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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Oh, I forgot to mention that our starting stats are very similar..... I too am 5'2 and I started at 238lb...
  2. Hey, great questions and you are right to be concerned. Firstly, I take Ibruprofen, my surgeon said I must take it with food, as usual... I have had NO problems. I take other pain relief meds too - not on a daily basis - and again, I've had no probs. Oh and I have been doing so since around the 2mth post op mark. In the early days tablets are difficult to swallow and I couldn't take them for the first two weeks... I had to use tabs that dissolved and drank them instead. I would defo double check this info.. Good luck!
  3. THANK YOU you've made my night =]... It really is a learning curve this, both physically and mentally. I have challenged and changed the way I eat and exercise and now I am trying to do the same with the way I perceive myself. I often doubt whether my opinions are worthy and I am starting to realise that they are!!
  4. Hey Feedyoureye... Ha... thanks for reminding me how far I have come... God the half way point feels like such a long time ago now! I really am accepthing this slow weight loss thing now... and it is ok. I wish I had embraced it before instead of wasting many, many hours feelling upset and frustrated moaning and groaning. Simply, I have NEVER been successful before the sleeve... I think that has been my problem and because I related success with goal, I didn't feel successful. It has taken me over 6mths to realise that any weight loss is a success and it translates into a better state of health and well being. NOW, look AT your TICKER... YOUR bmi IS amazing!! That must be a great feeling! And a posh coat too... I am loving that and I am positive it will look as good on you at goal as it does now... perhaps you should put a pic on here too... Keep doing what you are doing and we will Celebrate together!! xx
  5. coops

    Bookleen's Plateau

    Hey Brookleen, I've only just realised that this thread was an open invitation... and I wish I had seen and joined it before. Anyway, congrats on a great weight loss so far... I am in the same boat as you in many ways too. I love the idea of being at my surgeon's goal by christmas... that would be the best present ever - apart froma date with the one and only Robbie Willliams...lol!! So, you have my support and encouragement too... good luck let us kick the ass out of the last stretch!! x
  6. coops

    Two Months Out!!

    Bitties... well said and congrats on an amazing start... at just two mths out you are over half way there... well done and keep up that good work!
  7. OOOO... and I forgot to mention.. I am only a few pounds from being 'overweight' as per that stupid BMI chart... that will be my next 'goal'!! xx
  8. Thanks for the new replies... I really don't feel like an inspiration as I trundle along... and sometime I hold back from posting 'cos I am not at goal yet - especially when others get to goal and exceed it in less time - however, things are slowly changing in my head and I am just feeling more positive. The main reason I am struggling onwards to get rid of as much weight as I can is 'cos of the menopause symptoms I am having. My menopause doc said the more I lose the better long term and my surgeon and GP agreed... the whole reason for this sleeve was to make me healthy and fitter; to have a better quality of life ...so I battle on. Onwards and downwards! Oh and when I wear my new, size 14 dress, I will take a pic and post it...lol =]
  9. Thank you for my lovely comments, I really appreciate the kind words and encouragement... just come back from doing a bit of shopping.... bought a dress on the off chance as it was a bargain... it is a UK size 14 and *drum roll please* it FITS!!! Yey... not only does it fit, but it looks nice too... just looking for some boots to wear with it now...lol... I am really looking forward to that goal post and will, of course, include some updated pics!! Don't hold your breath though, cos I am jogging, not running... HUGS xx
  10. Lila, My lovely sleeve friend... God that surgeon is a right knob head... 9MTHS FFS!!! He wants to take a lil walk into realityville!!! But enough of him... thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot to me. There are soooo many brilliant stories on here, where peeps are lucky enough to have the weight fade away. But I have noticed, of late, that there are a lot of stall posts, which is why I decided to post this and to fly the flag for the 'slow loser army'!! I've always like the saying 'this isn't a sprint but a marathon' ... and with over 100lbs to lose that is so very true! I am at the stage now, where the frustration is minimal and I know, in my heart, that I have done EVERYTHING I can to lose fast, but my body and my hormones don't like it... so I will just rock on, doing what I am doing and get there eventually! You've have done really well with your weight loss... and I know you will be at goal very soon...
  11. Hey! Please try not to worry about those pesky scales... After 6mths my weight loss has slowed down to a snail's pace... but I am still losing. I am 14mths out and my weight is still going down, albeit slowly. I have come to realise that different people will lose at different rates, and that is absolutely fine with me as long as I get to where I want to be, Yes, I have to work at it and take on board good food choices which I do 95% of the time. Regardless of whether I do high or low carb, up or lower my exercise, increase my Water etc my weight loss pace does not change, so now, I stick to the guidelines and wait for my body to get rid of the fat at its own pace. I like to think I am a success story... I'm down 70lb and that is 70% of my excess - my personal goal - and more for my surgeon's goal... Keep doing what you are doing, follow the guidlines and work through each eating phase and you will see a difference. Let your body and mind recover from this major operation and most of all, be kind to yourself! Good luck and keep us posted on your progress...
  12. Yep, I am a mthly measurer too... I find it really useful, especially when the scale isn't moving much!! It is good to see the numbers come down as the clothes feel looser! I am with Diva on this, I take a range of measurements and then, somewhere, there will be a difference!!
  13. coops

    One Year Anniverary

    Wow, wow, wow ... did I mention the wow factor!! My goodness...you've lost yourself and found someone new!! Bloody amazing... I'm lost for words =]
  14. coops

    My BMI is NORMAL!

    Congrats to you Foxbins... what a success!! Well done on getting in that pesky normal range!! I can't wait to join you =]
  15. coops

    Almost Overweight!

    Hey! From the beginning of the year, at approx 6mths post op, my weight loss is averaging at a pound a week... I am ok with that and I've sorta accepted it now. I will get there eventually... I have always been a 'plodder' ..lol Back in school today and I had a lot of comments from the pupils... some of them actually called me 'tiny'... that tickled me as I am nowhere near tiny... the boys wanted to know what exercises I am doing!! What a laugh that is ,,, lill ole me giving advise to 15yr olds about exercise....hahahaaaaa!!
  16. coops

    Green Tea

    Helloah!! I've been looking into Green Tea and its benefits... Obviously, when I read that it has weight loss 'benefits' I became suddenly interested *shock horror* ... yea, I am at that stage where I will do anything to get to goal *sighs*!! Well, I've bought some and I am drinking a cup or two daily ... only been a few days... and I am slowly beginning to enjoy it! So, I was just wondering if anyone has had experience of these 'benefits'... good or bad... and how many cups a day is good??
  17. coops

    Almost Overweight!

    Hey! I am with you on two counts... firstly, our BMIs are very similar... I too am soooo close to just being 'overweight'... and thoroughly looking forward to it, even if it does take me a while to get there... boy, it will be soooo sweet when it comes!! Secondly, I am a teacher and just started back to work after our summer hols... I agree, back in the classroom does give us a good routine to the day. Over the hols I was surprised at how 'good' I was... didn't over indulge ... YAY me!! Let's get this party started...lol =]
  18. Yep... what Looou said!! Good luck and congrats on 50lbs!!
  19. Wondering... This is the exact reason I had the sleeve... might sound a little strange, but ... I want to have a treat now and again!! Don't beat yourself up! The old you isn't back... it was a treat. Nice one... it won't be a regular thing, so just enjoy the moment! Oh, and congrats on your weight loss so far! =]
  20. Well done Tamz, I love the title of your post! Sounds like things are going well for you... keep up the good work!! =]
  21. Hey Jane, have a great holiday, and when you return perhaps a lil more photo whoring via holiday pics??? I go to a boxing gym and it has made a huge difference in my overall muscle tone... it is a great feeling and well worth the effort! You really did boost me this morning... I am going through ups and downs lately - again - do I stay where I am or carry on slogging away for a pound or two a mth? Now though, seeing you looking incredible I am defo gonna keep slogging away and be grateful for those few pounds a month... I want to wear a dress and heels like you and look as good and as confident as you do!! I don't mean to sound cheesy or like I am trying to crawl up your backside (not that I could fit into that tiny butt now...lol) but you really have given me a lot of encouragement and hope today... thank you x
  22. Oh My... JANE!! LOOK AT YOU!! You look absolutely fan-bloody-tastic!! What an amazing transformation... makes me realise that I just have to KEEP GOING! How did you get your arms to be soooo toned??? Share you secrets lady... simply, lush! =]
  23. I agree with the others... bask in the glory of your success and be proud of what you have done/are doing... You should be proud, this losing weight malarky ain't easy, with or without the sleeve!!
  24. Congrats on a job well done Fern... impressive!! And I agree with Raine, you are not 'average'!! =]
  25. coops

    What a day :)

    Raine, ALL I can say, in my best welsh accent is LUSH!!! What a fabulous day... x

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