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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    I made my goal!

    Congratulations... 100lb off has to be an amazing feeling! Well done on such a great job, and you look fantastic... so narrow and slim!
  2. coops

    my first stall

    Popeye, you are completely normal... welcome to the three week stall. It is a complete pain in the a$$ but it WILL pass. You are doing everything spot on. You're body is still a little shocked by the surgery and needs a lil 'time out' to adjust. Please don't beat yourself up or question what you are doing, cos you are doing a great job already. There are many of us who go through this, from newbes to old timers like me! I'm afraid, for me it is part of the process... Good luck on the rest of your weightloss journey!
  3. Well, I have three things to say about this... 1, I am well envoius of the location. 2, I am very envious of your achievement and 3, I am proper envious of your figure.... you look AMAZIN'!! Congratulations on a fantastic NSV... you'll do the full marathon no problems... can't wait to read that post, well I will probably hear the excitment from over the podn...lol =]
  4. Wow Kimmes... what a transformation! You look amazing and soooo tall!! You have a great new 'figure' *slightly green with envy* ... beautiful! Congrats my sleeve friend! =]
  5. Hey, I think goal choices are really personal... each individual will want/expect different things and each body will react to weight loss in different ways. I too have an ultimate goal but that is secondary to my surgeon's goal - there is a 14lb difference. I wouldn't say you won't but it might take some extra effort at the last stage? May I ask why you have chosen 125? Is it a weight that you were comfortable with before? I know there are a lot on here that have lost over 100lbs and are below their target goal weight... so never say never. Perhaps some goal vets will chime in... G|ood luck =]
  6. Bloody hell Raine... what a montage.. and wow , what a difference! Yeah, big changes there... hope you don't mind me saying but you look a lot younger. Best thing about weight changes in the face...well, for me, is that fact that I have one chin and a slim neck...lol! I can dig a short hair cut now... x
  7. Hey Crosswind.. I remember at around the 7mth marker my weightloss came to a screaming halt and I bounced up and down the same 2lbs for 9 weeks. I didn't lose any inches either. At this point I had lost 56% of my ideal weight. I started to get frustrated and I constantly beat myself up, put myself down and worst of all compared myself to everyone who had been sleeved in the same time frame as me! Believe me, I wished I was them as they seemed to be doing soooo much better!! My hormones were really in a mess too... I had been back and forth my docs and the menopause clinic and they told me I was peri menopausal ( I hadn't turned 40 at this point and was really upset about this... I felt my body was fighting my brain!)... my mthlys are all out of sync and, yep, it effects my weight loss like mad! Now, this is where I am hoping I am being helpful... since then I have lost a further 14lb. Okay, I know that is very slow as I am going back to the middle of April... but and it is a BIG but ... the extra pounds are coming off... I am 14lbs away from my surgeon's goal now and I feel much better about it all. I refuse to think that I am 'done' ... Since Jan I have had to work so hard for each and every pound lost, but it just makes it all the more gratifing when I eventually see movement on the scale or my clothes feel looser. That being said, I don't get upset now when I do bounce up a pound or two. Reading this back, it sounds a little depressing... on average a 3lb mth weight loss isn't brilliant, but a loss is a loss?! I really hope this gives you a little hope that you are not done at 50%. I also agree with Blackberryjuice...try mixing up your exercise too... I found that that really helped me 'feel' better, like I was doing absolutely everything I could, and I suppose giving me a little control in a situation that I didn't really have control over at all...pesky hormones!! Good luck Crosswind... I am sure that you will get through this... keep coming on the boards; read and vent and just chip in whenever you can. It has helped me feel focused! Let me know how you get on... *hugs*
  8. coops

    Carbonated Drinks and Fried Foods

    Hey, Great questions... I can eat fried food, just not a lot of it, with no problems at all... the only thing my sleeve doesn't really like is pizza... I had a slice last night and felt bloated and generally yukky. It has been mths since I had a piece and I remember why I don't both with it now...lol On the soda/coke front, I have drunk it but again, my tummy doesn't like the bubbles and makes me feel uncomfortable... I agree that the beauty of the sleeve is that there really isn't any foods/drinks that we can't have... just smaller portions! Some of us will enjoy what others can't... Just do what is right for you... try new foods/drinks in little amounts to see how it goes! Good luck
  9. coops

    GOOOAL! SV and NSV!

    Ouroborous... I remember reading your posts when I first joined this site... I noticed that whatever was going on with you, you never failed to be upbeat and positive... so yea, you keep on and on about your achievements... At 17mths out and losing again, reaching personal goals and adjusting them, I feel you shoul, perhaps, shout louder!! Thank you for posting this and giving me some more hope... I am just 2mths behind you and very close to you in age... so, one day, I will be shouting as loud as you are now... Congrats to you! Can't wait for the ulitmate goal thread from you too... =]
  10. M2G.. I've said it before I'll say it again... we are sooooo on the same page!! I did a little rooting around on here and a lil of the ole google and thought that I might not be eating enough too... I was eating the same as you, 800 - 1000 cals daily... exercising regularly and seeing no 'scale benefit' ... someone suggested to up the cals - hence my looking into it. I have to admit i have thought about it before but was scared to do it... now I am at the stage where I know that if I gain I can use my sleeve to the max again. But, like I said, I've lost all the weight I put on with the injury and meds... so hopefully my body will feel a little better with the extra fuel, which, of course, is good food not junk! I spoke to my sleeve nurse and she suggested to LOWER my intake, saying it was all about portion control... Dear Lord, I truly believe she has NO IDEA what is going on... I suggested to her that I count cals as I really want to get to goal... and she said 'Oh, I have no idea when it comes to calories... I just focus on portion control.' ... WTH!! Anyway, I bascially told her that I was gonna try eating between 1000 - 1200 cals a day, and she said 'yea, that sounds ok' ... not that encouraging to be honest with you... yours sounds like she is way more clued up! Defo keep each other up to speed with how it goes... and fingers crossed for some sort of movement.... hugs x
  11. coops

    Kettlenetics -- WOW!

    Hey... yeah much better thank you... back to work now and today was the first day for over two weeks without any pain, pulling or twitching. I am going back to my oesteopath Tues and hoping she is gonna give me the ok to back to the gym... boy have I missed it!
  12. Yep... this is pretty much my mantra for the last couple of mths.... I suffered the 'why me, slow loser' mind set for a fair while and it really got me down... made me angry, sad and frustrated. I had a moment of clarity when I hit the 70lb loss marker... it took over a year to do it... but I realised that I am now on the final hurdle and I really don't care how long it takes me. More recently, I have actually started to ADD cals to my daily intake (this is the only tweak that I haven't tried) and I have lost all the weight that I recently gained during a thigh injury. I am still not back to my training, but hopefully will be by the end of next week... anyways, my point is that I really think that I wasn't eating enough and that is why my body didn't respond... I am gonna stick with the new cal intake of between 1000 - 1200 and see if it helps. And, you are soooo right about the hormone thing... it is a total pain in the ass... but it is also something that I have come to terms with!!! Your post is well said fella, and thank you for making you positive thoughts public! =]
  13. coops

    Kettlenetics -- WOW!

    I too like the kettle bells... we occasionally use them at my boxing gym, I agree; they are a fab aid to a work out and really do use the whole body's muscles. Good for you to get them at home... keep up the good work and I am positive you will continue to see the inches decrease...=]
  14. coops


    Hey, I am just the other side of a thigh injury and I was given strong pain meds and anti inflammatory... I will be honest here... I did put weight on... I completely freaked out.. cried, had a 'moment' ... but am pleased to say that as soon as the meds stopped the weight gain stopped and it has now gone. The difference between you and I, is that I was completely immobile during the time I was gaining. Sounds like you have been advised to keep active during the time you take the meds, so, fingers crossed it might not happen to you?! Good luck and I wish you a speedy recovery!
  15. coops

    Hit goal!

    Congratulations on getting to goal... what an amazing achievement...100lb is brilliant!!!!!! Good luck with maintaince xx
  16. Adri, I love that response... and with your kind permision, I think I will use it myself as I have had the same response of 'Oh... that is toooo much' etc, bla bla bla! Thank you for a great post! =]
  17. Right? Wrong? Not sure if there is a right or wrong way as long as weight loss is achieved, maintained and a healthy lifestyle is in place... I agree... it does seem a lil strange? Perhpas she was refereing to the fact that she was exercising... dunno... but I see where you are coming from!
  18. Seriously... is that the same person... My goodness, you've done soooo well. You look amazing, beautiful and proud. Congrats on getting your life back. I don't blame you for enjoying it. You'll be at goal in no time... Oh, and you should put the pics on the pinned thread for the before and after photos.... very inspiring! =]
  19. Oh Raine, you look amazing... pencil skirt, skinny top, and fab calf boots... way to go ladyeeee... this has really cheered me up! you are soooo close to the finish line now, I can almost 'taste' it for you... congrats my lovely friend! x
  20. coops

    The Tortoise and the Hare

    Hey Vickie.... YEY TO ALL THE SLOW LOSERS.... Sometimes I feel like the queen of slow, but like you so rightly said, slow will finish the race. I love your positive attitude... I have had thoughts very similar to yours over the last 14mths... hit a 'black place', picked myself up, dusted myself off, tried on my 'fat trousers' and stopped comparing myself to others and beating myself up about not getting to goal by the year marker... that was a moment of clarity I can tell you. It dawned on me that I have NEVER lost as much as I have... and it is for keeps! You are right when you say it is a journey to health and happiness... and that shouldn't be dictated by the scales. Congrats on an amazing achievement so far, I know you will get to goal... and I am a tad envious of your BMI...lol... keep up the good work! =]
  21. coops

    Just curious to Know

    Aww thanks Sunshine... this is the only tip I haven't tried cos I was scared to eat too much... but I am thinking as long as it is good quality food and not junk, what harm can the extra do? Right? Have you worked out where you are with your cal intake now? =]
  22. coops

    Just curious to Know

    This thread has made me do a little thinking and a little research... I am going to up my cals (in the form of good cals...lol) for a couple of weeks to 1000-1200 to see if my body reacts in a more positive way... I am starting to think, after reading many, many posts and info, that perhaps I am not eating enough, which is why my bodu is holding on to the last 14-28lbs? Wish me luck ...
  23. coops

    Carb monster is going crazy! 5 day pouch test it is!!!

    Well done... so far so good!! i did this back in Jan, I didn't lose much weight - I am sure others have - what I found was that it was really good for finding the restriction again. It also helped me with portion sizes, and carb cravings... I would defo do it again if I felt that things were getting out of control! So just my lil opinion... I think you are doing the right thing at the right time for you! =]
  24. Ha! Well done you.. gotta love it when that pesky scale moves... Congrats again fella! =]
  25. coops

    Hit my 9 Month Goal!!!

    To Be Thin ... congrats! What a great achievement, and I bet it does feel wonderful too! Keep up the good work and determination as you are doing an amazing job!! =]

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