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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. coops

    Slow weight loss

    Hey Kathy, I just thought I would pop a note on here... Try not to worry about being a 'slow loser' ,,, the sleeve is a brillant tool that will help you. Before my sleeve, I tried EVERYTHING I could to lose weight... you name it I tried it, bought it, got the tee-shirt... you know what I mean. Today, I weighed in at my lowest since 1996! I borke throught the 12 stone marker and I am now 11 stone 10lb or 164lb. Honestly, I couldn't have done this without my sleeve. Over the last 6 weeks I have bounced up and down the same 3lbs ...I have not changed my diet or exercise but my body has just decided to get rid of some fat. I am nearly 16mths out and still losing... I will get to goal, or at least my surgeon's goal... I will rethink when I get there... I am 10lb away. i just want you to know that it is doable... that even if the scale seems to be your enemy, it will eventually become your friend. But in the mean time, please don't let it dictate how you feel. At 8wks post op, you are still 'new' and you body is still a little shocked at the changes. It will happen for you... Keep your chin up and keep doing what you are doing; follow the post op programme and get plenty of fluids All the best...
  2. coops

    Clothes Shopping--- Size 12!

    what a brilliant feeling... you keep telling and telling... 'cos you deserve to be proud! Well done Helen the cat!! You've defo go the cream! =]
  3. coops

    4lb this week

    Thanks Newgirl... over the last 7mths I seem to lose 2-3lb a mth, so this was quite thrilling for me to wake up to this morning...lol... I realise that this weight will probably stay with me now for a couple of weeks, then, hopefully, I will drop another 2-3 lb. As long as it keeps coming off, I don't mind! Oh and I forgot to mention that I am now UNDER 12 stone... the first time since 1996!!!
  4. Mina, I can relate directly yo this... a lady that I work with has said to me more than once... 'Oh Coops, if you lose anymore weight you will look like a bobble head!' Now, this is from a woman who is TINY!! She wears a size UK8... anyway, the last time she said it to me I replied. 'Oh now don't say that 'cos you are my role model!' Follwed by a little chuckle. Needless to say, she hasn't comment on my size since and I HAVE lost more weight! I refuse to let others negative comments affect me and my sense of self. I know what is right for me... and I feel that you do too. You just keep going as you are... you've done such a great job and I know you are looking great! Oh, on a foot note... I would give anything to have my pearshape back...lol... my weight is now in the middle and I am defo an apple!! Keep up the good work Mina! =]
  5. coops

    Foods that make you FULL

    At nearly 16mths out, I still find two small poached eggs on a piece of wholemeal or multi grain toast REALLY filling... not sure if that helps? I also agree with Diva, green veggies are filling too... I love mange tout and aspargus ... but I also enjoy lightly fried - with soya sauce and olive oil - red onions! These really compliment any meats and fish and really do leave me feeling satisfied for a long time. Good luck!
  6. coops

    Seeing is Believing

    You look great... so much younger too... WOW! WHat a transformation, where will the extra 50+lb come from though???
  7. coops


    Hey Cludgie... Congrats on being normal! I know where you are coming from... when is enough enough? I think there are more factors to it than just numbers... how you feel in yourself, your clothes and how healthy you are will, for me, be a indicator in the 'end' of this whole process. Honestly, I think for your height, you are probably very near goal.... but you have to walk in your shoes. I know it is difficult, but try not to dwell on the bits that you see that you don't like ( for me it is belly fat and the lose skin in that area) and try to look at all the benefits that losing 71lbs has given you. Put a pair of pre sleeve trousers on and watch them fall to the floor!! Try to look at the whole picture and you massive achievements over the last 9mths! Let me know what you decision is... good luck my lovely! =]
  8. Hey lizsmile, 56lb in 4mths is brilliant! When I was at 4mths I had lost 30lb and I was thrilled to bits, so I think you are doing really well. In the last 2mths you have lost 9lb per mth, which is over 2lbs a week ... that is pretty much spot on! Try to look at the bigger picture and not mth to mth, although I appreciate that is hard work! Just keep on doing what you are doing, as to me it sounds just right. You are over half way to goal!! Keep up the good work and good luck... =]
  9. coops

    Cant get motivated

    Hey! At 6 weeks post op I felt the same... remember, you are consuming very little right now, so it might not be lack of motivation as such, more lack of energy??? Give yourself some more time... perhaps start with a little walk, gradually increase the distance and speed and see how you feel. That is what I did when I was ready but it was more around the 2mth marker... I also did wii fit, found that very useful in the early days! Good luck!
  10. Mera, I am now 15mths out and it is very different to the early stages... I understand completely when you talk about social eating and eating enough to be healthy. From about 6mths onwards, most, myself included, are able to eat much more... and therefore there is 'space' for veggies and fruits that you might not be able to get in now. This, I am sure will help with your worries. The body is a very resiliant machine and can cope with a lot of things. Honestly, I am sure you are doing fine... and it sounds like you are really upbeat and positive person. I wish I had a little of your self esteem if I am honest. This is an area that I struggle with more than getting my Protein in....lol... but I working on it, slowly. Stick with it and do what you have to do... you've made a great start! =]
  11. Congrats on a great 3.5mths... you're doing a fine job there. I am soooo with you on the inbetween size thing... total pain in the backside!! Still, like you I ain't complaining... I would rather be between a UK 14-16 than a UK 22-24!! Keep up the good work! =]
  12. I am loving this.... you looked beautiful before the sleeve, and I agree with the others, you look stunning now... congrats on a brillaint NSV!!
  13. Shalise, Our stats are really similar and I felt I had to chime in here. I was 238lb getting sleeved - no pre op for me and I was self pay (I'm just 5'2') . I am now, today, 167, I was sleeved beg of Jult 2010!! I also work in education, I am a high school teacher. Hmmm, very similar don't cha think! I feel the same way... I feel that I need to lose more, even though I have done well, as have you! I also am starting to feel proud of myself and my new body shape... but it still isn't enough. I really want to lose more... infact I am GOING to lose more... even if it takes another year, I don't care. I am at least going to get to my surgeon's goal of 11 stone or 154lb... anything below that will be a dream! SO, like you, I have between 13 - 27lb to go depending on which 'goal' I focus on. And I agree with Thin... this is completely normal. At our stage out, it might take some effort and focus, but it has to be worth it. I say go for it... get to that ideal place where you want to be... continue to be proud of yourself... let me know what you decide...
  14. Hey Tiff,

    I am in Wales... just across the border. Does she post on here... by all means send her in my direction! Always good to try and help others.

    BTW... I love those new pics! x

  15. coops

    Maternity photo shoot

    Just wonderful! You look so happy and radiant! Great photo shoot! Good luck with the C Section... hugs from across the pond x
  16. MustangAli, Firstly congrats on losing soooo much! 100lb is an amazing achievement and you've maintained it whilst 'on a break'! That is also an achievement. I don't think you are a failure... infact the opposite...a huge (well smaller version of you) success! Now, the final stretch is here... 35lbs or there-abouts to go. I really do think that you can get back on the wagon as such and do it. You have an amazing tool and a brilliant track record to prove it. After a little while of not worrying about food, perhaps you are ready to go back to basics and focus on the finishing line. Really, at 8mths out it is doable. Try to refocus... sounds like you have similar head demons to me... that constant inner voice that is mean and horrible! Tell it to bugger off... Focus on dense protien first, then the veggies... give yourself little goals and rewards to help the focus. If you don't want to do it 24-7 tell yourself Mon-Fri is when you are focused and relax on the weekends? I am 15mths out now and 'still' not at goal... I am losing sooooo slowly now it is painful, but I refuse to give up. I want to reach my surgeon's goal at least! Good luck on the final stretch and let me know how you are doing...
  17. M2G... you look amazing! You were beautiful before you lost over 80lbs... and now you are ... well, you just look amazing! Thanks for sharing your pics... they need to go on the before and after gallery/thread!! Congrats, me dear sleeve friend, on your brilliant transformation
  18. coops

    Is this thing on?!

    Bloody hell... you've lost another person... and in such a short space of time! Congrats on an amazing weight loss!! I bet you feel amazing! Good luck on the final stretch =]
  19. Hey Cludgie... you look amazing! And red is defo a good colour on you... I've just noticed your BMI... well done on getting to 'normal'...lol... how does it feel? Take the compliments and run with them my lovely!!
  20. coops

    M2G's Ramblings

    M2G... here we are again, at the same gateway... I was just thinking along these lines myself.... I haven't seen the scale move for 5 weeks now...*sighs* and I too, am in between sizes... the UK size 16 are a lil too big now and although I have some Uk14s that fit, some are too tight! This final stretch is hard work... I would see what your surgeon/doc suggests, and if that means change your goal then do it! My first goal, as you know is my surgeon's goal... mine is that pesky BMI number, but if I don't get there I shan't be upset about it as it really is the ULTIMATE for me! Good luck my sleeve friend, and let me know what you decide... x
  21. Hey Raine, Firstly, congrats on a size 6... that is small lady!! I agree with the others, scale goal has to be where you feel comfortable... don't be dictated by numbers... if you feel right, it is right! You have done such a brilliant job... really, you have. I have to be honest, if I was in a size 6, i wouldn't give a sh*t about what the scale said...lol! Let us know what you decide...
  22. Oh Raine... I am doing the happy dance... You got into them and I know you look amazing... and Wales got through to the semi final rugby world cup... this is gonna be a brilliant weekend...lol x
  23. coops

    Is my journey over?

    Rootman, I am in a similar position... but I refuse to think that this is the end. I agree with the others... let yourself heal; give your body some readjustment time. I am on the other end of am injury.... seems that it is my lower back, but comes out in my leg. I was on strong pain meds for a week and completely immobile for that time too and within that week, I put on 9lbs. I am pleased to tell you that each and every pound has gone and I am back to 168lb again... just waiting for the scale to drop now and start my slow losing again. You've done such a good job so far, and I can feel your frustration ... well, I know I was frustrated when I couldn't move and gained... for no apparent reason! Give it a week or so and I am sure that you will start to feel better... good luck.
  24. coops

    Fighting for every pound....

    And there was me thinking that flying the flag for slow losers was a lonely old job! I can relate, and I agree with all the above! yep, I am a slow loser and have been since abt mth 7... I am 15mths out now. Try not to dispair with the slow weight loss... try not to compare yourself with others... both hard, I know! You will keep losing. You will keep getting smaller. You will keep hetting healthier and fitter... win - win! Being a slow loser makes each and every loss sooooo gratifying for me now! I have learnt not to take anything for grantide and that includes 'myself' and my body. keep up the good work, enjoy the benefits... keep us posted on your progress ...

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