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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by coops

  1. Thanks for your replies... Isn't it a pain in the butt!! Even when I was bigger I had the same problem. When I was young and a proper pear, I was UK10-12 tops UK 14 bottom, sometimes a 12!!! Now, it is all around the middle!! Honestly, I wish I could afford to get it all sucked out and cut off... then the trousers would look lovely...lol I wish they did a half size like they do in clothes!!! I suppose I can always use them as a goal item? I don't have any clothes to 'get into now' ... could be the motivation I need to ramp it up? I dunno...
  2. You look great... I agree, those trousers are defo a classic style! Just think, soon they will be too big and you'll have to buy new ones...lol... keep up the good work!
  3. Great question... I am defo going to keep my eye on this thread. At 16mths out I am sooo close to goal I can almost taste it - pun intended...lol - but it 'feels' sooo far away...
  4. Hey M2G... I haven't heard of this but I suppose upping your good carbs couldn't hurt. I stopped low carbing a while ago 'cos it wasn't making a huge impact on my weight loss... I upped my cals by adding good carbs about 2mths ago and I've lost a little more. Actually, I was thinking about low carb again, just for a week or two to see if it helped shift a pound or two... perhaps we should have a carb day together...lol!
  5. Ducker... you are soooo not alone! All my ife I have had the traditional pear shape... that is until I became morbidly obese... since losing weight, I am now a proper apple... and I have to say it is weird! The last of my weight is all around my middle - well, there is more but for my surgeon's goal, I think it is hanging around the ole tummy area - but at least I can now conceal it with nice clothes and clever underwear!!
  6. Raine... just noticed your ticker.... check out your BMI girl!! Great job my sleeve friend xx

  7. Oh I agree... this place is a great place to come and browse; read a wealth of info... have a vent or pass on some experience. I too, Yecats, would have been lost without it and I probably wouldn't have done as well as I have. I too want to say THANKS! =]
  8. I thought I would post an update... I am still fighting the good fight to get to goal... and this week my efforts have been rewarded by the scales. I have lost 4lbs this week at nearly 16mths out. The last time I lost 4lbs in one week was in Oct last year, when I was just 17wks out!!! I know, this isn't gonna last... but I have to say, it has put a smile on my face and a spring in my step. I really do think I am going to make my surgeon's goal at least! And I am sooooo close of getting out of the obese BMI range I can taste it! I suppose what I am trying to say is that if you are losing at a snails pace... stick with it. Take each and every pound with pleasure. Remember fellow slow losers... slow but sure wins the race!
  9. Ok, so you might or might not remember that back at the beginning of the year I had bloods done, after seeing my doc about my irregular mthlies and hot flushes and they showed that my hormone levels were out of synch... that I am peri menopausal (hadn't turned 40 then)... I was put on HRT Patches but taken off them after 7 weeks due to severe migraines. My menopause doc said that there was nothing further she could do for me; advised me to lose more weight and gave me an 'open appointment' for a year if I needed to go back to see her. Anyway,my mthlies have gone awol again and over the last two weeks the symtoms are back with avengance... and it is getting me down! The hot flushes are not only uncomfortable, but embarrasing. Imagine standing infront of 30 teenagers ( I am a high school teacher) when all of a sudden you feel like someone has plugged you into the power mains; my face goes beetroot in colour and I have sweat all over my face. I have had the kids in my class ask me if I am ok?! NIGHTMARE... what do I say...? I also had an interview today in school - an external body came in - and I had a severe flush whilst talking with the man... really embarrasing! Also over the last couple of weeks, I am starting to get really moody and tearful again too... I hate this feeling. yesterday in work, I could of quiet easily of ripped someone's face off... not like me at all! I am normally upbeat and lighthearted in work. ( I do get stressed at home mind...lol) I know, from the last time, that this will cause me a problem with my weight loss... I was getting to a stage where I was happy with 2-5lb a mth... starting to feel like a success and feeling better about myself and my health. I know that this week I will see a small gain ... and the feelings of frustrations are starting to come back too! I sooooooo want to get to my surgeon's goal by christmas... but that is getting really close now and I fear that it won't happen for me. What am I to do? Any words of wisdom, advise or encouragment will be received, as always, with pleasure... Sorry for the vent!
  10. coops

    hot flushes are back with avengance!

    Hiya Meg, The ice cube thing is a good idea... not sure if I could do it in class, but defo at home. Did you find that when the flushes were with you it effected your weight loss? I did well last week but got a bounce up this week =[ It is soooo frustrating when I know that I am not eating more than 1200 cals a day. I'm thinking of really dropping the carbs again for a week or two... but in the past, it hasn't really showed a significant weight loss for me.... I'm in a bit of a pickle as of what to do! I am also wondering if I should just take some time out and just maintain for a while, but then I really want to get to goal... Oh I don't know...lol!
  11. Hey you!!! Thanks for you comments... and 'bloody' is a great British word...lol!! I re-read my post, and I hope it didn't come across as being a downer... just struggling a little over here!! You and the other friends on here really help me stay focused and determined... hugs from across the pond xx

  12. Hey Feedyoureye... thanks for the comment on Diva's post, thought I would reply here instead of taking over that thread! You are sooo kind! I am sorta feeling a little out of sorts again this week. Had a tough week! Yea, I know, realistically that my weight loss is good, but I really want to see more progress now! It is sorta getting boring, this will I make goal, won't I make goal nonsense... if that makes sense! Hope you are well. I love your profile pic and that hat is uber trendy! x

  13. Diva, thank you soooo much for your comment... needed it today! Those doubting monkeys are on my back again... so, to read those lovely words really cheered me up! x

  14. coops

    Hey CLK!... thanks for your message... I've just seen your ticker... BLOODY HELL!!! 3lbs to goal! How good are you? Your profile pic looks amazing too...x

  15. coops

    hot flushes are back with avengance!

    Thank you for that... I am willing to try anything Meg, to be honest. I am starting to hate them... the severe ones really leave me feeling drained too... did that happen to you?
  16. Seriously Diva... you are such an amazing and determind woman... As much as I try, I just don't seem to be making progress right now!! I will keep fighting, I was born fighting....lol.... but LOOK at your achievements in such a short space of time. Honestly, if I had the money, I would have my whole bloody body sorted, sucked and nipped to get to goal!! Yep, I am that desperate now! xx
  17. coops

    Hello Normal!!!!

    OMG... what an achievement... i am sooo pleased for you! You really have done yourself very proud indeed. Congrats on that BMI... it still feels like a dream to me. What DOES it feel like. And 100lb lost, that is bloody amazing! Congrats again! =]
  18. Not sure if you have done this or not... measurements? When you start to exercise and burn fat, as you are doing, you might find that your weight stays the same or bounces around a few pounds up and down but you are actually getting smaller. Muscle, although weighs the same as fat, takes less space under the skin. I might be that you are now smaller than you were before the exercise??? I know this has happened to me. I went on a 7 week stall and lost three inches...
  19. Hey Diva, thanks for the update... glad you are doing well and seeing results soooo soon! I agree with M2G, come May this will be a distant memory and having those swimsuit pins will be so worth it! Have to be honest here, I am a tad envious of you my sleeve friend. Looking forward to seeing progress pics! Hugs x
  20. Het Sleeve4me.. What can I say that hasn't been said already! I love these pics... and I agree... beautiful before and after! x
  21. coops

    Christmas Challenge!!!

    Ok, I'm in too. I didn't do the Hallowe'en one 'cos previously I kep falling way short and got really cheesed off... Now, I have come to terms with my slow weight loss ... so, I'll shoot for my surgeon's goal for the ultimate christmas pressie - that short of Robbie Williams in his tiger pants, of course! SW - 164 GW - 154 lbs to lose - 10 Wish me luck fellow sleevers, 'cos I need it!!
  22. Looking good there Sleeve of Steel... and moments away from onederland !! Keep up the good work!
  23. Julie .. that is bloody brilliant... I am about a pound or two away... can't wait to join you! Congrats! =]
  24. I agree with the other posts... before you under go any more surgery, try the tips suggested. If you still have good restriction, then I think you could get near your goal with the sleeve. Track your food for a couple of 'normal days' first; cals, carbs Protein and fluids. This will give you a base line to work from. You can then make an educated adjustment to your intake and see what happens. Good luck... let us know what you decide
  25. coops

    4lb this week

    Hey Lynda... Yep... my face was certainly a pciture!! I got on and off 4 times... even thought about changing the batteries...lol! I rushed and told my hubby, who was well impressed too... he had been saying all week that I look smaller, but me being me just thought he was being polite! This just gives me the thirst to get to my surgeon's goal now. I really hope that I will hit it for christmas! What a pressie that would be...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
