and shown a determintation to get to goal. That takes some doing as there are a lot of members on here who will read this! YEY YOU!!! I still haven't made goal and I am over a year out now... like you, I started beating myself up, putting myself down and I hit a really dark place a couple of months ago... and to be honest, my stats weren't half as good as yours... I had lost 49lb at 6mths not even 50% of my excess to get to my personal goal... and then my weight loss stopped and then slowed down. Since then I have lost another 17lb... so you can see why I went a lil crazy for a while. But I kept going and I am still going... I follow the programme 95% of the time, but over the last week it is 100% because I know at this stage things are getting even harder for me to lose weight. I also come on here... to read stories of inspiration, warnings and general good luck... it really helps! However, I also feel that the sleeve is a tool that ables us to, if we want to, enjoy 'treats'... doesn't mean any damage is done! I think you should have a little think now... are you happy at this weight? Yes, go in maintance and don't beat yourself up. No, dust yourself off, give yourself a virtual hug and get back into the groove!! Ok, so it might not be sooooo easy... but you know what I mean? Another thing that I found helpful when I have had blips in the matrix is to get my old clothes out... put on a pair of your biggest trousers and watch them fall to the ground... then with a smug grin on your face pat yourself on the back... Good luck!! =]
  11. coops

    UK Sleevers

    Hiya Sian... At 12 weeks out, appros the same as you, I had lost 2 1/2 stone... so very similar stats. Yes, I am a real slow loser, but I am still losing... I am just over a year out now and I still haven't reached goal, but I have lost 4stone and 10lbs... and that is the best thing ever! I have about another stone and a half to get to my surgeon's goal and about 2 and a half stone to get to my personal goal. The surgeons goal is the most important, to be honest... he doesn't seem to think that lower would be good for me... I would just like to see it though...lol Any questions feel free to give me a shout =]
  12. Hey Apple-saucy... i am on the same page as you... in 8 weeks I have lost 5lb... but it is STILL A LOSS!! I do bounce up and down 2lb from day to day. I am now of the opinion that my body will respond when it is good and ready... but I am over a year out so the fast weight loss is a thing of the past, actually I never was a 'fast' loser! Just keep doing what you are doing and try to relax. It will happen for you... and for all of us! =]
  13. coops

    Seven Month Update

    A fantastic transformation Becca... congrats on a job well done!
  14. Hope you don't mind but I thought I would jump on board ... I'm a year out now, and believe me it gets better and better... of course, I can eat a little more these days, but not a lot... My max is about 7oz, depending on the consistency of the food! if you have any questions that you think I might be able to answer gice us a shout... I'm just over the border in sunny Wales...lol =]
  15. Hiya Tiffykins... just read your update... yuo are looking amazing; healthy and happy! I love your baby bump! Once again, congratulations x

  16. coops

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Oh Irene.... congratulations... I am SOOOO proud and happy for you! I wish my body was as responsive as yours... I am still struggling and plodding along...lol So, tell me, my slim and healthy friend... what does goal FEEL like?? What do I have to look forward to, and tell me it is all worth it... =]
  17. coops

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Feedyoureye.... YOU LOOK AMAZING... I notice from your ticker you are 20lb from goal... REALLY???? You, honestly, don't look like there are 20lbs of you left to go! Congratulations! =]
  18. coops

    Vigorous Exercise

    Hiya Splashdancer... Firstly, well done for you on-going exercise programme pre sleeve ... I have a feeling that you are gonna rip it up big time very soon...lol At my heaviest of 238lb I was not able to exercise as you do... I am also 5 2, so I really am impressed by your fitness levels and strength. To be honest, I could swim, and swim well at that weight, however, my head would play tricks on me and this turned to panic and anxiety attacks whilst I was in the changing room... I stopped swimming because of this. Now, at 172lb - so still fairly heavy for my little frame - I am getting fitter and fitter; stronger and stronger. I go to a proper boxing gym twice a week, where the coach puts us through our paces. It is a hard work out as we match the men exercise for exercise. I have to moderate a few exercises, but I work the same muscle groups. I also go to the gym in work, where I mainly use the treadmill and can run/jog ... by best being 50mins, but when we return to work - we are currently on our summer break, I am in the UK, I am going to try to get to an hour. Again, at my heaviest, I couldn't walk on the machine for longer than 30mins and I would just about be ale to use the cycle machine for 30mins using interval resistance. My sleeve has given me my fitness back and then some... When I was first sleeved, and really unfit, I started by walking my dog around the village and nearby woods, I also used the Wii fit a lot to help me get moving. At three mths post op I hit the gym in work, where I went 3-5 times a week. In the New Year, at 6mths post op, I started doing a range of circuit training and different exercise classes at my local lesiure centre... then March I found the courage to go the boxing gym... As regards the water intake, I have had no problems at all... since 4weeks post op I have been one of the lucky ones where I can drink as pre op... initially you might just want to sip sip sip... and then you can play it by ear! Good luck with your journey... let me know how you get on!
  19. coops

    Week 21 and down 61.8 lbs! Pics!

    Incredible.... what a transformation... and congrats on doing the 5k in under an hour... Well done you!! =]
  20. coops

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    I don't own a lil black dress,,, but when I do I will share...lol Irene, you look amazing; fit and healthy! Surely you are at goal now???? x
  21. SouthernSleever, you look fantastic... and I LOVE your hair! Hreat new style and it looks really thick and in good condition! Congrats on losing 100lbs... that is a dream to me!! =]
  22. coops


    Myrori, I like that A LOT!!! Italianlady, I was exactly the same with drinking... I could, with ease, drink plenty of Water and all other fluids. It does change with solid food. I have to be honest, I enjoyed the fact that I could drink well because it meant that I was healing well and staying hydrated... just keep doing what you are doing!
  23. coops

    Kettle Bells

    OMG... that is hysterical... if I could get my my female gentials on my right arm, I think I would be posting this on another site...lol... I'll let you know how I get on...lol =]
  24. coops

    Kettle Bells

    Thank you... I will look into it! Today at training, the trainer has lent me a DVD and kettle bell for a 'test drive'! Not sure which one it is, but I will have a little peek tonight and give it a go tomorrow... has to go back to the gym for Thurs though! I like try before you buy...lol! =]

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
