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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    95 pounds gone since 2/22

    Missus... you look amazing! I love the colour and shape of your hair too... your final shot is just brilliant... you are sooooo slight now! Congratulations =]
  2. coops

    I think I'm a Slow Loser!

    Hiya Tippy2us, I often think this... but to be brutally honest, I am a little afraid to eat more. My surgeon's guidlines was to eat three times a day, no more no less... and at 14 plus mths out I pretty much stick to that. There are the odd days when I have a 'snack' mostly in the form of a piece of ham, a bit of cheese or a handful of nuts. I dunno what the answer is to be honest. I know slow weight loss is frustrating, but try to hang on in there and remember that it is coming off... that is what I try to sooth myself with when things are a little bleak! And, of course, this time it is off for GOOD! Keep up the good work =]
  3. So, as you know via another thread, I am currently suffering with a thigh injury. Been to docs again who sent me for x-rays as they aren't sure where the problem is; back? hip? pelvis? muscle? etc. I've been on pain meds and anti inflammatory tabs for a week and pretty immobile for 9 days. The pain has subsided now and I have more mobility, less shuffling around and I can lift my leg again. Both my doc and my osteopath have told me to rest and not do much and, for once in my life, I have taken their advice and am starting to feel a little better... until this morning. I weighed! OMG... I have put on 7lbs. I was bouncing between 168 -170... but this morning it was up to 175lb! I nearly cried - actually I did cry. I know this a complete over reaction but on top of the pain and stress, I feel like I have been knocked down again. I feared this when the trouble started and I have been so vigilant with my food intake, started to log again and I am eating between 850 - 1100 cals a day... good with the Protein and carbs are between 30-50g coming from veggies and some wholemeal bread - I use a little to take my anti inflammatories with as it is easier on my sleeve! My Water consumption is good and, once again, I am ticking all the boxes. How the hell has this happened? Just when I get into the groove again, and feel postive my body fights back and I gain! I have to say, right at this moment in time I am suffering with the 'why me syndrome'... my poor husband doesn't know what to do when I get upset and neither of us have any answers. I am hoping that it is the meds that is doing it... but really?? Since last weigh day - Sat - I have put on nearly a pound a day FFS!! I realise that I haven't burnt as many cals as normal cos I a, resting but even so my BMR is 1400 so I am at least 300 cals a day below it. I have phoned my surgeon but no one has got back to me... I really am at a loss here... I am thinking about going back to liquids while I am resting??? What do I do? Please, any words of advice are much needed now... SOS from across the pond xx
  4. Crosswind, I am hearing you loud and clear... just step away from the knife... you need both legs...lol! But, seriously, 70lbs in 6mths is bloody brilliant... and I MEAN bloody brilliant... I have done that in 14mths, so be proud and try not to be so harsh on yourself! Yes,this is a frustrating 'journey' that we are taking; reclaiming our lives was never gonna be easy, fat or thin! But my dear friend, you are getting there. Don't let that pesky scale get you down! It is just a machine! Look at how far you have come, and know, deep in your heart that you have committed yourself to a LIFE time of good health by getting the sleeve. You will lose the weight that you want to, you are sticking to your eating plan, exercising and ticking all the boxes. Let your body react ... ok, three weeks no change than BANG... big drop...hey! I'll take that one for the team! Keep your chin up... it is happening for you =]
  5. I've been looking around for a watch that calculates cals burned and heart rate etc... I am surprised at the vast range out there ranging from £5 - £300!! Now, I can't afford anything near the top of the range and I am suspicious of the cheaper ones. Have any of you used one? Can you recommend? It would be interesting to hear your experiences and opinions on this type of 'aid'?! Cheers in advance...
  6. Hey M2G... I had a feeling that if you read this you would get it... we seem to be on the same page!! Yea, frustrating it is, but the rest is helping and I am walking better now. I get an ache in the hip area, but no pain... that is a massive relief too... but I am still so very tired. God your poor mam, she certainly went through the mill... and her story about losing a chunk of her life reflects what my hubby is saying now... he was literally laid up from 26th May 'til the start of Sept, in a cast and brace... crutches etc. I have watched him struggle, cope, struggle cope and the cycle that goes with it. It has broken my heart to watch such a strong and handsome man be in so much pain and feel utterly useless... horrible to see our loved ones like that isn't it. He is better now, just a little limp and is hoping to return to work end of Oct... when I compare my leg with what he has gone through, it sorta gives me the strength to realise that our bodies are so strong, even when they feel weak. And yes, I am never taking my body for granted again!!! xx
  7. Hey PapaBob! What a great achievement... I am well proud of you ... I also have a golden lab, and he loves it now I can walk him too! Aren't they great company - in all weathers...lol =]
  8. coops

    Biggest Loser Secret

    Hmmm, how interesting! Makes me feel a little better!! =]
  9. Agreed with the above!! You look so much younger; beautiful in both! But now your eyes really do shine through... x
  10. coops

    6 month check up

    Hey, congrats on such a good start.. I think you are doing really well and a little surprised at your doc's comments! Anyway, you could try a range of activities ... that will stop the boredom! You don't have to be a slave to the gym... when you are on the treadmill do interval training... walk at 3-5 for a min, the run at 5 for 30 seconds and repeat for 10 mins to start with... that will shock your body, raise your heart rate etc. You could also try other forms of exercise... swimming, strength training, aerobics, zumba etc... just some suggestions. I know these aren't for everyone but I dabbled in them until I found the exercise that I liked and knew I would stick at. I go to a boxing gym to train, it is a proper boxing gym - the coach there is on the Common Wealth games under 18 coach team - and he is really good. I love it! I also go to the gym and mainly use the treadmill too. I am not sure if this helps any, I hope so... lol... good luck! =]
  11. coops


    Hiya Lady Ann ... google ticker factory and follow the steps. To get it onto your profile you have to copy and paste the BB code (I think that is what it is) ... this is pasted on to your signature, under your profile settings. It took me ages to get the hang of it...lol... but I am a visual person and I like to see it move!! EWWWW, a broken rib is nasty. I am out of action at the moment with a thigh injury and it has taken its toll on me so heaven knows how you must be feeling. Chin up my lovely and a speedy recovery xx
  12. Hey Yellowrose, I know where you are coming from... several mths ago I was in a real dark place as regards my weight loss... I was a fewm mths away from my year out and I just knew that I wasn't going to reach goal by then; my weight loss stopped and I felt like sh*t! I loomed in that place for a good 4-6 weeks ( it was also around the time I turned 40 which, didn't help)! During this time, I was still training and enjoying my workouts but felt that the scale was being cruel to me. I had to refocus my train of thought and look at the bigger picture. Then I started to give myself a pep talk... the huge amount of weight I have been carrying around didn't take a year to attatch itself to me and I suddenly realised that it wasn't gonna give up the fight in a year either... in fact, my body just doesn't want to part with the weight. When I realised this, I started to feel a little better... and slowly but surely, I started to get my confidence and faith back. I started to look at the benefits instead of the scale... I realised that the amount of weight that I had lost, was by no means or equating to me being a 'failure' just because I wasn't at goal by the year marker... so what?!!! I am in this for the long haul... and I will get there and if it takes two years then so be it. If I have to work at it, then that is ok... at least now I am seeing results and getting my health back on track, as are you. I know it feels like a diet... and to a degree I agree with you, I was sick to the back teeth of following diet plans and failing. But with the sleeve, it is a much shorter term 'diet'! I try to think of it as a life style now...yea, I know cliche!! But it is working for me. Not sure if this helps you, but I just wanted you to know that we are allowed some 'time out' to feel a little shi**ty... and that the lack of motivation you are currently experiencing has been felt by others too. I wish you all the very best, look for your mojo my friend, because I have a suspicion that it is right there, in front of you waiting for you to pick it up again....*hugs*
  13. Awww... Tiff! I love the shape of pregnant women... I just want to put my head on it - not in a weird way ...lol - you look great! Beautiful shape! x
  14. coops

    Just curious to Know

    Hey, I am 14mths out - not at goal YET... at around 6mths my cals were 700-900 a day and I have recently started logging again to check I am still on the right path and they are between 850 and 1100... I am a real slow loser and sometimes I wonder if I am eating enough!!! I suppose, truth is, we are all different and our bodies will react differently to the same guidlines.... I say, do what is right for you, what makes you 'feel' good and what gets the pounds moving! Good luck =]
  15. coops

    I'm Dancing Today!

    MeggieP... I am just loving that dance... ain't you got slim legs too... congrats on onderland! Good work there lady =]
  16. Hey Lou, of course you make sense... you always do! Thank you for your kind words and experience... I understand what you mean... it is frustrating! At the moment, I am just following doc's orders and resting as much as I can. Tracking my food is helping me feel like I have a little control over the situation and keeping me focused 'cos with my current state of mind it would be easy for me to start to eat crap and snack! We just gotta keep on plodding. You are sounding more upbeat though, and 7k is amazing... well done my lovely!! keep up the good work xx
  17. coops


    Hiya Lady Ann, This is a great site for tips and advice and somewhere to pop along to, to have a vent or chat. I was also self pay in the UK.... Just across the border in Sunny Wales...lol! How are you doing now, sound like you have made a great start... if there is anything I can help with, just give us a shout... I am 14 plus mths out now and I've had my ups and downs but still fight the good fight...lol! Best of luck and keep us updated with your progress! =]
  18. coops

    Dear 3 week stall..

    itscometo this, I am loving it - not the stall - but your attitude... nice one! Stay focused and the stall will jog on!!
  19. Thank you all for your kind words; I think that is what I needed. I have had a really shi**ty couple of days and coming on here really helps, especially when I get such quality replies. I really do hope it is the meds and Fluid... we are currently having a strange autumn here in Wales, temps are high and the sun is blazing and I am feeling my ankles swell - for the first time since my sleeve - so hopefully part of the weight is Water. I will continue to do what I do... and hopefully reap the rewards once I am sorted. I am doing some dumbell exercises as I sit and watch TV... can't do anything lower body yet; I am not even allowed to put the hoover around, or drive my car! Poor old hubby has tp do everything at least for another couple of days and he is coming to the end of his recovery - he had major knee surgery in May and has a terrible time over the summer. I suppose to put a Cooper slant on the situation, it must be quite amusing watching the two of us hobble around!! Thanks again, my sleeve friends, somehow you made me smile xx
  20. coops

    Am I doing ok?

    You are doing fab!!!! 66lbs in in just under 5mths is something to be really proud of. You will find that you can eat a little more... that's ok, just be aware of it and follow the Protein first rule. Keep doing what you are doing 'cos it sounds like you are right on track.... congrats on a great job so far =]
  21. coops


    Hey Maraunders, sounds like you are ticking all the right boxes there! And to be really honest, I would say you are in a genuine stall and I really understand how bloody frustrating and disheartening that is. I know this is hard right now, but you wil reap the benefits, My longest stall was 8weeks... and there are some on here that have had longer and then started losing again and reaching goal. Please bear with it and stay positive. The only other thing I can think of is that you change your exercise routine a little, they say the body gets used to an exercise over time... or perhaps the intensity of your training. What exercise are you doing at the moment... ? How far away from goal are you? Just throwing this out there... but is your body telling you that it is happy where it is? Stay strong my friend... *hugs*
  22. Hey, thank you for the comment about my goal weight... yea, hard to believe that I am 14lb (or so) away from my surgeon's goal. It is a real struggle at the moment though.

    You are doing well yourself too... =]

  23. coops


    I agree with Foxbins, measurements are a much better indicator of body shape than the scales, especially if you are working out on a regular basis. At 8mths post op I was still losing but very slowly, What is your Water intake like? Perhaps you could increase that to see if that helps any? Good luck!
  24. Nice one Cludgie.... you go my lovely! That must be one 'ell of a feeling! Congrats! =]
  25. coops

    Stomach Capacity

    Hey! Don't worry.... fluids slip straight through. I am 14mths out now and when I drink something hot or something cold I can literally feel it go straight through and down!! Getting plenty of fluids in is really important through the whole process, not just in the first instance! I promise that when you start on mushies and solid foods, you will feel the restriction. Keep getting the Fluid in, you're doing a great job!

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