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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    HRT & VSG

    Hey, I am peri menopausal, I had bloods in Jan, 6mths post op and was put onto HRT in Feb... I stayed on them for a short while but the hormones provoked my migraines, and I was swiftly told to take the patch off... currently I am not taking anything. I was better on them as they reduced the flashes and sweats, mood swings etc... All that is back now, plus the irregular periods... it is horroble. Oh and I am just 40..lol... I say, if you need them, take them!!
  2. Hey Mini, I get those pesky night sweats too ... vile aren;t they. I get them day time too but not so bad. I had my bloods done and I am peri menopausal... I was just 39 when they started, about 10mths ago. If they've tested your bloods I am at a loss... but pleased that you are medically 'ok'! Could be the blood sugar thing as others have suggested. My dad has type 2 diabetes and when his blood sugar is low he sweats - might be simialar... not saying that you are diabetic but the low blood sugar thing... God, does that even make sense??? Hope you find an answer soon... hugs from across the pond x
  3. Oh Raine, Not just a difference, but a different PERSON!! WOW... congrats to you! =]
  4. I agree... great question! I will be interested in what the long term goalers have to say... As for me, goal feels a long way away, and an uproad journey to it at that... luckily, I ain't scared of heights or long roads...lol I often dream about being there... but I am not afraid of it! As my weight loss is slow... I think maintance will be ok. My surgeon suggested that I will find it easy 'cos the weight isn't falling off me rapidly!? Dunno, he might have a point! I do know that I simply, can't eat in volume now... and I think that will be my key!
  5. Hey Sunny... I think you are doing really well... comparing yourself to others isn't fun is it? Try not to... although, that being said it is hard not to!! Remeber you are still in 'recovery' from a major operation... your tiny new tummy needs time to adjust as does the rest of your body. Be kind to yourself and praise the pounds you have lareday lost forever! Concentrate on the Fluid, as this is really important, not just now but forever!! I drank a range of juices, to vary the flavour when in the liquid phase. i didn't worry about Protein until I started to 'eat'!! The Protein drinks are a bonus, if you can tolerate them... have you tried adding them to coffee, of smoothies... I know a few on this site have done that to get the protein in. Try to relax, let your body heal, and I promise you that when you progress your hunger will fade and you will see the scales move again. Good luck.... keep us updated on your progress.. =]
  6. coops

    Green Tea

    Thanks Kelly... I am gonna keep on drinking it as I am trying to replace the copious amounts of tea I drink with milk - and sometimes brown sugar - I am sure it can't do any harm!
  7. coops

    Super crazy nsv

    Awww.... GUTTED for you... is there anywhere nearer that you could go... that is bloody rotten bad luck!!!
  8. coops

    Almost 18 months out

    Julester, congrats on your fab weight loss and maintance... and on your forthcoming sergery ...*goes green with envy*! You must let us know how you get on and some pics??? Any hints on how to get to that all important goal? I am 13mths out and struggling with each and every pound!! I am 17lbs of surgeons goal and just over 30lbs to my ultimate goal!! I would love to get there, but I sometimes wonder if my body is happy where it is even if my head isn't...? Good luck in Oct! =]
  9. coops

    Super crazy nsv

    Love this NSV... what part of the body are you having the tattoo and what it is like??? Can't wait to see the pics!!
  10. Hey Lou... OH, I forgot to mention that I teach English here in Wales (UK) and it was definately meant as a compliment!!!! NEVER let it stop you engaging in serious or other topics... seriously, you explain yourself beautifully - and clearly!! Thank you for your kind comments... I needed to hear that right now... sometimes, I just feel like giving up... then this part of me say.. 'HELL NO!! You're in for the long haul girl, get the job finished!!' And I am a self-pay, so I don't want to 'waste' the £8000 it cost me not to get to where I want to be!! I know it is going to take me a long time to get to goal, I just hope it will taste as sweet as I imagine it!! Enjoy your feast, my sleeve friend, and I am sure that you will get things moving along very soon... please let me know when you do! =]
  11. Hey Lou, I like your doctor... he talks a lot of sense. I hope this has reassured you ... I am sure that when your routine is back you will see a difference. Oh, and by the way, for a second language English speaker/writer, I think your English is brilliant!! =]
  12. coops

    Need to refocus so I don't freak out:-)

    Caro, Firstly, well done on your total loss... what a great success you have had to date. Secondly, well done on popping back to the board and looking for support from fellow sleevers. It sounds to me that you are back int he seat already... you have a plan of action and coming on here will help you to stay focused...well, at least it does me. I think that if you cut the Snacks and eat the Protein first and then a few good carbs, you'll be fine... I wish you every success in the final steps; to get rid of those 12lbs and then some.... Good luck and let us know how you get on =]
  13. coops

    Goals Met :)

    Yey Raine... Love this! A great way t stay positive ...sounds like you are in a great place right now... that must feel really good! Congrats on goals 1-6!! =]
  14. coops

    NSV- Tucked Shirt!!

    Lynda... FUNNY, FUNNY, FUNNY... do it, do it, do it!! I can just see you shaking that tushie around the shops... and why bloody not! What a brillant NSV... and as far as the belt goes.. GET ONE... with SEXY written on it!! I've recently bought some belts, not quite in the next size down and they make my jeans and trousers look better... do it ladyeeee x
  15. coops

    "Only" overweight--yay!!

    Congrats... what a lovely feeling that must be... I am 7lbs or so away from being just 'overweight' and 28lbs away from 'normal' - whatever, that might mean!! I too, shall be posting and celebrating!! I love your mini goals, and I am sure that they are just around the corner for you... good luck! =]
  16. Sleeve 4 Me... WoW... you look so tiny... oh and did I say WOW!!! What a transformation! What I love about you, is that you are ALWAYS sooo positive and encouraging to everyone here, myself included! And now I can see why... you should post these on the before and after thread. What an inspiration to all of us. COngratulations! How are you finding maintance? x
  17. Hiya ATLGirl, I can completely understand where you are coming from... and this is a good place to have a bloody good rant and get it our of your system! I've just checked and my mth 7 & 8 I didn't lose a pound (Feb - March)! It is really frustrating isn't it. Since then I have lost 14lb, so it is coming off just very slowly, and I am not gaining (other than the water fluctations... weekly it is either the same or a small loss)! I am sure that in the next 5mths, you will realise your goal... keep doing what you are doing because you are shrinking, the clothes getting loser is a good feeling isn't it! Remember the scales are evil no gooders who are just playing with our heads... our clothes on the other hand are our friends who can't and won't lie! Feel free to have a rant anytime... and good luck x
  18. OMG ... how cool are you!! Congrats on getting the girls sorted out *goes green with envy*... looking mighty fine ladyeee! Now, looking forward to seeing the rest of the new you! You have mae me realise how much I would LOVE to get mine done... and the old TT.... gonna have to start saving!! x
  19. Hey, Yep, even at 13mths post op I feel this way... Lately, say the last 3 weeks... I have really been feeling FAT!! It is a horrible state of mind for me... the realistic part of me knows that I am doing ok.. that I have lost a considerable amount of weight... then there is this naughty inner voice that says 'yeah, but you need to do more... lose more cos you are still fat!' It is really strange as I would NEVER say this to anyone else... so why is it ok to say it to myself... Oh I really need to sort my head out...lol... I am hoping that when term time starts again, I will re focus on work and no be so hung up on what I have and haven't lost!!
  20. Congratulations... I love before and after photos... you look great!! I love your hair... it looks sooo full and thick! =]
  21. Rootman, you gotta do what is right for you! Do you FEEL healthy, you clearly are looking better from your sizing descriptions... you are exercising well and are fitter... If YOU feel comfortable where you are, then to me, you are at goal! You are right about the BMI thing... it is just a guide; to me it is anyway!
  22. Hey! I had a lot of bloods tested a while back that included thyroid and it came back as the lower end of normal. I might ask for them to be checked again... I would of hoped that losing weight would help the balance for the best? I do know that my lady hormones are not working in my favour... that is just something that I have to accept and hope that the loss continues regardess of speed! At least now, I am fit enough to exercise out the frustration that I feel when the scales are being horrid to me...lol
  23. Thank you for your reply... I agree... as long as we get there... and your approach is very refreshing!! I come on here regularly to see how peeps are doing... and as much as I enjoy the success stories and am pleased for those that lose ultra quickly, I can't help but feel a tad envious. Thank you for letting me know that I am not alone! Slow but sure wins the race, eh? x
  24. coops

    What is your REAL age?

    My 'real age' is a year older than my earth age...oooops!! =]

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
