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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Looou, This is a great question and one that I have been toying with for a while. Although I am losing it is frustatingly so! A pound here, then nothing a pound there, then nothing. I am 13mths out now and I really hoped I would be at goal now, but alas no! Like you I tick all the boxes, I did do a week or so of eating what I wanted, my restriction is still good so cal wise it wasn't bad... but I add white bread and some chips... for a laugh! No difference, I lost a pound, same as the week where I did very low carbs. I really hope this is not the end for me because I STILL feel fat and my BMI is still obese, just to get out of that range would, psychologically, be benficial (despite the chart being a one size fits all mentalitiy!) I really don't know what to suggest... just keep plugging along, try to enjoy the ride!? Look back at how far you have come from your heaviest and applaud yourself on a job well done! Good luck and I hope that your (and my) body takes some more weight off!
  2. Bloody hell... you've lost another person in just 6mths... VERY IMPRESSIVE - and I agree with rootman; a tad shade green with envy!! Congratulations on turning your life around... YOU ROCK LADY!! =]
  3. Well said that lady... I too will relish in each and every pound that I lose... I have had to work at losing since I was 6mths out! And I will keep trying to get to goal, regardless of how long it takes! And boy, when I do see those magic numbers you will hear me across the pond...lol =]
  4. I agree with the others...You have done amazingly well... try not to get hung up on the numbers. If it is any help, I am the same, I set mini goals and never reached any of them, so now... well, I don't bother 'cos they were self defeating!
  5. Myrori... don't feel insecure... you look AMAZING! And the top isn't too young for you at all! Have a fab time at the concert =]
  6. coops


    I hate the word failure... in my head it is the F word.... I am a slow loser ... and was hoping to be at goal by my year anniversary... I didn't get there and I am 17lbs away from ym surgeon's goal and 31lb from my goal... does that mean that I have failed? NO WAY!! I have lost 67lb in that year... in the past, on different diets I could NEVER lose more than 5-7lbs and boy did I battle away for months on end. For my personal goal I have lost 67% of my excess weight and for my surgeon's goal it is a lot higher... I really think it is all relative; expectations and how the body responds. We are all different! Oh and Last Chance Lil... I agree with Sassygirl... 100lb lost is NOT a failure!
  7. coops

    14 months out -

    Hiya NtvTxn, To be honest it doesn't 'sound' too bad... I am 13mths out and can eat between 5-7oz of food depending on the density. I remember reading your posts before and thinking that you ate very little, volume wise. I wouldn't worry too much, I know easier said than done, but 1/2 a cup is still a very SMall portion of food/meal. I am happy with my volume now because I can enjoy my food without the quantity... hope you are ok!
  8. coops

    Bittersweet Victory

    What an emotional rollercoaster of a year you have had... grief is a difficult thing to deal with, but after major surgery... you have not only succed in coming to terms with the loss of you mam, but also the loss of your stomach and the comfort that food brings... well for me anyway! It is good to hear you be so positive about the last year and congratulations, not only for the weight loss and your gain in health but, also in a great outlook in life.
  9. Thought I would make a quick update on the slow loser thread.... I am over year out now... and still a slow loser. Since the beginning of the year I have lost 20lb (just over 30 weeks, so not even an average of a pound a week!). That is slow... but it is still coming off. I have had blips in the matrix, whereby I got really frustrated and hacked off that I didn't focus on anything but restriction. That being said, even on an 'off' day, I still can't eat much and therefore my cals are still in the lowish range. My highest cal is no more than 1300 and that is a real BAD day.... average now is about 1000 and I am still on the slow train to goalsville. I know that I will reach goal one day... I just hoped it would be by now... I refuse to give up on myself but I am struggling a little. I did a week on very low carbs... lost a pound, the following week I didn't worry, just ate healthy food and lost a pound... makes no sense. It would seem that my body will just do as it wants! I feel like this causes me a constant state of flux... as my head is saying, you are doing well... you are eating good food and exercising more and more; getting stronger and fitter... but then my body now isn't really changing - or at least I can't see or feel a change - my scales aren't moving much... 2-3lb a mth my clothes aren't that much bigger ... and my hormones are just out of whack ... early menopause isn't great when you aren't at goal. My surgeon and his nurse haven't really given me anything to think about or help. They just said that what I have lost so far is good enough, but I don't agree... I am still obese! I don't want to be obese...*sighs and stamps feet like a little girl!* Like I have said before, I will keep plodding along; I will keep doing what I am doing and hopefully, eventually I will be in a place that I like. I think the slow losing thing has had two different effects on me. Firstly, I am soooooo grateful for the weight that I have lost to date... to have my life and health back on track is great. But, secondly, being stuck in the same poundage just emphasises the fact that I am not at goal... Oh I dunno... I feel like I am rambling now! Sorry for the vent, just felt like I needed to get it off my chest so to speak!
  10. coops

    This morning I've lost 150 LBS!!!

    Oh well done Missus... good for you... send some of your positive vibes to Sunny Wales 'cos Coops is struggling here... I want you to Pimp my Diva...lol...hugs x
  11. coops

    2 years post-op

    What a great 2 years you have had... firstly, congrats on becoming a new Mam... the pic is beuatiful and secondly congrats on maintaining a great weight... you look so happy and healthy. Our starting weight is exactly the same... and the goal weight is similar too... I hope that I can get to goal like you have. I am sure you will be a very 'active' Mam now... x
  12. coops

    Ok man to man Question here

    Thank you... I am (blushing) gonna try this... I am a fellow sufferer and just lately the constipation is a nightmare... need to get this sorted 'cos it can't be healthy and I don't like taking laxatives!!
  13. coops

    Six month stall...

    Yep me too... since the beginning of the year my weight loss has slowed to a crawl, but it is coming off. I will drop a pound or two, then nothing for weeks, then a pound or two ... repeat as nec!! I am putting it down to hormones ... I am, apparently, going through early menopause and my hormone levels are all over the place... symptoms come and go so I don't think it is full blown menopause. I would love to get to goal before the full mama gets here though. I have tried everything that has been suggested on this site... and, unfortunately, nothing works. My body doesn't respond to any change and I honestly feel that I can't do more or less to get things moving... With that said, I am happy not to be gaining. I am gonna keep going though... my menopause doc said the more weight I lose the better for my long term health so I keep that in mind when I am tempted or frustrated. After all the main reason that I had the sleeve was longevity of life, good health and fitness. Ourobous, You've done sooooo well to lose over 100lb in a short space of time... going to the gym and exercising is just a bonus as far as I am concerne! If you are feeling frustrated get your old clothes out and put them on... see how far you have come! Good luck with the final hurdle... you WILL get there!
  14. My surgeon did not give me ANY restrictions on carbs, cals, fat... just told me to eat Protein first and stop eating when full... three meals a day, no more no less and no Snacks. It was only when I came on here and read the posts did I see the infor on low carbs. Personally I have tried all the different suggestions and from Jan this year, none of them sped up my weight loss...My body just does as it wants regardless of what I put in and how much energy I use! I do exercise a lot so perhaps the fat turned to muscle and didn't show on the scales? I also think that my hormones are influencing my slow weight loss... but as long as I keep losing, regardless of the speed, I will be happy! Im=n saying that, I don't eat white or refined carbs... and I do limit them daily as my sleeve still has pretty good restriction and I don't want to waste the limited space on crap food... Do what is right for you ... good luck =]
  15. coops


    Juliarh... funny, I was thinking about you yesterday... and then you post THIS!! Congratulations on reaching goal... your pictures are amazing; to see the difference in the clothes is very inspiring... and to see you wearing the outfits justs highlights the incredible achievement that you have made in JUST 11 mths. Truly brilliant. You have lost another person!! Defo doing that happy dance across the pond for you! =]
  16. coops

    My 11th Month Sleeversary Update

    Irene... congratulations on each and every step to a healthy and happy life that you have made. I remember when I first come on here... you were one of the first members to make me feel welcome and help me along; and you have cont'd to do so. I can even remember sending good vibes across the pond when you went for your sleeve... how time flies eh? Thank you for posting your update... and thank you for being, not only a good example, a great inspiration and positive person, but also a good 'cyber' friend... hugs to you from across the pond x x
  17. It has all been said... but just in case you didn't hear.... YOU LOOK AMAZING!! Congrats to you and your pencil skirt!! x
  18. Congratulations Susieq! What a transformation! You look so much younger not to mention happier! =]
  19. coops

    Ok man to man Question here

    Hey razrnakcrzy, I'll hold my hands up and admit that I ain't a bloke.... uhummm, now that is out in the open...lol... I am very intersted in how you used the Apple Vinegar... is that the same as cider vinegar? Did you just drink it or....
  20. Hey Lynda, I am completly and utterly LOVING this... I couldn't have put it better myself... infact, you could actually be talking about a couple of my friends... they are soooo obsessed with how heavy I am and what size clothes I wear... for God's sake... JOG ON!!
  21. coops

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Hey Cludgie... Hell yes!! That LBD is de-bloody-lish!! You look amazing!! Get that shopping spree done and show off those pins... x
  22. coops

    UK Sleevers

    Hiya Jane... thanks for such a swift reply... Your daily intake sounds very familiar.... can I ask, how many cals you took in... currently I bounce between 800-1200 so I think my overall input is about right. I focus on protein first and I am loving the green veggies too! My exercise is boxing twice a week, I do some toning exercises in the house - that is a recent addition! I sometimes walk the dog during the week, which is about an hour and when it is school time I use the gym in work twice a week too... I did go mad on the old exercise at the beginning of the year and my weight loss ground to a halt! I was told at the beginning of the year that I am peri menopausal, just turned 40... and I am wondering if that has had something to do with my slow loss.... but my meonpause doc said the more weight I can lose the better things will be! I was gonna go into maintance at this point, to stop the frustration... but after that conversation I've decided to push on! Good to see you about the boards again... x
  23. coops

    Photo Update at 9 months

    Simply beautiful! Congratulations... =]
  24. coops

    UK Sleevers

    Hiya Jane... He says that he doesn't 'believe' in the BMI charts... and that at about 11 stone I will be 'small enough'... I am not so sure though. I still feel like I am carrying a lot of extra weight! I am really struggling to get rid of it though. I am doing all the right stuff here Jane, and getting frustrated by being such a slow loser... I noticed on your ticker that you are at the lower end of the BMI ... well done you! Any advice on how I can shift the last couple of stone?? Oh and by the way, your LBD pic is amazing x
  25. coops

    At my goal w/pix

    O.M.G!!! What a fantastic transformation.... congratulations on reaching goal and losing another PERSON!!! You are definately half the woman you used to be! Very inspiring and a reminder that, I too can make goal!!

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